Chapter 140
The next day.

At the gate of the lord's mansion, Harun watched Luo Xiu and He Xi go away.

After the banquet last night, he invited the two of them to rest in the Lord's Mansion for a night, and Luo Xiu and He Xi did leave after a night of rest.

Looking at the two figures on the horse in the distance, Harlan shook his head imperceptibly.

At this moment, a middle-aged man in a black robe walked up to Harun's side, and said with a smile, "My lord, if there are no accidents, you will be the master of Meicheng in a short time."

Harun glanced sideways at this person, and said with a wry smile: "It's not that simple, I don't know if their identities are true or not."

The black-robed man chuckled and said, "For this, the lord already has an answer in his heart."

Harlan sighed, "I'm afraid of getting burned."

The man in black turned his attention to the two figures that were gradually disappearing, "After all, you are also the lord of Meicheng, not to mention, this matter has nothing to do with you, right?"

As he said that, the man in black smiled at Harlan, "You didn't ask them to do that, did you?"

Harlan was stunned for a moment, and said with a hearty smile: "You're right, I didn't do anything, and the consequences of doing what they said and did, even if this happened, it has nothing to do with me."

The man in black laughed and said: "The chamber of commerce has taken action, which has nothing to do with you, but it is beneficial. The chamber of commerce has no action, and it has nothing to do with you. The most is to maintain the status quo."

Harlan nodded, "That's right, it has nothing to do with me anyway, let them make trouble."

After finishing speaking, Harlan waved his hand and turned back to the house.

The man in black looked back at Harlan's back, then at the direction where the two figures had disappeared, smiled, and walked in another direction.

On the side of Luo Xiu and He Xi, the two were walking slowly on horseback.


Luo Xiu yawned, and said weakly, "Hexi, do we really want to go to that mercenary city with those two guys?"

Moss is alright, at least he's a decent person, that woman Colefran. It's hard to say.
He Xi rolled his eyes at him, "I have said everything, and I have promised them."

Hearing He Xi's words, Luo Xiu resigned to his fate with a sigh.

He Xi smiled and said, "You don't want to go with LeBlanc that much?"

Luo Xiu shook his head, "Not really, LeBlanc is quite interesting, but."

He Xi asked curiously: "But what?"

Luo Xiu hesitated and said, "I'm afraid that LeBlanc will spoil you."

He Xi was stunned for a moment, then rolled his eyes, "Why can't I take her well?"

Luo Xiu looked at her and said seriously: "Study well for three years, and learn badly for one day. I have to guard against it."

He Xi ignored him, but said to himself: "I was planning to bring LeBlanc to Merlot Heaven earlier."


Luo Xiu looked at Hexi in shock, "Are you crazy?"

LeBlanc to Merlot Paradise?

Thinking of that scene, Luo Xiu couldn't help but shudder.

The picture is too beautiful to bear to look directly at.
Luo Xiu couldn't help but said: "Aren't you afraid that she will make Melo Heaven crazy?"

"I have neither chickens nor dogs in Melo Paradise."

He Xi rolled his eyes at Luo Xiu angrily and said flatly: "I had such an idea before, but then I felt that I still need to take another look."

Luo Xiu nodded, "LeBlanc is pretty good, but what about her personality?"

The two chatted and went to the tavern.

At this time, in front of the tavern, LeBlanc and Moss had already packed their bags.

LeBlanc was wearing leather armor and looked heroic, like a ranger.

Moss is still in armor and dressed as a knight.

Both are holding a horse by the hand.

After saying hello, Moss said, "Don't forget, you owe me another horse."

LeBlanc rolled her eyes, "I remember!"

After speaking, LeBlanc got on his horse.

Moss shook his head.

The horse appears to be gone for good.
Looking at LeBlanc, Luo Xiu smiled and said, "Why, are you planning to travel far away for a long time?"

On LeBlanc's horse, there are several large and small bags hung up.

LeBlanc said as a matter of course: "Why don't you go out and prepare well?"

After tidying up his luggage, Moss looked at Luo Xiu and He Xi in surprise and said, "You don't have any luggage?"

Luo Xiu and He Xi, apart from the armor on their bodies, the long sword on their waists, and a water bag, they had nothing else, and they didn't look like they were going to travel far.

Luo Xiu pointed to his right horseback, where a small cloth bag was hanging, "Do you need a lot of things?"

LeBlanc looked at the two suspiciously.

Could it be that these two have been sleeping in the wild all the time?
Luo Xiu looked at LeBlanc and Moss, and urged, "Hurry up, it's a bit of a grind."

LeBlanc sneered, and then don't come to sleep in the rubbish place.

After LeBlanc and Moss packed up, they embarked on a journey to the Mercenary City.

After leaving the inner city, LeBlanc and Moss were going to buy some dry food and some items needed in the field, and agreed with Luo Xiu and Hexi to meet at the city gate.

After thinking about it, Luo Xiu went to the weapon shop and bought a pair of bows and arrows. He also prepared some arrows and hung them on the side of the horse.

Before there were only him and Hexi, some methods could be used at will, but now there are LeBlanc and Moss, some methods cannot be displayed at will.

Luo Xiu and He Xi had nothing to buy and left the city early.

It's been a long time.

LeBlanc and Moss just left the city slowly, and there were a few more packages in the two of them immediately.

Looking at LeBlanc and Moss, Luo Xiu asked, "Do you know the way to Mercenary City?"

LeBlanc pouted, "I don't know."

As she spoke, she took out a piece of cloth and said, "But I have a map."

Luo Xiu nodded. If he had a map, he would not get lost, and he would not need to find the way.

After studying the map for a while, several people walked in one direction, which was the direction of Mercenary City.

Not long after a few people left, ten people wearing leather armor quietly left Meicheng.

They also had weapons strapped to their waists.

On the other side, Luo Xiu and He Xi were following LeBlanc and Moss towards the Mercenary City.

They walked very slowly, mainly because LeBlanc was running around like a wild horse that had run loose after leaving the city.

Luo Xiu and He Xi didn't have the idea of ​​hurrying on their way, so their journey slowed down a lot.

Frazer's civilization level is very low, and he has not stepped into the technological age.

Because of this, Frazer was not harmed by various human factors, such as nuclear pollution and industrial waste water, which seriously polluted the environment.

Surrounded by green mountains and green waters, the air is fresh and natural, and the scenery is beautiful.

Several people walked slowly towards the direction of Mercenary City, looking around, and it was getting dark after a while.

A few people came to a forest. Because it was dusk, the light in the woods was not very sufficient, and it looked a bit dark. The breeze blew past, matching the dark woods, it was very gloomy.

Luo Xiu and Hexi had already dismounted and led the horse. Moss did the same. Only LeBlanc, who had been running wildly before, felt tired from dismounting and walking, so he slumped on the horse and was led by Moss.

Footsteps fell, and the leaves creaked on the ground.

Luo Xiu looked at LeBlanc curiously and said, "Are you not afraid?"

It stands to reason that women should not be more or less panicked when encountering such a scene?
Moss said with a smile: "We rangers have never been anywhere. Those haunted houses that claim to be haunted by ghosts will also go for a night when we have no place to take shelter on rainy days."

At this time, LeBlanc said weakly: "It's a ranger like me, you are a descendant of a knight, you have nothing to do with a ranger, okay?"

He Xi smiled softly and didn't speak, her eyes moved, and she looked back.

Sensing something strange about He Xi, Luo Xiu asked curiously: "What's wrong?"

He Xi shook his head, "It's nothing, just a few people followed us."

"Ah? What did you say?"

LeBlanc and Moss looked at Hexi in surprise.

The two didn't hear clearly just now.

He Xi shook his head and smiled, "It's nothing."

At this moment, LeBlanc made a grimace, and said grimly, "There really aren't ghosts~"

Moss hit LeBlanc's horse lightly with a whip.

The horse jumped down in shock, and LeBlanc, who was making a face on the horse, couldn't sit still, and almost fell off by accident.

LeBlanc said angrily, "Moss! Are you looking for a fight?"

Moss joked, "A duel between us?"

"Are you a man? Do you have the nerve to fight a woman with me?"

LeBlanc looked at Moss with disdain.

Moss said seriously: "I never regarded you as a woman."

Luo Xiu leaned over and asked curiously, "You've always regarded her as a man?"

Moss shook his head and said with a smile: "No, in my opinion, she is between a man and a woman."

Luo Xiu blurted out, "Hermaphrodite?"

LeBlanc and Moss asked curiously, "Who are intersex people?"

Luo Xiu thought for a while, and said to LeBlanc, "It's someone like you, who is neither male nor female."

LeBlanc's brows had a few black lines, "I'm a woman!"

Moss said coolly, "How do you prove that you are a woman?"

Luo Xiu looked at LeBlanc calmly.

LeBlanc angrily said, "Didn't you see my mother's breasts!?"

As she spoke, she puffed out her chest.

Moss said coolly, "I have breasts too, yours are just bigger."

Luo Xiu looked at Moss and marveled.

very strong logic
LeBlanc was about to get angry, but suddenly thought of something, and said with a coquettish smile, "Oh, so that's it,
Moss' face darkened.

Luo Xiu looked at the two of them, in order to hurt each other, you really can think of anything.
At this time, a small stream appeared [-] meters ahead of them, and a deer was drinking water beside the stream.


Luo Xiu signaled Moss and LeBlanc to be quiet, and pointed to the deer beside the stream.

Moss and LeBlanc stopped arguing and looked in the direction Luo Xiu pointed.

LeBlanc curled her lips and whispered, "I've never seen the world, so I'm just a deer."

Luo Xiu ignored her and stretched out his hand to He Xi.

He Xi took out his bow and arrow, and said, "How about me?"

Luo Xiu thought for a while and said, "Then you come."

He Xi is better at this aspect.

I saw Hexi bowing his bow and nodding his arrow.

Arrows aimed at the deer by the stream.


The arrow flew out and shot at the deer.

The deer drinking water by the stream was hit directly, twitched a few times and died.

"There's venison tonight."

Luo Xiu snapped his fingers, and said to the stunned LeBlanc, "It's just a deer. I haven't seen the world."

Moss did not hide the shock in his eyes, and praised: "Good arrow skills."

A knight beside the queen
Just Hexi's move directly dispelled Moss' doubts about the identities of the two.

Just now, it took less than three seconds for Hexi to bend the bow and nock the arrow to shoot the arrow, and the movements were all done in one go.

Although Moss has confidence in his own archery skills, he is not very sure that he can shoot an arrow within three seconds and hit a deer more than 100 meters away.

Moreover, when Hexi was shooting an arrow, he was watched by the audience, and his movements were done in one go without any hesitation.
This also shows that Hexi is very confident in his arrow skills.

LeBlanc looked at Hexi with a look of admiration, "That's amazing!"

He Xi smiled, "I have meat to eat tonight."

Moss nodded.

Now he understood why Luo Xiu and He Xi didn't bring dry food.

With such archery skills, do you still need dry food?
Luo Xiu said to LeBlanc, who had little stars in his eyes, "Don't be an idiot, hurry up and deal with that deer, we will rest here tonight."

LeBlanc said dissatisfied, "Why me."

Luo Xiu said angrily: "The arrow is mine, and the deer was shot by Hexi. Do you want us to go?"

LeBlanc looked at Moss who was doing nothing.

Moss shrugged and said indifferently: "If you come to camp, it doesn't matter if I go to deal with the deer."

Hearing what Moss said, LeBlanc could only get off the horse with a face of reluctance, and walked to the creek.

Luo Xiu took out his long sword, walked aside and cut off a few branches.

Moss asked suspiciously, "What are you going to do?"

Luo Xiu ignored him, and took out a piece of folded cloth from the small cloth bag on the horse.

Then the branches are built into a square frame, fixed with more resilient rattan, and then the cloth is opened to cover the frame, and the four corners are firmly nailed into the soil with the branches.

A simple tent is set up.

Looking at the tent in front of him, Moss was a little confused.

It's not that he won't, on the contrary, Moss will, and he is preparing to do so.

But Moss didn't expect that Luo Xiu would also
Moss coughed twice, and began to set up a tent for rest at night.

It was getting dark gradually.

Luo Xiu, Hexi, LeBlanc, and Moss gathered around the fire.

A carcassed deer was roasting on the fire.

Moss kept sprinkling spices on the deer.

LeBlanc on the side was drooling looking at the roasted deer.

He Xi winked at Luo Xiu.

Luo Xiu nodded, got up and walked towards the woods.

Moss and LeBlanc didn't notice.

Moss was busy grilling and LeBlanc was busy watching.
Luo Xiu walked to the place where the horse was tied, and took a leisurely look at the dark forest in front of him.

During the day, Hexi had told him that someone was following him.

And when they set up camp just now, Luo Xiu also checked. Someone was indeed following them, and it seemed that they were here to find fault.
(End of this chapter)

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