Chapter 137 Dinner
Moss snorted coldly and looked at LeBlanc displeased.

LeBlanc looked at him embarrassingly, it was impossible to pay back the gold coins, not even in this lifetime!
After LeBlanc pretended to be stupid, Moss finally let her go.


LeBlanc exhaled.

Finally no more money.
At this time, a person walked in the door, Sang Kun.

After finding Luo Xiu and He Xi, Sang Kun walked directly to the bar and said, "Lord Luo Xiu and He Xi, Lord Harun sent someone to inform me that I can take the two of you back. Let the wind wash away the dust."

Luo Xiu looked at him and asked in surprise, "So fast?"

It's only afternoon now. It's still early in the evening
Sang Kun shook his head and said, "I don't know either, that's what someone told me."

Luo Xiu smacked his lips, "Unfortunately, Dufang hasn't gone yet."

Hearing the word Dufang, LeBlanc's eyes lit up behind the bar, "Dufang is a good place!"

Luo Xiu looked at LeBlanc, "Do you like to go to the blockade?"

LeBlanc shook her head and said sternly, "That's my second home! Old Ghost Dufang and I are sworn brothers!"

He Xi glanced at her in a daze.

You really don't have any good habits, eating, drinking, whoring, gambling, and everything!

Moss said angrily: "If you send money like you, that old ghost will probably want to confess you."

Luo Xiu looked at LeBlanc, smacked his lips and said, "It seems that your gambling luck is average."

LeBlanc pouted, "I am happy!"

At this time, Sang Kun, who was standing quietly in front of the bar, said with a bitter face: "My lords, let's go back."

Hearing Sang Kun's words, Luo Xiu said with some unfinished thoughts: "It's a pity that I can only go to the casino next time."

LeBlanc seemed to have thought of something, her eyes lit up, and she said, "The casino in Meicheng is boring, next time I will take you to the casino in Mercenary City, where it will be interesting!"

Moss covered his face and said, "The casinos in Mercenary City are about to arrest you, don't you have any points?"

LeBlanc looked at him suspiciously, "When did it happen? Why don't I know?"

Moss said angrily: "The last time you went there to play, you were unhappy when you lost too much, and you muttered about what you couldn't lose, but you almost hooked up the boss's wife and left, did you forget about this!?"

As he said that, Moss gritted his teeth and said, "Also, why did you give them my home address! They chased after my gambling debts to my home! I was almost cut off by my father!"

Hearing what Moss said, Luo Xiu couldn't help but be amazed, "Tsk tsk, you really don't do any human affairs, you."

LeBlanc was a little embarrassed, "Then what. I must have been drunk at the time."

LeBlanc changed the topic and said, "Don't worry about these little things, the dinner party is about to start, let's go to the dinner party first."

As she said that, she also winked at Sang Kun, who was on the side with a bitter face.

My old lady has helped you so much, so say something!
Sang Kun understood the deep meaning, and hurriedly said: "That's right, let's go to the dinner party to chat."

As he spoke, he froze for a moment, looked at LeBlanc suspiciously and said, "I wish I hadn't invited you to the dinner party."

LeBlanc blinked, "Don't pay attention to these details."

Luo Xiu said with a smile: "She is my friend, it should be fine if I take her to the dinner party."

Sang Kun said in a daze, "I don't know about that either. But it should be fine."

He Xi looked at Luo Xiu, then at LeBlanc, and then rolled his eyes.

Moss hesitated: "Are you thinking about it?"

LeBlanc went to the Lord of Plum's dinner.
He's a little worried that May City will blacklist them after the dinner
He Xi also looked at Luo Xiu, she always felt that something bad would happen if she brought LeBlanc to the dinner party.
Luo Xiu patted the table and said proudly: "That's the decision."

If you don't bring someone interesting to follow, then this banquet will be too boring
LeBlanc gave a thumbs up, "Good brother! You are so loyal! If you need anything in the future, just ask me, if you can't find it, just report my name!"

Luo Xiu blinked, you've said that to the end, your name, your reputation is probably already in the street
Moss was speechless: "Report your name? Then get beaten more severely?"

LeBlanc gave him a blank look, and said angrily, "How do you talk? Can you talk well!"

Finally got Kaizi. No, my friend, what should I do if I scare him away.

He Xi drank the rest of the wine in the glass in one gulp, and said, "Since the dinner party is about to start, let's go first."

Without waiting for Luo Xiu and Moss to talk, LeBlanc said, "Listen to you"

As she spoke, she looked at the rest of the tavern and shouted, "Get out of here, it's closed today!"

Hearing her words, all the big mercenaries could only leave with a sigh, muttering and cursing.

LeBlanc tidied up the bar, propped her hands on the bar, turned her body slightly, and jumped slightly, drawing a perfect arc with her body, and crossed the bar.

"Young hero is very skilled!"

Luo Xiu gave a thumbs up.

LeBlanc clapped her palms, "That's it!"

He Xi was a little surprised and said: "Just now, those mercenaries seemed to be quite afraid of you."

LeBlanc said proudly, "Because I can fight!"

Luo Xiu asked curiously, "How good is it?"

LeBlanc held up a finger.

Luo Xiu said angrily: "Ten is ten, why are you giving the middle finger!"

LeBlanc was a little embarrassed, "Habits. Habits"

Moss said unhappily: "She can spank ten, at most one."

As he said that, Moss added earnestly: "But the moves are vicious, and the moves will cut off children and grandchildren."

Hearing what Moss said, Luoxiu couldn't help but look at LeBlanc, "You're so ruthless."

Tsk tsk
LeBlanc said unhappily, "I'm a beautiful woman who travels the mainland, so don't be careful? I don't have any housekeeping skills, and I've already eaten all my bones."

"That's true."

Luo Xiu nodded in agreement.

He Xi laughed and said: "Okay, let's go."

Luo Xiu nodded and said to Sang Kun, "Lead the way."

Several people went out of the tavern and got the horses.

Luo Xiu, Hexi, and Moss all had horses, but Coke Flan didn't.

LeBlanc said shyly, "In that case, Ms. Hexi, I can only squeeze with you."

Luo Xiu sneered, "You're thinking about shit, let's walk."

I treat you like a brother, but you are greedy for the body of my future object
Moss's face turned black, but this woman still has the same virtue.
LeBlanc said seriously: "You guys misunderstood me, I don't mean anything else."

Luo Xiu sneered.

If your eyes hadn't been sneaking at certain parts of He Xi's body, I would have believed your words.

He Xi walked two steps towards Luo Xiu calmly, "Okay, it's not too far anyway, let's go."

Looking at LeBlanc's gaze, Hexi couldn't help but think of Liangbing.

Ever since Liang Bing's philosophy changed, she felt that Liang Bing looked at her differently
LeBlanc was a little disappointed and said, "Okay."

She still wants to experience the feeling of being hugged by Hexi
Under the guidance of Sang Kun, several people came all the way to the Lord's Mansion.

LeBlanc sighed a little, the lord's money is big, and he makes more money than she sells wine
Moss looked at LeBlanc's slightly glowing eyes, and said angrily, "What bad idea are you planning to make!"

LeBlanc said displeased, "Is this the kind of person I am in your eyes?"

Luo Xiu looked at the two amusedly, and walked in with He Xi.

Moss reminded LeBlanc: "This is the lord's territory, don't make any crooked ideas, be careful that you are also included in the list of prohibited entry by Meicheng."

LeBlanc waved her hand casually, "Got it, got it, it's really long-winded."

Before Moss could say anything, LeBlanc followed Luo Xiu and He Xi into the Lord's Mansion.

Her gaze stayed on those crystal decorations, and she clicked her tongue in admiration.

As expected of the lord's mansion, it is rich
Looking at LeBlanc's appearance, Moss couldn't help shaking his head.

Several people walked directly to the main hall.

In the main hall, a long table more than ten meters long is placed, and several crystal lamps are placed on the long table.

There were already a few people sitting at the long table, all of them were elderly, but they were all in good spirits.

At this time, Harlan came from the side hall, and he was stunned when he saw LeBlanc, then he smiled and said, "Why is that flower from the tavern here?"

Luo Xiu was stunned, "Flower? What kind of flower?"

Harlan laughed and said, "LeBlanc is the most beautiful woman in Meicheng, she's just a flower."

As he said that, Harun pulled Luo Xiu and said, "Come, come, let me introduce you. These are some big names in my city of Meicheng."

Several people at the table stood up, and one of them smiled and said, "Lord Harlan will introduce you. We can do it ourselves. I am the president of the Meicheng Chamber of Commerce, Long Manga."

The others also introduced themselves.

There are five people in total, all of whom are members of the Meicheng Chamber of Commerce and senior figures.

The president is Ron Manga, the vice president is Ken Thorne, and the other three are also vice presidents, Sareth, Ann Dunn, and Lipti.

Luo Xiu clicked his tongue a little. Don't these people find it troublesome to name them?

After the introduction and greeting, Luo Xiu and the others also took their seats.

They were arranged on the right, with Luoxiu sitting first, Hexi second, LeBlanc and Moss in turn.

Originally, according to the status, LeBlanc was the fourth position, but she wanted to be next to He Xi, so she had to ask Moss to switch seats with her.
LeBlanc curled her lips and whispered, "It's really troublesome."

He Xi who was beside her chuckled lightly and said, "This is a necessary link, there is nothing to do if it is troublesome."

On the other side, Moss warned in a low voice: "These are big figures from the chamber of commerce, don't cause trouble"

The Meicheng Chamber of Commerce is very famous in dozens of cities around here, because the Chamber of Commerce has gathered the big merchants from these dozens of cities and monopolized most of the business.

LeBlanc pouted, "I see."

Beside Hexi, Luo Xiu whispered, "Why did Harlan invite these people over?"

He Xi smiled and said, "What else can I do, it's nothing more than to win us over, or beg us."

Now Luo Xiu and Hexi are knights from Merlot City, and with the traffic of this era, it is impossible to verify the truth of Merlot City in Meicheng every month.

Luo Xiu looked at Moss and LeBlanc, who were talking quietly.

He suddenly expected LeBlanc to do something to disrupt the situation.

Harlan, who was talking to several people from the Chamber of Commerce opposite, returned to the main seat, poured Luo Xiu a glass of wine, and said with a smile: "This is fine wine."

Luo Xiu was a little speechless, the wine is not red wine, there are ups and downs?
Seeing that Luo Xiu was not interested, Harun said, "Are you wondering why I invited people from the chamber of commerce to the dinner?"

Luo Xiu looked at him.

Harun smiled wryly: "The Chamber of Commerce is entrenched in my Meicheng, so I have to pay attention to them."

Luo Xiu pouted.

You are the same as them.

It's getting late.

People took their seats one after another, and all of them were from the upper class of Meicheng.

Most are linked to chambers of commerce.

Harlan clapped his hands.

Dozens of maids came out of the side hall one after another, holding plates in their hands.

After the food was placed on the table, Harlan got up and said with a smile, "Today's dinner is for two knights from Merlot City to clean up the dust."

"Lord Harun, why don't you introduce us?"

"My lord, who are the two?"

The main hall suddenly became lively.

Harlan waved his hand to signal for everyone to be quiet, and then he said, "On my left are the knights from Merlot City, Luoxiu and Hexi."

Luo Xiu and Hexi got up in good time.

A lady smiled and said, "You are really young and promising, you have already become a knight at a young age."

Another middle-aged man echoed: "That's right, I'm still from Wangcheng, and my future is limitless."

The president of the Chamber of Commerce, Ron Manga, said with a smile: "Knights of Merlot City, it seems that the two adults were crowned by Her Majesty the Queen herself."

Luo Xiu smiled modestly, feeling extremely embarrassed in his heart.

If only he was a knight, but he's not.
At this time, Ken Thorne, the vice president of the Chamber of Commerce, said flatly: "I wonder if the two knights are working in Merlot City?"

Luo Xiu looked at him, finding fault. It seems that these people did not fully believe that they were the knights of Merlot City.

Ken Thorne smiled inexplicably and said, "It's not that Mr. Knight has been traveling for too long and forgot about his department."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the main hall looked at Luo Xiu.

Even LeBlanc and Moss.

The knights of Merlot City are all crowned by Queen Anne Cid, and they will hold positions in Merlot City, which is also a kind of compensation for the lack of territory of the knights of Merlot City.

If Luo Xiu didn't even know this, then his identity as a knight would be intriguing.

The corners of Luo Xiu's mouth rose slightly, and he looked at Ken Thorne, the vice president of the chamber of commerce, with a smile.

He has already made it clear that the chamber of commerce wants to find fault.

Luo Xiu really doesn't know what kind of office or office it is, but he doesn't care if his identity is exposed, anyway, the identity of the knight is made up at will
What's more, knights and so on, compared with gods, aren't they not enough?
Luo Xiu took a sip of the wine and was about to speak when He Xi said coldly, "We are the knights beside the queen, the fourth and fifth knights."

After Hexi's words fell, the entire main hall fell silent.

Everyone looked at each other.

The fourth knight?The fifth knight?Have this job?
Ken Thorne sneered twice, "What is fourth and fifth, I've never heard of it, so they are two liars."

As he said that, he looked at Harlan and said tauntingly, "My lord, our eyes should be brighter, and we shouldn't regard anyone as a knight."

Everyone looked at Luo Xiu and He Xi suspiciously.

LeBlanc next to Hexi had an ugly expression on her face.

LeBlanc whispered: "I'll overturn the table later, you guys take this opportunity to escape."

When Moss heard her words, several black lines appeared on his forehead.

The president of the Chamber of Commerce, Ron Manga, looked at Harlan, and then he secretly signaled Ken Thorne to shut up.

Because Long Manga noticed that Harlan's face was not ugly, but dignified.

At this time, under the watchful eyes of everyone.

Harun got up and gave a solemn knight salute to Luo Xiu and He Xi.

Everyone in the main hall was stunned.

Luo Xiu was also a little stunned, could there really be such a position?
(End of this chapter)

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