From the super Seminary, science and technology become gods

Chapter 13 Upgrading the 3th Generation Divine Body

Chapter 13 Upgrading the Three Generations of Divine Body
In the infirmary, a group of people chatted chatteringly.

Everyone in the Xiongbing Company looked at Luo Xiu who was trembling slightly on the bed with some surprise.

What's going on here?Bullied by an angel?
Luo Xiu thought back to the conversation with Yan in the meeting room, and tears came to the corners of his eyes.

My famous name is gone
Wiping the non-existent tears from the corners of his eyes, Luo Xiu gritted his teeth and looked at Lena who was confused.


"Eh?" Reina replied blankly.

Looking at the bewildered Lena, Luo Xiu suddenly lost his temper.

"How long have I been in a coma?"

Alas. The only blame is that he is too simple.
In fact, logically speaking, Luo Xiu would not say that kind of nonsensical words, it can only be said that Yan's appearance really made Luo Xiu stunned for a while.

"Four hours, by the way, why did you suddenly faint at the door of the conference room? It was an angel who sent you to the infirmary." Reina asked.

Luo Xiu was also a little confused.

"Yan take me to the infirmary?"

Reina said as a matter of course:
"That's right, the nurse said that you were brought to the infirmary by a beautiful woman with long blond hair and armor."

Luo Xiu:.
destroy it. tired
Luo Xiu said to the concerned crowd with a look of lovelessness, "I'm a little tired, you guys go back first."

Following the departure of Xiongbing Company and his group, Luo Xiu dragged his exhausted body back to the dormitory.

After a long time, Luo Xiu decided that he couldn't keep dying like this, and had to cheer up.

So he took out the energy crystal that Yan gave him.

"Just this thing, the source of my embarrassment is caused by this thing!"

Luo Xiu wanted to fall but was reluctant.

After comforting himself for a while, Luo Xiu got busy with business.

"Xin Huo, start upgrading the third generation of super soldiers."

[Energy supply detected. 】

[Start upgrading. 】

[Optimizing genes. 】

The mechanized sound fell, Luo Xiu's body floated in the air, and the silver wings behind him unfolded by itself.

Soul-like pain filled Luo Xiu's mind.

The pain was so painful that he wanted to die, but he still couldn't cry out.

As if a century had passed, the pain finally subsided slowly.

[Gene optimization is complete. 】

[Begin to upgrade your physique. 】

grass!It's not over yet!
Without waiting for Luo Xiu's reaction.

A huge energy swept through his whole body.

At this time, Luo Xiu only felt that there were countless ants running and biting in his body.

This time not only can't bark, but can't even move.

One wave of energy recedes, and another wave of energy strikes again.

Luo Xiu's face gradually turned grim.

The painful and itchy feeling made his life worse than death.

After an unknown period of time, the energy crystal beside Luo Xiu changed from the size of a fist to the size of a thumb, and it continued to shrink at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

The night passed like this, until Luo Xiu's painful process was over, and the crystals on the side finally disappeared.

[The upgrade of the third-generation super soldier is complete. 】

[It has been upgraded to three generations of gods. 】

[The angel gene of the host has been upgraded to the second stage. 】

Luo Xiu, who seemed to be spoiled by the side, was a little surprised when he heard Xinhuo's report.

Phase [-] Angel Gene?
Angel gene still has a stage?

Luo Xiu stood up and moved his body, and suddenly noticed the difference from before the upgrade.

There is another pair of silver wings on his back!He now has two pairs of four wings!

Luo Xiu frowned and looked at his extra pair of wings.

"Can you hide this extra pair of wings?"

【Can. 】

"Will it affect me after hiding?" Luo Xiu was a little worried that his strength would decline after hiding.

[No, just change one of the host's genetic codes, and the host can show and hide at will. 】

That's a good feeling!

He's going to the Angel Nebula in the near future. Could it be that he's going there with two pairs of wings?That is really jumping back and forth on the life and death line of being studied by slices.


Not long after the words fell, the two pairs of wings on Luo Xiu's back became a pair.

Luo Xiu casually walked around the dormitory and flew around, but found that there was no difference.

"Compare the gap between me and Monkey King."

【Analyzing. 】

[Comparison result: It can be killed in seconds. 】

Luo Xiu was a little dumbfounded, the gap is so big?

"Compared to Angel Yan."

This time he chose a stronger target.

【Analyzing. 】

[Comparison results: The gap between the host and it is too large, it is not recommended to fight. 】

"Can Angel Yan kill Monkey King in seconds?"

[Battle deduction in progress. 】


[Deduction result: No. 】

Luo Xiu couldn't figure it out, it should be impossible to instantly kill Monkey King, but he could, but he couldn't, what is the reason?
Immediately asked, "Why can I instantly kill Monkey King?"

[Sun Wukong is a pure beast warrior, and does not have a matching computing engine. 】

Luo Xiu understood this time, Sun Wukong does not have a computing engine, but he does, so he can instantly kill.

"Read Monkey King's clone fighting method and store it in the knowledge base."

【Loading. 】

[Successfully stored in the firewood knowledge base. 】

Luo Xiu was jealous of Sun Wukong's avatar before, but the previous test results showed that his energy was not enough to support the second-generation super soldier, so he had to give up.

Nourishing ~
A virtual console appeared in front of Luo Xiu.

"Call out my gene chain and cell structure template."

Luo Xiu's voice fell, and two sets of virtual pictures and data appeared on the console in front of him.

"Make a copy."

[The reproduction is successful, whether to create an energy body. 】

"Direct fusion after successful manufacture."

After more than an hour.

Next to Luo Xiu, there was another Luo Xiu who was exactly like him.

"Detect the gap between my body and mine."

[The split body has [-]% to [-]% of the energy of the host. 】

Luo Xiu looked at the clone that was exactly the same as him, and said with a smack, "With the strength of my current three generations of gods, I can only drive ten clones at the same time."

His avatar method is different from Sun Wukong's. Luo Xiu's avatar method is a new avatar method that has been calculated and upgraded by the fire.

The new clone method directly reproduces Luo Xiu's genes and body cells, and the clone possesses 30.00% of the body's strength.

Luo Xiu can now drive ten clones with [-]% of his strength to fight at the same time.

In other words, the current Luo Xiuguang can crush everyone in the Xiongbing Company with his avatar.

"Tsk tsk, the avatar technique is really perverted." Luo Xiu pouted and sighed.

It is said that Hexi also knows how to split body, that is the existence of the four generations of gods, tsk tsk, he still has to hug the thigh of the angel.

Well, but he has to find a way to kill Hua Ye.

Luo Xiu thought about it.

Luo Xiu continued to study his three generations of gods for a while.

The three generations of gods have a lifespan that is close to infinity. When injured, they can recover their state through energy supply. They don't need to eat and drink to maintain their lives.

Looking at his body, Luo Xiu still couldn't believe it.

This becomes a god?
Alas. The world of geniuses.
I have to say that the current Luo Xiu is a little swollen.

But it's worth mentioning that the current Luo Xiu can be regarded as the number one person in the entire super god universe.

In the command room of the Juxia, Luo Xiu said to Dukao and Sun Wukong: "I have already upgraded to the third generation of gods."


Ducao looked at Luo Xiu with surprise.

Luo Xiu smiled slightly.

"Well, it was upgraded last night."

Sun Wukong looked at Luo Xiu whose energy was different from before, and said with relief, "Good job!"

Then he said to Ducao:

"Now you have confidence in the next war."


Ducao is very sure.

Luo Xiu even had some expectations for the next gluttonous invasion.

He has now become a god in the true sense, and with the support of Xinhuo, isn't it simple to stop a gluttonous civilization with only second-generation super fighters at most?

"Chief, I have to go back to Tianhe City first, and I have some private matters to deal with."

PS: Please collect it! !Ask for a ticket!
(End of this chapter)

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