From the super Seminary, science and technology become gods

Chapter 126 Convening a Theocracy Conference

Chapter 126 Convening a Theocracy Conference
"Huh? Rebuild Deno civilization?"

Luo Xiu was a little confused.

Play so big?

Two people rebuild a civilization?Oh no, it's two civilizations.
Jessica nodded and said, "Yes, according to the information we got, Cheng Yaowen got many backup super genes from Dukao, and also got a lot of resources."

Luo Xiu was a little surprised, "The backup super gene? From the Xiongbing Company?"

"Yes, it contains the gene sequences of all the members of the Xiongbing Company, even your gene, Wang."

Jessica looked a little dignified.

Ducao backed up the genes of everyone who had been in the Xiongbing Company, handed them over to Cheng Yaowen, and even left behind a batch of resources to rebuild the Deno civilization.

Such a big thing didn't come to the surface until Lei Na found Cheng Yaowen.

Luo Xiu said thoughtfully: "It seems that Chief Du still hopes to reproduce De Nuo in his heart."

Then, he waved his hand and said, "Forget it, don't think about it, let's talk about the current situation."

Hearing Luo Xiu's words, Jessica said respectfully: "My lord, in the past year, there has been no war between high-level civilizations, and Lieyang hasn't produced Lieyang star again, and they haven't even gone to Earth."

Luo Xiu understood that Lie Yang must be busy resurrecting Emperor Hongkun now.

Jessica went on to say: "The earth is no longer invaded by foreign enemies, and the remaining invading forces inside the earth have also been cleaned up by the Xiongbing Company. On the side of the demons, Qiangwei has restrained all the demons in Kunsa and is rebuilding Kunsa."

Luo Xiu nodded and said, "Angel Civilization, where is Melo Heaven?"

He hasn't been to Merlot Heavenly Court for half a year.

Since he and Hexi researched the three generations of angel genes half a year ago, he has not been to the Heavenly Court of Melo, but has been busy researching the divine body technology on Tianyi Star.

Jessica said respectfully: "On the other side of Melo Heaven, Queen Yan is busy selecting new guardian angels."

Luo Xiu said with some doubts: "Select a new guardian angel? What do you mean?"

Jessica explained: "The queen of Merlot's heaven has removed all the older generation of angels over ten thousand years old."

After hearing Jessica's words, Luo Xiu was a little shocked and puzzled.

Didn't everyone start to agree with her as the new queen?How to pay back.
Luo Xiu shook his head, then slowly said: "Can you be sure that the group of demons Qiangwei brought are honest?"

Hearing Luo Xiu's words, Jessica was stunned for a moment, and then said seriously: "I can be sure that the demons are staying on Kunsa planet, and they haven't come out since Kunsa's duel."

Luo Xiu nodded and said: "Okay, then hold a theocracy meeting in my name, the time is set in three days, and invite Earth, Melo Heaven, Lieyang Civilization, and Demon Civilization to participate, um, Death Song Academy will also send a message. an invitation."

As he said that, Luo Xiu seemed to have thought of something, and said again: "Forget it, I will go to Death Song Academy in person, and you will send invitations to Earth, Lieyang, Melo Heaven, and Kunsa."

Luo Xiu felt that it was time to finalize the alliance.

It is conservatively estimated that there will be less than 1000 years to face the war with the void.

Let's finalize the alliance first, and there will be no internal friction in the following time.

He knows some details about Void.

Obviously, it is not something that these civilizations in the universe can fight against.

Jessica said with some doubts: "My lord, why are you holding a theocratic conference? You invited so many civilizations"

Luo Xiu's eyes flashed, "Alliance, All Universe Alliance."

Hearing Luo Xiu's words, Jessica's expression became serious, "Yes, Wang, I'll do it now."

After Jessica left, Luo Xiu stretched his waist, and then went to Death Song Academy.

Styx Galaxy · Death Song Academy.

Luo Xiu looked at the empty academy in front of him with some emotion.

Since Hua Ye's Heavenly Palace Order, Taotie Civilization and Giant Wolf Civilization were destroyed, the Triangle Civilization withdrew from the stage and went into hiding.

Karl has no army capable of fighting, and even some scholars from the Death Song Academy have left one after another.

Now Carl is really alone.

Luo Xiu glanced at Dead Song Academy, and then he was surprised to find out.

There is actually only one person in the entire Death Song Academy, and this person is not Karl!
Luo Xiu's figure flashed, and he appeared in a study room in the academy. The study room was very clean and there were no luxurious decorations.

A man in black robes and a skull mask sat at the desk and read quietly.

And it wasn't Carl.
Luo Xiu looked at him and said with some doubts: "Who are you? Where is Karl?"

The man in black stood up, saluted and said respectfully: "I have seen the Sky Wing King. I am the servant of my god Karl. My god Karl left half a year ago."

Hearing his words, Luo Xiu was stunned.

Luo Xiu asked with some doubts: "Where did he go?"

The man in black said respectfully, "I don't know."

After speaking, he paused, and said again: "But my god Karl has left an oracle, if you come, please go to his study."

Luo Xiu nodded, thanked him, and then walked out of the study. Before going out, he suddenly turned around and said, "Your name is Snow, right?"

Hearing his words, the man in black was obviously taken aback, and then said respectfully: "Yes."

Luo Xiu nodded, turned and left the study, and went to Carl's study.

He really didn't expect Karl to leave.

But where can Karl go?

Didn't he want to concentrate on studying the void?

At this time, Luo Xiu suddenly thought that Karl had entered the void!
It's really possible!

After a while, Luoxiu came to Karl's study.

He sat in the seat where Carl was reading alone, and casually flipped through a few books on the desk.

"Theory of Time and Space", "Theory of Space", "Structure of Space", "Space".
Looking at the titles of these books, Luo Xiu was a little speechless, they were all about space
Suddenly, there was a wave of fluctuation in the space opposite the desk!
Nourishing ~
The electric current sounded, and Karl's figure appeared opposite Luo Xiu!

Shocked, Luo Xiu found out that it was just a virtual image
Carl smiled lightly and said, "Hi, how are you, Luoxiu, long time no see."

Luo Xiu laughed twice, "Ahem. Long time no see."

He was almost taken aback by Carl's virtual image.
Luo Xiu settled down, and asked with some doubts: "Where have you been?"

Carl's virtual image chuckled and said, "Where else can I go? Of course I entered the void."

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Hearing Carl's words, Luoxiu coughed violently.

He really went into the void!

Luo Xiu said in shock, "How did you get in?"

Karl's void image thought for a while, and said seriously: "Through the construction of a special space channel, and then go in."

Luo Xiu waved his hand and said, "Let's not talk about this, did you find anything after entering the void?"

Carl's virtual image said a little speechlessly: "This is just a virtual image, and there is no information about me after I entered the void."

Hearing Carl's words, Luo Xiu was a little confused, "Then why did you leave me this virtual image?"

Keep it for fun?

Karl's virtual image blinked and said, "Goodbye."

Luo Xiu's face was full of black lines, "You made a virtual image just to say goodbye to me?!"

At this moment, Carl's virtual image smiled and said, "Just kidding."

He said, "Although there is not much information, it is already very important to you."

Luo Xiu said excitedly: "I knew it! Say it! Say it!"

He knew Karl wouldn't be so boring.

Carl's virtual image was silent for a moment, and said: "The void is very powerful, even more powerful than you imagined."

Luo Xiu was a little shocked, even Karl felt so.
Karl's virtual image said again: "As far as I know, there are many void creatures, and they have several races. Among them, there are two most powerful tribes, one is the hunting tribe, the other is the hunting tribe, and there is a supreme tribe in the void. God Void God!"

At this time, Carl's virtual image became blurry.

Without waiting for Luo Xiu to ask, he said again: "It's bad! My main body has been discovered. Let's talk about it next time, remember! Be careful of the Void God! It's very powerful!"

The voice fell, and before Luo Xiu asked, Karl's virtual image completely disappeared.

Luo Xiu glanced at the empty study room with some headaches.

It comes fast, it goes fast, it really comes and goes in a hurry.
As for what Carl said he was discovered.
Luo Xiu didn't worry about Karl's safety at all. With Karl's insidious and old-fashioned attributes, there was a high probability that no major trouble would happen.

But he was very curious about the Void God that Carl was talking about, as well as the hunters and hunters.

"The Void God should be the sixth-generation god. I don't know what the hunters and the hunters are like, and I can't explain clearly."

Luo Xiu murmured softly.

Then he flipped through a few books on the desk and left Carl's study after finding nothing to read.


Snow waited respectfully.

Luo Xiu thought for a while and asked, "Do you want to follow me to Tianyi Star?"

Hearing his words, Snow was stunned for a moment, then chuckled lightly and said, "Thank you Sky Wing King for your kindness. Although I yearn for Sky Wing Star very much, I still want to wait for my god's return in the academy."

Luo Xiu nodded, "Then it's up to you."

After all, he left Dead Song Academy directly and returned to Tianyi Star.

In the bedroom, Luo Xiu half leaned against the window sill, looking at the scenery outside the window, thinking in his heart.

Xin Huo had read some information about Void before. Although it was not comprehensive, it also had a lot of useful information.

But the Void God, the hunters, and the hunters didn't read it.

From this point of view, they are already powerful enough to interfere with the reading of Xinhuo's information.

Only Di Hongkun and Kaisha are known to interfere with the reading of Xinhuo's information. In this way, they are at least at the same level as Di Hongkun and Kaisha.
So far, this is not good news
Luo Xiu sighed.

Time is still pressing.
Up to now, the technology of the five generations of gods is still far away and has no direction.

He has researched it for half a year and has not made any progress, but he has researched a sacred body, an enhanced version of the sacred body.

But that still belongs to the category of the four generations of gods
In half a year, he upgraded the sacred body again. Today's sacred body can absorb certain dark energy attacks and stellar energy attacks, and the aggregation speed has also been greatly accelerated, but it still belongs to the fourth generation of gods, but in the fourth generation The divine body and the sacred body have been improved a little bit, and this can no longer be improved again.

For now, even the All-Cosmic Alliance can't beat the Void.
According to the existing information, there are five generations of gods in the void, and there is even at least one sixth generation of gods. The known universe does not even have the technology of five generations of gods.
Looking at the scenery of Tianyi Star outside the window, Luo Xiu shook his head and sighed softly.

Time comes three days later.

The theocratic meeting convened by Luo Xiu was held on Tianyi Star.

In a splendid hall in the Sky City of Tianyi Star, several people were already seated at the round table.

Luo Xiu and Jessica behind him, the current queens Yan and Hexi of Melo Heaven, Lianfeng and Ge Xiaolun from the Earth Heroes Company.

Looking at the four of them, Luo Xiu had a subtle expression, "Is there any news about Lie Yang and the demon?"

Yan glanced at him, and said in a slightly cold tone, "What? There must be demons in this meeting?"

Although Morgana is gone, the bridge between angels and demons is still there!
He Xi leaned lazily on the chair and said casually, "Will love come or not?"

Lianfeng and Ge Xiaolun looked at each other, a little confused.

Both of them still don't quite understand what Luo Xiu's purpose was in convening this so-called theocratic meeting.

Ge Xiaolun was about to say something.

At this time, an angel walked into the hall and said respectfully, "My lord, Pan Zhen of Lieyang civilization is here."

Luo Xiu nodded and said, "Bring him here."

After a while, Pan Zhen in military uniform walked into the hall with a cold face.

With a cold snort, he sat down on one of the chairs.

Pan Zhen glanced at the few people in the hall, and said coldly: "Luo Xiu, what are you going to do?"

Luo Xiu glanced at him, then smiled lightly and said, "Don't worry, there are not yet all the people."

Not long after, an angel walked into the hall and reported: "My lord, the rose of the demon civilization has brought a demon."

Luo Xiu nodded, "Bring them here."

Not long afterward, Qiangwei, with short red hair and black armor, with an indifferent expression, led the demon Atuo into the hall.

Luo Xiu looked at the crowd, and when they were all present, he said slowly, "There is only one purpose for letting everyone come to my Tianyi Star today, and that is the alliance."

Without waiting for everyone to refute, he continued: "I believe that you have also received some news. I am very responsible to tell you about the news about the void. It is true. The void will come to our universe within a thousand years. At that time, we will We will face an unprecedented war that will affect the entire universe.”

As soon as the words fell, Pan Zhen stood up and said, "So, you want to unite the power of the whole universe to fight against the void?"

Luo Xiu shook his head, "No, the current alliance is only to maintain a stable development trend among our major civilizations, and we can't stand the internal friction now. As far as the information I have obtained so far, even if the known universe gathers the power of the entire universe, Can't fight the void."

Yan frowned and said, "Is it really as exaggerated as you said?"

He Xi shook his head and said: "No, what he said is not exaggerating at all, the strength of Void is indeed very strong."

Hearing Hexi's words, Pan Zhen said mockingly: "Since we can't resist, what's the point of joining the alliance?"

Luo Xiu looked at him and said seriously: "We need time to develop and develop wholeheartedly. The alliance now is for the next hundreds of years to pass smoothly."

(End of this chapter)

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