Douba's Dual System

Chapter 55 Chapter 55

Chapter 55 Chapter 55

The Murong Family's Jinyufang has some business contacts with the Jiama Empire's Miter Auction House.With the documents issued by the empire, it is very convenient to communicate with each other.

After entering the Jama Empire, he also walked a long way before he found the first town to settle down.

The environment of Heifeng Fortress was really bad. After rushing for a day, Chen Cheng also felt very tired, so he decided to cultivate here for a day before making plans.

"Sir, I went to the map shop in the city to buy a map. Our current location is Muyun Town, which is a small border town. The town of Qingshan you mentioned is still a long way from here, at the speed of a carriage. It will take three days to arrive." Murongzhi put a map on the table in front of Chen Cheng, pointed to the corner of the beast mountain range that runs through the Jiama Empire, and said to Chen Cheng.

In fact, Chen Cheng doesn't understand this kind of paper map very well.Chen Cheng, who is used to navigation, is really uncomfortable with this kind of retro stuff.

"Well, you can arrange it." Chen Cheng nodded, and all matters concerning the route were handed over to Murongzhi.

After entering the territory of the Jiama Empire, the security here is much more stable than that of the Izumo Empire.

The royal family of the Izumo Empire lacked prestige, poor management, and chaos in the world.Bandits are rampant in the suburbs, and it is not uncommon to see large-scale battles in the streets.

And the Jama Empire, although it has such an anti-imperial strength as the Yunlan Sect, the Yunlanzong has not opposed the royal family as openly as the Chen family and the Wanxiemen in the Izumo Empire.Therefore, the royal family of the Jama Empire still has great prestige in the hearts of the people, and the people are willing to obey the laws formulated by the Jama Empire.

After a day of repairing, continue on your way.

Murong Zhi had already planned the route.

He made detailed plans for where to eat and where to rest on the way.With such a journey housekeeper, Chen Cheng is also happy to relax.

Three days later, Chen Cheng came to Qingshan Town.

This is a small town near the Demonic Beast Mountains. Most of the people in the town live on the products of the mountain. Therefore, mercenary is a very common occupation here.

Mercenaries with teams and scattered mercenaries can be seen everywhere.

The roads in the town are not wide, and half of it is a carriage walking on the road.

Chen Cheng's carriage walked in the middle of the road, and all the people walking on the road had to go to both sides.

"Yo, this car is so luxurious. Those who can use a carriage of this size are really rich people." The roadside man said enviously, looking at the carriage passing by.

"You haven't seen the horse that the blue-clothed gentleman at the front is riding, it's a fierce wind chasing horse, a second-order monster. The price of a wind chasing horse costs nearly ten thousand gold coins. Ten thousand gold coins, What kind of concept is that? Besides, even if you have money, you may not be able to buy it." One person pointed to Murongzhi's horse at the front and said very proudly.As if to recognize the chasing horse, it is a very face-to-face thing to show off to others.

"Oh my God, nearly ten thousand gold coins, this is too expensive, I can't earn ten thousand gold coins by collecting herbs all my life. He needs so much money for a horse, and the world is too unfair. ' one complained.

Chen Cheng didn't understand what the passersby were talking about. With Murongzhi opening the way, he sat in the carriage safely.Suddenly, Chen Cheng felt that the poisonous fighting qi in his body was greatly suppressed, and it seemed that these fighting qi were no longer his, and he did not listen to the orders at all.

This kind of feeling is very bad. This powerful poisonous fighting qi has only just been acquired. This feeling of loss makes Chen Cheng's heart panic.

Chen Cheng frowned and raised the curtain.

The carriage was slowly moving forward, and Chen Cheng saw a girl in a plain white dress walking away from the road.Just looking at her, Chen Cheng will be under great pressure, this feeling is like the fear of a mouse seeing a cat.

"Copy the system and check her attributes."

Name: Xiaoyixian (Note: Just use this name, don’t give her another name.)
Cultivation: One Star Fighter

"It really is her." Looking at the attributes displayed by the system, Chen Cheng's face became gloomy.

The source of Chen Cheng's evil poison came from an ancestor of the Chen family who possessed the evil poison body.This cultivation technique has a strong suppression force on other poison masters, but in the face of the real poisonous body of evil, all the advantages will be gone, and it will become a great supplement to the poisonous body of evil.

"Master, what's wrong?" Yan Lingji, who was in the same carriage with Chen Cheng, asked when she saw Chen Cheng frowning.

"Haha, it's fine." Chen Cheng recovered his expression and counted at Yanling Ji.

"Copy system, copy the ability of the little medical fairy." Chen Cheng said to Yan Lingji casually, and then contacted the copy system.

The copy opportunity this time was the one in the middle of last month, and Chen Cheng did not use it.It is to save this time to copy the evil body of Xiaoyixian.

In the source of evil, there is a way to kill people to gain physique, but Chen Cheng doesn't want to do that.

In this era when the three views follow the five senses, appearance is justice.

If the other party is a male, kill him and kill him, Chen Cheng will not have any burden in his heart.As for the little medical fairy, Chen Cheng can't do anything to destroy flowers.

Besides, Chen Cheng has a copy system and a better method, why would he want to kill someone?

"Copy failed!"

"The host's fire control has been improved."

A series of system prompts sounded in Chen Cheng's mind.

"Fuck." Chen Cheng scolded inwardly, but Chen Cheng was still very disappointed that the copy was not successful.

There are only five days left until the next copy opportunity, so wait a few more days.

The Evil Poison Body is related to Chen Cheng's advancement of the source of Evil Poison into a high-level cultivation technique of the Heavenly Rank, and Chen Cheng is bound to obtain it.

If the copy fails once, try it twice. If it doesn't work twice, try it three times.
If you can't succeed all the time, you can only.
Xiaoyixian has a very good temperament, standing quietly on the side of the street, with a faint smile on her calm face, she looks very peaceful and peaceful.

Xiaoyixian held a small bamboo basket in his hand, and in the bamboo basket, there were several medicinal herbs.She looked at the carriage passing by, and she asked a very peculiar smell in the air.

The smell was so faint that no one else could smell it.It was because of her special constitution that the little medical fairy was able to detect that faint aura.

The tip of Xiaoyixian's nose moved, she sniffed in the air, her eyes closed slightly, revealing an expression of incomparable enjoyment.

"What a charming breath, it must be a very delicious poison, I really want to eat it." Xiaoyixian thought to himself.

She opened her eyes and looked at the vehicle that was moving away, she showed an expression like a greedy cat.

"Xiao Lin, who owns that motorcade just now, it's so luxurious." Xiao Yixian asked a man from Wanyaozhai next to her.

"Hey, miss, how do I know this? Ordinary people can't afford a carriage of their level. It looks like a big man from the city." The guy said with a sneer.

"I always feel that they are weird, and they seem to have a bad premonition, but I can't tell what it is." Xiaoyixian frowned and said in a low voice.

"Miss, don't worry about this, the big man's business, the big man has to worry about. We, the little people, just do our business well. Make more money and support your family is better than anything else." That guy, With a simple smile on his face, he squinted and said.

"Yeah." Xiaoyixian nodded and ignored it, but the uneasiness lingered in her heart for a long time, lingering.

 I am so cute, please vote. oo
(End of this chapter)

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