Douba's Dual System

Chapter 50 50LV3

Chapter 50 50LV3
In Qingxing Court, Chen Zihang met Tian Yan.

Tian Yan was wearing a plain white dress with a jet-black cloak behind him.Her weak appearance is pitiful.

"Mr. Tian Yan's talent is really the envy of Chen. Chen has always boasted that he is talented. Until I met Mr. today, I realized that there are heavens and people." Chen Zihang looked at Tian Yan and praised.

In this world, the title of Mr. does not refer to men specifically.Some special talents can also be called Mr.

"Mr. Chen's words are serious, and they start at the end of the day. How dare you compare yourself to your son. To achieve today's achievements, it all depends on the training of Canaan Academy." Tian Yan said modestly.

When Tian Yan entered Chen Zihang's house, it was indeed the identity of Canaan College.

"I have heard that Canaan College's teaching level is the best in the world for a long time, but I have never understood it. Meeting Mr. Tian Yan today was really eye-opening." Chen Zihang sincerely praised.

A few years ago, Canaan College came to Anyang City to recruit students.At that time, Chen Zihang's talent was enough to enter Canaan Academy.But Chen Zihang had some family matters to solve, so he refused the invitation of the trainee mentor.

However, Chen Zihang did not feel sorry for it. Now that Tian Yan said that she was a Canaan student, Chen Zihang was just a little emotional.

The power of Canaan College is indeed much stronger than that of the Chen family.But Canaan Academy is an academy after all, and resource allocation is for all students.As for the resources of the Chen family, although they can't compare to Canaan College, they can train Chen Zihang individually and concentrate their resources.

It is not clear who is better and who is worse, it all depends on individual applicability.

But Chen Zihang thought in his heart that the Chen family would be better than Canaan College.He is a person with a strong sense of family, and perhaps his cultivation in the Chen family is not as good as studying in Canaan College.But in the past few years in the Chen family, he has gained the recognition of the family and has the status he has today.

This is what he thinks is the most valuable, not the wealth that can be exchanged for cultivation.

"Yan is willing to follow the son, and hope that the son will help him more in the future." Tian Yan said.

"It's easy to say, easy to say." Chen Zihang said with great satisfaction.

A Dou Ling is of high value, and Chen Zihang has only recruited three Dou Ling experts who belong to him, and Tian Yan's initiative to surrender really made Chen Zihang very happy.

Tian Yan's background is innocent, and under the system's settings, everything is traceable.As for whether there is anything else that is not known to Chen Zihang, he still needs a few days to investigate.

During such a special period, Chen Zihang was also worried that Tian Yan was an undercover agent sent by other forces.But as a fighting spirit, Chen Zihang didn't dare to openly investigate. If Tian Yan sincerely voted, and Tian Yan knew about these things, it would inevitably make others feel cold, and it would be difficult to recruit talents in the future.

After Chen Zihang summoned Tian Yan, he arranged a residence for Tian Yan and left Qingxing Garden.

In seven days, he will leave, and it will be difficult to return to Anyang City in the future. These days, he needs to take good care of Fang Siyao.

Chen Zihang has special eye skills, he can see through disguise.Because of this, he was able to see through Feng Ruoxue's disguise on the street.However, Chen Zihang did not find that Tian Yan was disguised, so he was a little relieved to Tian Yan.

After all, Tian Yan was a new character who was just summoned. He was a new face, and it made no difference with or without disguise.Therefore, she saw Chen Zihang as she was.

After Chen Zihang left, Tian Yan just let her servants take her and walk around freely in Qingxing Garden, saying that she was familiar with the environment and did not do anything special.

But Tian Yan's memory is very strong, just walking through it once, the whole terrain of Qingxingyuan will be remembered in her mind.

After Chen Cheng came to Chen Ye's yard, he walked into the secret room, and Chen Ye opened the formation for him.

Chen Cheng took the poison, entered the pool, and began to practice.

Today, Chen Cheng's understanding of the source of evil has deepened, and his cultivation state has become more complete.

Although Chen Cheng's cultivation has not improved, in other respects, there has been a significant improvement.

"Congratulations to the host, the low-level martial arts has been upgraded to LV3, and you will get an extra copy opportunity."

"The first skill is upgraded to LV3, and the system additionally upgrades the current skill to the next level for the host."

Two voices sounded in Chen Cheng's mind.

With toxin quenching, Chen Cheng's body improved too fast.His physical reaction ability, strength, and speed have all improved, so his fighting ability has been improved.

Fighting is a very common ability, and it is natural to improve it very quickly.Fire control and toxins are relatively high-end abilities, and they are not as convenient to improve.If you rely on yourself to improve, it is difficult to upgrade without years of research.

replication system
Name: Chen Cheng

Cultivation: Six Star Fighter

Abilities: Medium Combat, Poison, Fire Control
Summoning system
Name: Chen Cheng

Cultivation: Six Star Fighter

Comprehensive combat power: Nine Star Fighter

Summoned characters: Chi Lian, Huang Yaoshi, Yan Lingji, Jiang Yuyan, Tian Yan
Because of the strengthening of his body, Chen Cheng's fighting skills improved.However, this kind of fighting technique had little effect on Chen Cheng's comprehensive combat power.It wasn't enough for him to deal with the Great Fighter, and his attack power was still unable to break through the Great Fighter's Dou Qi armor.

"Hey, I seem to have felt a subtle change in Cheng'er's body just now, but in the end I can't feel the change. It's really weird." When Chen Cheng's fighting skills were upgraded, Chen Ye did. He felt that Chen Cheng's body had undergone some changes, but when he checked it carefully, he couldn't find the reason.

The strength of the body cannot be sensed by the power of the soul.Only by really playing, can you know the change.

"Cheng'er, the first stage of the source of evil is just to transform the fighting qi in your body into the highest quality poison fighting qi. At this stage, I set a goal for you to complete it within half a year. As long as this stage is completed, Your body will be invulnerable to all poisons, and ordinary toxins cannot cause harm to you. Therefore, if you encounter other poison masters, you can restrain them."

"The second stage is to use the power of evil poison to exercise your soul power. Only when your soul power is strong will you be able to use poison more easily."

"Soul power is mainly a method only used by alchemists, and the strength of the soul is generally set innate. But the source of evil poison is also a practice method to hone the power of the soul. The realm of the soul is from low to high. They are Mortal Realm, Spirit Realm, Heaven Realm, and Emperor Realm."

"Through the poison technique, you can exercise your soul. As long as you can reach the spiritual realm, this second stage is completed. At this stage, the time limit I set for you is five years."

"And the third stage is devouring. The body is transformed into a poisonous body, and you can improve your cultivation by devouring other poisons. At the same time, when fighting a poison master, you can subconsciously absorb the opponent's poison for your own use. Yuan It took me 15 years to reach this stage, but the time I set for you is eight years."

Chen Ye thought so in his heart.

Among the surviving people, there are only three people who practiced the source of evil poison, and Chen Ye's is the one who knows the most about this practice.

As for other people, even if the attribute is poison, like Chen Li, they can only practice another earth-level exercise in the family.

Chen Cheng's talent is too strong, and Chen Yuan is much stronger when he was young, so he has high expectations for Chen Cheng.

Chen Cheng didn't know what Chen Ye was thinking. While cultivating, he separated his mind and communicated with the system.

"Use this copy opportunity and choose Chen Ye as the copy target." Chen Cheng gave an order.

Chen Cheng didn't expect that when his skill was upgraded to LV3, he would get an extra copy opportunity.


"Replication failed, the host has not acquired any ability."

(End of this chapter)

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