Douba's Dual System

Chapter 348 348

Chapter 348 348
Venerable Sword looked at Feng Lingyu solemnly, and Venerable Sword clearly felt that she was an extremely dangerous woman when she made a move just now.

"Who are you?"

Venerable Sword ordered others to deal with Ling Xiao's injury, while he looked at Feng Lingyu and asked seriously.

Around Sword Master, there are strong energy fluctuations, and invisible small swords have already taken shape.

He pays attention to Feng Lingyu, once he finds something is wrong, he can take action immediately.

"This king is the current queen of Huangquan Pavilion."

Feng Lingyu stared at Venerable Jian with a pair of almond eyes, and said in a cold voice.

And around Feng Lingyu, there are nine-colored energies surrounding it, which are gorgeous and unassuming.Under the rendering of this nine-color energy, Feng Lingyu looks more fairy-like.


This name is very weird, and those people around the square are thinking about it.The leader of the Sifang Pavilion has never been named after any king, but Feng Lingyu's title is exactly like this.

"Do you want to fight? This is the battle of the Dou Zun, it must be very exciting."

The people watching all got up one by one and became very excited.

In the entire continent, there are not many strong people who have reached Dou Zun, and being able to witness the battle of Dou Zun with their own eyes is really a life without regrets.

Because of this, those onlookers have ignored that once the Dou Zun fights, where the energy will affect, do those with low cultivation bases still have a chance to survive?
Venerable Wind Venerable Lei Venerable also looked at the center of the square solemnly. They were very unfamiliar with the current Huangquan Pavilion. If Venerable Sword could really fight Feng Lingyu, it would be a good time to see Huangquan Pavilion's ability to control the new leader.

At this time, the elder who checked Ling Xiao's injury got up and came to Venerable Sword, and whispered something next to Venerable Sword, and Venerable Sword couldn't help showing anger on his face when he heard the words.

Ling Xiao's ribs were broken in many places, the arm that used the sword was also broken, and his internal organs were severely damaged by the shock.Moreover, Guan Hai's kung fu is very strange. After being hit by Guan Hai's ultimate move, his strange blood-attribute fighting energy will enter other people's blood, destroying their blood.

Wanjiange has the ability to heal such an injury, but it will still leave sequelae, which will also have a great impact on Ling Xiao's future upgrades.

"Queen, your Huangquan Pavilion disciples have gone too far. It's just a sparring session, but you are so cruel, don't you intend to give me an explanation?" Venerable Sword asked angrily.

"Fist and feet have no eyes, it's because his skills are not as good as others, explain what, explain?" Feng Lingyu's vermilion lips parted slightly, and the answer she gave made Venerable Jian very dissatisfied.


Feng Lingyu's answer made Venerable Dejian and several elders of Wanjiange glar at her.

"Okay, okay, that's great. Unexpectedly, the majestic Wanjiange will be humiliated like this one day. Queen, if this is the case, then I will ask you for advice." Venerable Sword said angrily.

Several Wanjiange elders saw the vision of Venerable Sword making a move, and hurriedly led Ling Xiao out of the square.And some elders of Huangquan Pavilion, feeling the hostility of Venerable Sword, also got up, left their seats, and the huge aura came out through their bodies, and the aura of the seven Douzong elders was released, and those people on the spectator platform were shocked. Both of them were so oppressed that they quickly raised their momentum to resist.

Feng Lingyu waved her hand, signaling those elders to back down.But the elders received Feng Lingyu's instructions, and immediately withdrew their momentum.

However, Feng Lingyu was not afraid of Venerable Sword's invitation to fight.She smiled coldly and said: "If you want to fight, you can fight. Ever since I was promoted to Dou Zun, I have never fought a real Dou Zun. I just use you to practice."

Venerable Sword sneered, and then said: "Hey, practice your hands? I'm afraid you don't have that ability! The field here is too small, how dare you fight against the sky with me?" high.

"Why don't you dare?" Feng Lingyu shouted all over her body, and also followed closely.

Seeing that both of them had flown away, everyone was a little disappointed, disappointed that they could not see such an epic battle.But some people were rejoicing that it was the battle of Dou Zun, they were afraid and died in the aftermath.

"Qing'er, you and the elders stay here and go up to have a look for the teacher." In the direction of Fenglei Pavilion, Venerable Lei explained to a beautiful woman in a colorful dress, and then rose into the air, chasing after him. On the previous two people.

In the direction of Xingyun Pavilion, Venerable Feng also flew high into the sky and stood with Lei Zun. They needed to understand the combat power of Huangquan Pavilion, an unknown Dou Zun.

Where a few people are fighting, in the extremely high sky, the aftermath of the battle cannot affect the ground, but the people on the ground can't see the specific situation of the battle clearly. They can only see two light groups, which are constantly colliding, and the energy is gradually dissipating. , like a meteor shower.

"Hey, tell me, who is stronger, Venerable Sword or the queen of Huangquan Pavilion?"

"That goes without saying, of course Venerable Sword is stronger. You know, even Venerable Huang Quan is no match for Venerable Sword. This queen can't be stronger than their pavilion master, right?"

"Fart, Her Majesty's strength is unfathomable, and the Sword Master is definitely not Her Majesty's opponent."

On the ground, people were discussing.When there are too many people, it is easy to quarrel.

In the sky, the nine-colored divine light and the sword shadow confronted each other, and one after another exploded, shaking the sky and the earth.Venerable Feng and Venerable Lei, who were watching the battle, looked at the two of them in shock.

"That aura just now, is it a monster? This queen is actually a monster?"

And when Feng Lingyu made a move, the aura that was different from that of humans naturally leaked out.

Venerable Wind and Venerable Lei looked at each other, seeing the shock in each other's eyes.

Their disciple Feng Qinger and Mu Qingluan are all monsters, and their families are not weak, so Venerable Wind and Venerable Lei also have a certain understanding of the world of Warcraft, but the two major fighters have never heard of it. In the middle, when did a Dou Zun who uses nine-color energy appear.

"It's such a tyrannical breath, its real body is definitely at the level of the overlord of the World of Warcraft. If this is the case, Brother Jian is in danger." Venerable Feng analyzed the battle situation, and Venerable Lei expressed the same feeling.

The Nine-Colored Heaven-Swallowing Python is definitely the overlord in the World of Warcraft, and its status is still higher than that of the Nine Nether Underworld Python and the Sky Demon Phoenix.Only the ancient Sky Phoenix, Sky Snake and Taixu Ancient Dragon can be compared with it.

And the Nine-Colored Heaven-Swallowing Python is comparable to the descendants of the human Dou Di, while the Sword Master is just an ordinary Dou Zun.There is not much difference between the realms of the two, so naturally the one with the higher bloodline is better.

Feng Lingyu's fighting talent is not bad. When she didn't have the blood advantage before, she could have a slight advantage in the battle with Jia Xingtian or Yunshan at the same level.

But now, Feng Lingyu's conditions are superior to her opponent's.After fighting for an hour, Feng Lingyu gradually became familiar with the fighting style of the Dou Zun class. Even if he didn't change back to his original body, the only sword master he could fight was parrying.

Seeing that Venerable Sword fell into a disadvantage, Venerable Wind and Venerable Lei all looked bitter. The current three pavilions are basically in the same camp. Seeing the defeat of their allies, they are really worried.

A queen is already so tyrannical, and how powerful is it to kill the Venerable Huang Quan and the demon king of the Glacier Valley?
Suddenly, Venerable Feng looked at one place, and his complexion changed suddenly.

I saw, in the distant sky, there was a handsome young man in black and an ugly monkey standing in the air.

Venerable Feng didn't know when this man and monkey came over. He didn't feel any spatial fluctuations, nor did he feel any breath leaking from this man and monkey.

monkey?This is the mysterious demon king?
young people?Could this be the mysterious Dou Zun that Lin Yinger said appeared in the Tianmu Mountains?
Fuck, these two are not the same person, that is to say, there are actually three Dou Zun in Huangquan Pavilion?It seems that we still underestimated Huangquan Pavilion, and now we are in trouble.

Venerable Wind shouted in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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