When myths come into reality

Chapter 105 One round of blood day slowly lifts off

Chapter 105
The tragedy of Lishan.

It quickly spread online.

Countless people were shocked by it.

For a while!

The eyes of the whole world are attracted to Lishan.

"Did an earthquake happen? To cause such a big movement, I'm afraid it has reached level 8 or above!"

"I live in Tongcheng now, and the loud noise of the earth shaking and the mountains shaking can be heard from time to time. I heard that many people died there."

"What's the situation now? Is it an earthquake? Or is Qin Shihuang resurrected?"

There was a lot of noise on the Internet, and everyone was talking about it.

The imperial capital even held an emergency meeting for this.

Lishan originally had a large number of residents flooded in because of the resurrection of Qin Shihuang.

Some of them died while eating blood beads.

Rescue teams were partially evacuated.

But there are still many people who have not escaped!
These people are ready to be rescued!
A transport plane full of soldiers pierced the sky and flew towards Lishan with a roar.

This vast ancient mountain, which has witnessed countless histories, has completely changed its appearance today. It used to be called "Xiuling" because of its green and beautiful scenery, but at this time, Lishan is more like A living hell.

The soaring resentment condensed in the void, and it lingered for a long time, which was shocking.

Countless historic sites collapsed, and cracks appeared on the mountain. The big ones were a hundred meters wide, and the small ones were tens of meters deep. They were like gluttons devouring everything.

Time passed slowly.

The boulder soaring into the sky finally stopped falling.

Seeing this, Ding Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, and then shouted, "Boy, you won't be able to beat me up, let me go quickly."

At this time, Zhuang Chen was like a sloth, hanging directly on Ding Yuan's body, in a trance, muttering all the time, "Dead, dead, all the students are dead."

Seeing his ghostly appearance, Ding Yuan persuaded him, "Dead people can't be resurrected, so mourn!"

The sudden earthquake devoured many people.

In order to save their lives, everyone can say that the Eight Immortals cross the sea, each showing their magical powers.

Zhuang Chen was undoubtedly the luckiest.

There is Ding Yuan to protect!
Other students are not so good.

Straight into the ground fissure.

The dead can't be dead!

"Ding Yuan, stop the ink, the dragon head told us to go there!" Li Dong's voice came from a distance, and the lingering lingering sound lasted for a long time.

After Ding Yuan heard the voice, he glanced at Zhuang Chen on his back, very speechless.

Both legs began to accumulate energy, and the whole person walked like flying, Xingchi ran away with extreme speed, and came to Leng Feng's side in the blink of an eye.

"Boss, what's going on here? Couldn't there be an earthquake?" Ding Yuan asked directly after arriving at the scene.

At this moment, there were only five people present, Leng Feng, Professor Wang, Li Dong, Ding Yuan, and Zhuang Chen.

Everyone's complexion is not very good.

Leng Feng replied, "It's not an earthquake. It should be related to the blood river in the sky. There may be something buried under the ground. The blood river should play the role of a key."

As soon as these words came out, the scene became extremely quiet.

"If there is really something underground, it means that the underground palace we saw should be a fake tomb, and the real underground palace should be at the bottom of Mount Li, but buried very deep." Professor Wang whispered.

As soon as this word comes out.

He himself felt it was impossible.

You must know that more than 80 people were used to build the underground palace, and it took decades to build it!
The vastness of the project, the large number of workers employed, and the long duration are all unprecedented.

The financial and material resources used are countless!
If this is false.

How vast and majestic must that really be?
"Zhuang Chen, what's the matter with you? What about the other students?" Professor Wang hurriedly asked, seeing that something was wrong with Zhuang Chen.

In the first time of the accident.

Professor Wang was protected by Leng Feng.

So he doesn't know the situation of the students yet.

Zhuang Chen didn't answer, his body trembled violently, as if he had been frightened out of his wits.

"Professor, all your students are dead. Only this kid survived because of me. The kid may have been frightened. He will probably be fine in a while!" Ding Yuan replied directly.

Hearing this, Professor Wang felt as if he had been struck by five thunderbolts. He stepped back a few steps, weeping like rain in grief, and murmured, "I'm the one who killed you, children, I'm the one who's sorry for you!"

Sad emotions began to spread around.

Everyone felt the same way.

Leng Feng glanced at the surrounding situation, and then said, "Everyone prepare to retreat, this place is not safe."

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded, "Professor, why are you crying?"

A figure suddenly appeared beside Professor Wang, and blood gushed out from his body, which was a sign of just breaking through the realm.

"Meng Kuan, are you alive? You really scared me to death. Did you know that only you and Zhuang Chen are left among the 12 people who came here?" Professor Wang was so excited when he saw that the person who came was Meng Kuan, he came directly A big bear. Hug.

Zhuang Chen seemed to sense something.

He jumped off Ding Yuan's back and ran directly to Professor Wang's side.

Follow up and cry!

Seeing this, Ding Yuan was extremely speechless.

This is too embarrassing!

He just said he was dead.

As a result, one ran out.

Am I being embarrassed?
I haven't allowed him to think too much!

Boom, boom, boom
Booming sounds came from deep in the center of the earth, deafening, as if something was about to break through the ground.

"Everyone be careful, the real danger is coming soon!" Leng Feng's eyes flashed a trace of solemnity, and he kept looking at his feet.


"Don't worry, boss, don't you understand my skills?"

The two replied at the same time.

The ground under everyone's feet began to collapse, and huge boulders fell towards the center of the earth.

After a while.

Everyone fell into despair!

Because not only was the ground under their feet trampling, but the ground collapsed for thousands of miles, with no end in sight at a glance, and all living beings and everything in the world were swallowed up by the huge bottomless black hole.

Leng Feng and the others were not spared either.

The boundless darkness swallowed them directly.

Ding Yuan let out an unwilling roar, "Brother Viagra, it's a good thing you didn't come, otherwise you'd be too aggrieved to die, you must pass on the title of Chicken Killer!"

Li Dong murmured, "Did you just die like this?"

Leng Feng closed his eyes tightly, and said slowly, "The dragon will last forever."

Just when everyone thought they were sure to die.

The huge black hole suddenly burst into a brilliant red light, this red light was so dazzling that everyone hurriedly closed their eyes.

Their bodies were swallowed by the red light unconsciously.

The world began to shake, and a bloody sun rose slowly from the black hole, exuding terrifying holy power, sweeping across the world, and the surrounding temperature soared rapidly.

Time passed slowly, and a huge ball-like monster appeared in the sky at a height of [-] meters, covering the sky and the sun, boundless, and the terrifying red light shone in all directions.

At this time, Mount Li could no longer be called a mountain, and all the surrounding creatures turned into nothingness. A deep pit spanning several mountain ranges appeared on the ground, which shows how hard it was dug at that time!
(End of this chapter)

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