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Chapter 95 The Final Battle 3 Updates

Chapter 95
With the full establishment of advantages, the desert emperor in the middle lane has completely grown into the ultimate boss on the field, suppressing Dopa's frost witch under the defense tower, and dare not make any moves.

With the establishment of the advantage in the middle lane, the factory manager, who knows Liu Yi's tyrannical strength, put his gank target on the other two laners, and started his special skill, attacking the enemy's wild area, the gank is the best , Gank can't reach anyone, and there are resources in the enemy's wild area to get.

At this time, Dopa has completely fallen into a nightmare. He can't fight head-on, and he can't make up soldiers under the tower.I saw that the Tsar obviously had such a big advantage, but his style of play was extremely steady. He didn't give himself a chance at all, and pinned himself in the middle, unable to roam to support at all!

Under the ebb and flow, Dopa's economy is terrible, and it has been 16 minutes before it barely made a stick of time.But at this time, the Tsar already possessed two big pieces, the Nasher's Fang and the Ice Staff, with enough attack speed and magic power. The Tsar can say that he will kill whoever he sees now!
Looking at Dopa who was pinned down in the middle lane, Xiangguo secretly groaned in his heart. It's not that he didn't help Dopa, and even said that in order to help Dopa, the other two lanes didn't care much at all!

But this abominable tsar did not give people any hope at all. Qian Yu, who had already replaced the jewelry with a scanner, and paired with real eyes, had clearly confirmed over and over again that there was no vision near the grass.

But the most frightening thing appeared. The tsar, who had such a strong sense of smell on the battlefield, seemed to have an eye that he couldn't see in the dark grass, smashing his own ganks again and again!

Because he came to the middle lane to support Dopa over and over again, not only the other two lanes lost the support of the jungler, but even his own jungle resources were wiped out by the factory manager without knowing it. When clearing the wild area, what I saw was a clearing that was cleaner than my own face!
So far, after the factory manager's excavator successfully ganked the bottom lane and took away the two of them, besides the top laner Daomei had a little advantage, the jungler mid laner and the bottom lane combination fell into a passive position.

Especially Dopa in the middle lane, known as Asia's strongest passer-by, was suppressed by the tyrannical Rysj who made more than 40 last hits in the middle lane!

In high-end rounds, especially for players whose opponents are equivalent to first-line professional players, it is simply unimaginable to be able to suppress them by more than 40 knives online!

The rhythm of the entire battle has always been firmly controlled by Liu Yi's side. With the huge pressure in the middle, while suppressing Dopa, it also invisibly affected the development of Xiangguo.

As a veteran jungler, the factory manager is undoubtedly a world-class excellent jungler. Taking advantage of the excellent opportunity when Xiangguo was involved in the middle lane, he invaded Xiangguo's jungle countless times, and even under several waves of ganks, Successfully brought both the upper and lower lanes into the rhythm!
"Let's join! If you don't join, you will lose!"

The officials, who played the entire game extremely depressed, finally experienced the sense of oppression in the professional arena. This sense of oppression has nothing to do with the individual strength of the players, it is simply a contest between routines!
Every time when he was about to kill the troll, an excavator exuding a terrifying aura would suddenly rush out of the grass behind him, which could not only shatter his thoughts of killing the troll, but even save his own life go in!
Since then, every time he faced the troll's provocation, although the officials were very indignant in their hearts, they still felt invisible pressure when looking at the dark fog of war, even though they had a vision in the grass.

As time went to 18 minutes, after all the upper towers and lower towers of his family were broken one after another, the official could no longer bear the oppressive atmosphere on the field, and the official who knew very well that such a delay would only lead to a slow death, resolutely stood on the ground. A group message was sent out in the chat bar, and at the same time, blue flags representing support appeared in the middle of the road!
Although Dopa is not Chinese, when he saw that his teammates all chose to go back to the city to replenish their equipment and status, in conjunction with the support flag that emerged in the middle, he immediately understood that his side was about to start. group!

Manipulating the Frost Witch and using her skills, she paid the price of being knocked out by the Tsar half of her HP. After clearing the wave of troops in front of her, she also chose to return to the city to prepare for the upcoming team battle that will determine the outcome!
Liu Yi, who had just attacked Dopa, was controlling the sand soldiers and was about to take down this wave of soldiers, when he suddenly found that everyone on Dopa's side had started returning to the city!

Liu Yi immediately understood that they were going to start a team. After quickly telling the factory manager in the voice, he also chose to turn around and leave. He also chose to return to the city to prepare for this wave of team battles.

Everyone who saw the factory director's mark knew what was going on. They all chose to return to the city. They were bathed in the light beam filled with holy aura. Suddenly, they all returned home in unison.

At this moment, everyone on both sides had already replenished their supplies, and with the deep and exciting background music of Summoner's Canyon, they all went to the battlefield one after another!

"Come on, the leader, the factory manager, we must win!"

"The leader is mighty, and the factory manager is Niu Bi. With the combination of the middle and the field, the world is invincible!"

"Dopa Jun Smecta, although I appreciate your strength, you should accept your fate at this time! It's not shameful to lose to the leader. You haven't seen Faker in the Hanbok resistance, didn't you also fail!"

"Leader 666, rise up and defeat them!"

"Wars come and go, but I will never die!" - Lissandra the Frost Witch
A line was read, the Frost Witch exuding a cold aura walked at the forefront of the team, and was suppressed all the time, causing the Asian passerby Wang Dopa, who was furious in his heart, followed by the national server's thigh officials, and the LPL first-line jungler Spicy Hot Pot, everyone exuded the will to succeed or become benevolent, and they turned into a whole, marching firmly towards Liu Yi's side!

"We are on a glorious path!" - Desert Emperor Azir
At the same time, the emperor of Shurima, wearing a golden and luxurious cloak, was also walking at the forefront of the team, waving a cane representing power in his hand, followed by Mingkai's excavator, with a huge body Accompanied by the Desert Emperor.

And behind the two, followed by everyone with the same fighting spirit, also turned into a whole, and marched firmly towards the middle!
The war is about to start!
PS: I wish the college entrance examination students a smooth exam, the addition is completed, and the normal update will resume tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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