Douyu Top Streamer

Chapter 87 Ready

Chapter 87 Ready
The national server is stably broadcasting the top-level battles of the king game, and there will probably be no one else in the entire Douyu except Liu Yi. This is an important reason why Liu Yi's popularity remains high.

Of course, perhaps the more important reason is that Liu Yi's strength in the king's game is too shocking. It can be seen from the speeches of newcomers who enter Liu Yi's live broadcast room every time:
"I'm sick, are all the current anchors abusing bronze and silver to get a sense of accomplishment, and the special codes are abusing food everywhere, is it interesting?"

"Brother, you can clearly see what you are talking about, and see who the IDs on the opposite side are. When will the bronze and silver mid laner be able to make more than 10 last hits in 200 minutes?"

Every time there are new viewers like this, after seeing Liu Yi's record, they will subconsciously think that the anchor is playing a bronze and silver game, and feel bored, so they type on the public screen to vent their dissatisfaction.

However, every time such words appear on the public screen, countless fans of Liu Yi will immediately type their words in the chat column and send them to the public screen, so that new viewers can understand the situation.

At the beginning, Liu Yi was still annoyed by these people, but every time he saw the audience who supported him defending himself on the public screen, Liu Yi always felt the joy from the heart.

After all, they are both super anchors of major platforms, and naturally the two parties will not put on airs on each other. After a few words of friendly exchange with each other, since it is still the live broadcast time, they each choose to continue their live broadcast.

Because Liu Yi wanted to complete the tasks issued by the system as soon as possible, and the factory manager had nothing to do at the base except for training and discussing tactics, so the two of them lined up until 40:[-] midnight.

Undoubtedly, with such a terrifying combination of the factory manager and the leader, few duos in the national server could stop them from winning, and the final battle ended with the enemy's big crystal being broken.

So far, from the start of the live broadcast at eight o'clock to the present, Liu Yi has won nearly 1034 victory points, directly breaking through [-], reaching [-] points. In the national server, he entered the top [-] in the list of kings in the first district.

The factory manager is temporarily ranked No.1002 with a score of 19.

It was already very late, after exiting the game and seeing that it was almost three o'clock, he rubbed his eyes and couldn't help but yawned heavily.

Today I have achieved my goal. I not only made up for the live broadcast time I owed yesterday, but also won a night of victory with the factory manager, and directly rushed into the top [-] of the kings in the first district of the national server. With the help of him, it is already a certainty that he will reach the top of the national server, it is only a matter of time.

Just after yawning, Liu Yi heard the factory manager yawn at this time too, shook his head and smiled, the factory manager should be tired at this time, it's so late, let's finish here today.

Thinking of this, Liu Yi asked the factory director if he could not download the live broadcast now.

"Well, it's getting late, let's stop here today, and you should rest early when you get off." The factory manager responded with a hint of boredom in his voice.

"Well, I'm going to download it too. We'll continue tomorrow. Let's rest today." After hearing the reply from the factory manager, Liu Yi himself was about to download the live broadcast. After replying to the factory manager, they both went down game.

After saying goodbye to the audience, Liu Yi turned off the live broadcast. After sitting up from the chair, he first shook his stiff waist and twisted his neck.

After turning around and going to the bedroom to change clothes, because it was too late and he was too tired, Liu Yi didn't take a shower, just washed up briefly, and went to bed in his pajamas.

Silent all night.

Although the winter nights are relatively long, they pass quickly while falling asleep. The alarm clock set by Liu Yi rang on time at eight o'clock in the morning. Liu Yi, who had only rested for more than five hours, stretched out one hand to hold the Picking up the phone and turning off the alarm clock, he withdrew his hands and kept warm under the warm blanket for a few more minutes before getting out of the blanket with fluffy hair.

"Brush your teeth, wash your face, it's another beautiful day, oh yeah!"

After gesticulating with his fist in front of the mirror, he remembered that he was going to be busy with Lin Wei's company affairs today, so he quickly picked up the toothpaste and toothbrush next to him to wash up.

After washing up, he simply fried an egg and poured a glass of milk with the bread he bought yesterday. Even if he had his own breakfast, knowing Lin Wei's background, Liu Yi was not worried about the company's registration at all.

After eating the last mouthful of bread, drinking the last mouthful of milk, and gently wiping his mouth with a paper towel, Liu Yi stood up and took the tableware into the bathroom, scrubbed it and put it away.

Sitting cross-legged on the sofa, holding hands crossed, Liu Yi was thinking quietly at this moment, pondering for a while, Liu Yi picked up the phone with his hand and called Lin Wei.

"Hello? ..ah...that's right, I've discussed it with my dad, no problem, as long as we are ready for the things we need to start a company, the two of us can go directly to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau to register.. That's right My dad heard about the two of us and said he wanted to see you, Yizi, what do you think?"

After two beeps, Lin Wei picked up the phone. After hearing Liu Yi's inquiry, Lin Wei also told Liu Yi about his victory, but at the end of the phone, Lin Wei told his father I want to meet Liu Yi.

After listening to Lin Wei's words, Liu Yi knew that Lin Wei's father was not very reassured without even thinking about it. I believe that Lin Wei must have told his father about his source of funds, and his father would agree to his business, but If you want to see yourself, you probably need to take a look at your character and other qualities.

"Haha, okay, okay, I'm honored that your father wants to see me, okay, no problem, whenever uncle is free, you can contact me whenever you are called."

After replying to Lin Wei with a smile, Liu Yi and Lin Wei discussed the warehouse matters on the phone. After the two discussed, they decided to rent several factory warehouses near the South Third Ring Road and Four Port Linkage for storage. Incoming shipments.

The warehouse was found by Liu Yi on the Internet before. After Liu Yi and Lin Wei negotiated with the owner of the warehouse, they decided to rent several warehouses with a total of 13 square meters at a price of 3000 yuan per square meter.

The environment around the warehouse can’t be said to be very good, but it’s not bad. There are all kinds of supermarkets, and the warehouse is complete with water and electricity. Considering that guards or security guards are relatively time-consuming jobs, Liu Yi and Lin Wei also decided to Two computers for entertainment are specially equipped in the guard room.

As for the houses where the employees live, Liu Yi doesn't need to worry about it. There is an on-site dormitory for the employees to live in, and there are ready-made monitoring gates and the like, so you don't need to spend too much thought.

After preparing the place to store the goods, four security guards were easily assigned because of Lin Wei's grandfather's family. The gatekeeper who lives in the company's warehouse 24 hours a day is an uncle about 50 years old.

It took the two of them a total of three days to run around. It cost 9000 yuan to rent the warehouse. It was impossible for the hired security guards to pay their wages before they did their work. It was just to show their sincerity. He entertained everyone to a hotel for a meal.

The preparations for the warehouse have been completed, and starting a company is just a matter of going to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau for a while. Now the most important thing is to get cheap goods from Lin Wei's uncle!
(The busy work has finally come to an end temporarily, and the two updates will resume tomorrow.)
(End of this chapter)

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