Douyu Top Streamer

Chapter 82 If you want to die, it's as easy as the palm of your hand!

Chapter 82 If you want to die, it's as easy as the palm of your hand!
What Lu Xueqi and the Cave Master never expected was that, less than 6 minutes after Jiaoyue went online, the news of Yasuo's double kill came from the middle lane.

Dfbb (Fighting Swordsman) killed me and became the king of Susu (Goddess of Bright Moon)

"Ah, your sister, how long has it been? Yasuo has three heads, how do you play!"

Lu Xueqi, who was going down the road, said helplessly after seeing Yasuo win the double kill.

The time was pushed back a few seconds before, after being consumed again by Yasuo's indomitable tornado, Jiaoyue had also finished her blood potion at this time, seeing her own blood volume and Yasuo who was about to move on the opposite side, Jiaoyue could only choose Lose a wave of soldiers and go home to replenish the state.

After seeing Haoyue returning to the city, Liu Yi looked at the pawn line and his own blood volume at this time, and did not choose to go back to the city, but continued to replenish pawns in the middle.

"Good opportunity, this Yasuo is too confident. I returned to the city in this wave to make up the state of complete equipment. I will be the one who returns to the advantage of the line. This wave has a chance!"

At this time, Jiaoyue, who returned to the city, quickly replenished the equipment, and quickly controlled the hero to move towards the lane. After seeing that Yasuo did not choose to return to the city, the player who controlled Jiaoyue suddenly brightened up, and there was a chance. !
My own Haoyue has reached level 6, and the level 6 Haoyue already has the ability to kill in seconds. As long as she can Q to the opposite Yasuo, she will immediately use her big move R to go there. When running away, use the E skill to pull Yasuo back, continue with A to accept Yasuo's head!
"Don't leave, don't leave, don't go back to the city! Damn it, don't care!"

While muttering Yasuo not to leave, Haoyue finally returned to the line again, looked at the distance between each other, this wave can be fought, the player operating Haoyue roared instantly and used it in a flash, In an instant, Yasuo came within the attack range of his own Q!

Jiaoyue's calculations are not wrong at all, as long as the situation is normal, it will be true as he said, Yasuo who is second to Liu Yi is not a problem at all, but Liu Yi, who has the perspective of God and the ability to predict, has already put the situation in front of him. Everything in the world is in your hands.

Not to mention a mere passer-by king in the national server, even if Faker himself fights against Liu Yi, it is absolutely impossible to defeat Liu Yi. Who can defeat such Liu Yi? In the League of Legends, as long as Liu Yi does not Willing, who can kill him, who can kill him!He is God here, the invincible God!

Poor Jiaoyue, meeting Liu Yi can only be said to be his misfortune!
The moment Jiaoyue used the flash, Liu Yi saw the next move of Jiaoyue. After the flash, he picked up Q to hit Liu Yi. Seeing that he had flashed within the attack range, Yasuo on the opposite side Still no response, Jiaoyue could not help showing a smile at the corner of her mouth at this time.

But the moment he just smiled, he saw Yasuo on the opposite side, and once again showed his god-like reaction ability. In the reaction time he left him with less than a few tenths of a second, he made Jiaoyue feel desperate The wind wall instantly appeared in front of Haoyue's Q skill track!

The Q skill hit Yasuo's wind wall without any damage. My plan encountered Waterloo from the very beginning, but at this time, the equipment and state were better than the opposite Yasuo, and I also used flash , this wave must go on, must fight, otherwise there will be no chance!
The player who was manipulating the bright moon instantly used the E skill Yueluo, and instantly pulled Yasuo who had walked in front of the wind wall to his side. As for whether Yasuo did it on purpose, at this time, the bright moon had no mind to think about it. The aura of madness exuded all over his body, and he wanted to hit Yasuo with all his damage!
The battle was on the verge of breaking out, and the two sides immediately fought fiercely together. Jiaoyue knew that whether she could gain an advantage in the next matchup would depend on this wave!


Seeing that the bright moon at this time had completely fallen into his trap, Liu Yi's eyes became very focused, staring closely at the bright moon at this time, and in an instant a sharp sword light pierced out, ruthlessly Stabbed fiercely on Jiaoyue's body, instantly ignited Jiaoyue's sheath, and then Ping A, who was connected to the Q skill, slashed on Jiaoyue's body. Before the CD of Jiaoyue's Q skill recovered, he again While operating the position, he hit two flat A's again.

When the battle between the two was stalemate, a figure of a praying mantis suddenly appeared beside the grass on the left, and Jiaoyue's teammates arrived!

The moment he saw the mantis, Liu Yi slashed at Jiaoyue's Q skill again in an instant. After hitting a Q skill again, Liu Yi passed through the grass on the right side with an E skill in an instant. At the same time, in order to avoid the harm of the mantis and the bright moon, he also flashed out in an instant!
At this time, the praying mantis just flashed and rushed over, and the moment he received the E skill, he was about to jump on Yasuo!


At the moment when the mantis flashed E, at the moment Liu Yi's Yasuo E skill ended, a tornado was thrown from the sword in his hand, directly hitting the bright moon that was about to charge!And the moment the mantis flashed E to the extreme and was about to pounce on Yasuo, Yasuo disappeared!

"solie yagaidou!"

The moment Yasuo hit the bright moon, he turned into a shadow exuding the breath of death and attached to the bright moon!

The damage exploded in an instant, Yasuo instantly picked up Q within a few tenths of a second of the moment Haoyue landed, directly taking away the last trace of Haoyue's HP!
Dfbb (Fighting Swordsman) killed me and became the king of Susu (Goddess of Bright Moon)

But at the same time, Yasuo's blood volume is already very dangerous!
The mantis who was being teased angrily turned around to kill the nasty Yasuo, but the moment he came to Yasuo, Yasuo swiped behind him again with his E skill.

"Hehe, is it useful? If I don't kill you today, I'll eat it."

Before Mantis finished speaking, he saw a free eye appeared not far in front of Yasuo!The blind man following the factory manager appeared on the field in an instant!
"not good!"

The moment he saw the factory manager, Mantis knew it was not good. The moment he hurriedly prepared to retreat, a Q skill hit him directly, and the factory manager activated the second-stage Q in an instant to rush towards Mantis.

"One library!"

The raptor swayed its tail, and the blind man's big move suddenly slammed on the mantis. The factory director with the red buff directly knocked out two-thirds of the mantis' blood volume with a set of skills, and then the blind monk's E skill Under the effect, the snail-like mantis knew that his life was lost, so he turned around and wanted Yasuo to replace him in E!


The moment E turned to Yasuo, I saw that nasty Yasuo instantly hit the soldier next to him and arrived at his side, followed by the Q skill shot, EQ second company, a deadly whirlwind hit the mantis in an instant, in the factory With the cooperation of Chang's damage, Liu Yi directly cut the mantis under the horse again!

Dfbb (Fighting Swordsman) killed Sorrowful Breeze (Void Raider)

In an instant, the majestic female voice of the system announced this extremely wonderful double kill passionately!
Seeing Yasuo's thrilling show to the sky, the more than 200 million viewers in the live broadcast room exploded in an instant!

"666666666666666666, this is the most coquettish!"

"Fuck, the leader Ben Hang kneeled down for you, it's too special, let's not talk about it, I feel that the leader's video will occupy the video center of the alliance again!"

"66666666666666666666666, sent by the rocket, leader Niubi!"

"Mom asked me why I knelt down and looked at the computer. I am so speechless about this leader, it's so awesome! 666"

At this time, the audience in Liu Yi's live broadcast room has reached 260 million. Seeing Liu Yi's show-to-fly operation, all the audience in the live broadcast room went crazy.

"I'm going to Nima. This special code also plays J8, shit"

Seeing Yasuo who harvested the mantis with a trace of blood after being shown a wave of anger, he won the double kill and retreated safely under the cover of the factory manager, and Yasuo easily dodged Lu Xueqi's big move in the next lane. The player who controlled the bright moon in an instant lost control of his emotions!
As a king of the first district, Jiaoyue has not experienced this feeling of being sanctioned for an indefinite period of time. Usually, no matter what happens, she is killed by her opponent, but today she was solo killed by her opponent in less than 10 minutes. Twice and the second time there was a jungler to help him, and more importantly, this Yasuo was still bloody.

"Fuck, my, my, brother, you develop well, and I'm squatting in the middle!"

Seeing that this wave of him directly raised a big demon king, Mantis hurriedly typed in the chat bar to admit his mistake and comforted Jiaoyuedao.

"I'm talking about your brother, this special code is too cool, this level Bo Yasuo has the strength I had at my peak, damn!"

At this time, the cave master on the top road also saw this wave of extreme double kills in the middle road, and suddenly became emotional. After blowing a wave of strength to the audience in the live broadcast room, he also quickly typed on the public screen:

"In the middle lane, you are wretched and developed, the jungler should help him more, hold on, I have an advantage in the top lane, hold on!"

The poor Cave Master didn't know that at this time, Liu Yi saw his Titan being slightly suppressed by his Sword Fairy, and he had already begun to have thoughts about him!
 Xiaoguan is going on a business trip tomorrow, and I wasted time packing up, so I will post it later, thank you for your reward from the book friends of Yimeng Nine Years*, and thank you for your strong support!

(End of this chapter)

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