Douyu Top Streamer

Chapter 590: A Team Battle Without Retreat 3 More

Chapter 590 The third shift of the team battle with no retreat
Up to now, everyone knows that there is no retreat for both sides in this wave of team battles.

Either we wipe them out.

Either they kill us.

This kind of opportunity cannot be repeated, because Liu Yi's blind monk cannot organize such an effective gank again in a short period of time, and the time on the field has passed 15 minutes, and the time goes by, Ruofeng and the others The greater the advantage of Liu Yi, the smaller the advantage of Liu Yi.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that this wave of team battles was started by Liu Yi's luck with the whole team.

"Clap clap clap..."

The tapping frequency of the blue-axis mechanical keyboard is getting faster and faster. The eyes of the player operating Lucian are staring at the gray-white skill bar because of being knocked into the air by Bron's big move, preparing to hand over the flash at the moment the knock-up effect ends. Pull away the distance from the ice not far away.

The auxiliary Thresh has already made a big move, as long as he can flash the attack distance of the ice, he can cooperate with the prince and Vel'Koz behind him to output.

"It's coming soon." Player Lucian subconsciously said to himself.

He didn't realize at all that his fingers had already turned blue from pressing the keyboard too hard.

During the time when Lucian and Vel'Koz were sent flying by Braum's ult, the miss operator finally rushed over, followed by Liu Yi's blind monk, and the teleportation light handed over by the top laners on both sides became brighter and brighter. Seeing that it is about to come to the battlefield.

"Everything in the world is tied to an arrow."


Because of the continuous harassment of Thresh's big move and qe skills, Han Bing, who had always kept a distance from the enemy's double c, finally couldn't bear it anymore, and released the big move in his hand.

The huge arrow feathers carried the sound of hunting wind, and rushed towards Lucian in a whistling manner.

Seeing this scene, Lucian's eyes widened suddenly, with an anxious expression on his face, he desperately pressed the D key on the keyboard.



The sound of the arrow feather touching the human body sounded.

At the moment of life and death, Thresh saw that Lucian's state was still unrecovered, and decisively handed over his own flash to block the fatal arrow for Lucian.

But at the same time, Braum, who was not restrained by Thresh, also walked to Lucian's side and attacked him fiercely.

At any time, don't underestimate Braum's passive. When his passive concussion and slam reaches the fourth layer effect, it can stun the enemy hero for more than a second, and the attack of his teammates also counts as the fourth layer. Passivity, in this way, Braum's passivity is extremely terrifying.


The flashing sound was clear and loud, and Lucian flashed directly to the left of Vel'Koz and the prince with two layers of passivity, while Liu Yi's blind monk was on the right.

In this way, Lucian's position is temporarily in absolute safety.


The Lucian player, who had walked around the gate of hell, cursed to vent his fear, and then turned his gun to the blind monk who was closest to him. The gun burst into flames, and Lucian began to output.

"Not the troll chief, but the troll king, the king!"

The teleportation finally ended, and the troll landed in the triangular grass at the Xiaolong Pit. Seeing the fierce battle close at hand, the king girl pressed the potion in the equipment bar and ran to the battlefield.

Entering the battlefield, the troll immediately activates the w skill. Under the premise of the w skill plus attack speed and healing effect, the troll at this time only needs to give him three seconds of output time, and the battle can be declared over.


Liu Yi frowned slightly as he looked at the positions of Han Bing and the troll.

Ice, which was originally in the best output position, is now the most dangerous. After teleporting around, the troll chased the ice and stuck to it. Under the premise that the troll's q skill reduces attack power, the ice is a threat to Ruofeng and the others. Sex will become extremely low.

"True will cannot be defeated."

Just when the troll was about to catch up with the ice and start attacking, Daomei, who also finished the teleportation, used the effect of the q skill to shorten the distance with the troll while breathing, and then just when the troll was about to bite the ice, q came to the troll's side, and raised his hand for a balanced blow, making the troll, who had [-] more HP than Daomei, stand still.


Flashes flew around.

The ice handed over and flashed to Braum's side. The ice that was drawn to a safe distance was already full, and countless sharp arrows were shot at the troll frantically.

With the output of ice, coupled with the serious injury effect brought by the death sentence issued by Daomei, even the troll who uses the ultimate move can never recover the blood volume. In just two seconds, the blood line is almost Beaten to less than half.

"I found an opportunity, make a big move!" Miss's eyes lit up and she looked forward.

Handing over the ice that flashed and Braum stood together, in the eyes of miss at this moment, it is an excellent time for flashing eq to build a big move in the past, so that Ruofeng's big move can deal explosive damage.


The flashes that hadn't been handed over for 15 minutes seemed to be released at this moment.

Coupled with the continuous flickering of various skills and special effects, at this moment, from the perspective of the audience, it seems that a century war is being staged on the screen, and the gods are fighting!

In order to be on the safe side, Miss didn't use her unskilled eq flash, but flashed first, and then used eq to provoke Bron and Han Bing, and then covered it with the backhand ult.


The mighty painting halberd slammed into the ground suddenly, and the structure of the ground was abruptly changed amidst the rumbling noise. A seemingly weak but extremely hard wall surrounded the ice and Bron.

"Nice!" Ruofeng shouted excitedly when he saw this, this wave has come.

Lifeform Disintegration Rays! (R)

If the wind caught the timing very well, after seeing the miss really successfully framed Bron and Han Bing, he released his big move directly, and the dark purple energy beam with a destructive aura shot towards Han who was framed by the pillar. Ice Bron two people.

It's just that the Bron player gave the ice w skill at the moment the prince fell, and moved around to improve the armor of the ice, and at the same time add a layer of shield, followed by Ruofeng Vel'Koz's damage Before following, hand over the indestructible e skill in your hand.


While Braum held up his light shield to resist Vel'Koz's damage, he handed over the mountain in good condition to Ice, and a thick shield reappeared. In just two seconds, Braum was only a shield , causing Han Bing to gain at least three hundred drops of blood.

Bang bang bang bang!
The destructive rays hit the light shield with bangs, making the light shield formed by Bron player's e skill weaker and weaker, and the blood volume of the cold ice that was still affected behind it was quickly reduced to half.

Although the troll without the ice attack has been seriously injured by the sword girl, his blood volume is slowly recovering.

Seeing this scene, the audience in the live broadcast room of Miss Liu Yi and Ruofeng thought that this wave of team battles ended with Ruofeng's victory.

"Wow, the leader is terrible, this kind of lineup made him bring it up!"

"I'm afraid, the palms of my nima audience are sweating!"

"Not much to say, at this level, I don't know who else is in the national server!"

"Cooperate with Niubi and Nose team!"

"This tacit understanding is indeed possible!"

(End of this chapter)

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