Chapter 585
At eight o'clock in the evening, the heated atmosphere gradually became cooler as people left one after another, leaving only the cleaners who appeared one after another and walked around the auditorium.

At the Oriental Sports Center subway station not far from the venue, a train of subways came with the sound from time to time, sending the people who worked overtime and those who watched the game here to where they were going.

In the parking lot on the basement level, the minibuses carrying the members of the various teams drove out continuously, and left one after another while greeting familiar friends. In a short period of time, the venue, which was extremely lively just a moment ago, fell silent in a blink of an eye.

The fifth floor of the venue.

In the commentary-only lounge, Miller packed up his things and prepared to go home.

Walking into the living room, there was a trace of surprise on Miller's face, because the miss who had already cleaned up was still sitting on the sofa and did not leave. Miller couldn't help asking: "Haven't you left yet? What's the matter?"

Miss shook her head and said: "It's okay, I'm waiting for a friend."

Miller didn't ask much, nodded, and said, "Okay, then you pay attention to safety, call if you have something to do, I'll go first."

Miss smiled, nodded, and said, "Well, be careful on the road, goodbye."

"Goodbye." Miller smiled and waved his hand, opened the door and walked out.

Looking at the time displayed on the watch, Miss no longer wanted to sit on the sofa and play with her mobile phone. She walked to the floor-to-ceiling window in a few steps. Looking at the neon lights that were already flashing outside and the passers-by walking on the road, Miss took out her mobile phone and prepared to send it to Liu Yi. Short message.

Opening the chat interface with Liu Yi, Miss twitched slightly, and put the phone back into her pocket.

Since the appointment was made yesterday, according to her understanding of Liu Yi, Liu Yi will never miss the appointment. He hasn't come yet, so he should be arranging things.


Just as she was thinking about it, the phone rang, and a smile appeared on the corner of Miss's mouth, and she took out her phone to answer it.

10 minutes later, the parking lot on the underground floor.

Different from the dark and gloomy underground parking lot in the movie, the underground parking lot in reality has enough lighting equipment to provide people with vision at night to prevent accidents.

"Where's your car?" Liu Yi asked.

"The one in front is it." Miss smiled lightly, with an elegant manner.

Liu Yi, who came by car with Smile and the others from the base, didn't drive by himself, so he could only take the car of Miss.

Unlike during the competition, Liu Yi's private clothes are refreshing and simple. After all, it is summer, and Liu Yi still chooses what clothes to wear based on comfort.

The miss is slightly different from the live broadcast. Compared with the commentary, the current miss wears more homely clothes, which has the feeling of a little woman, especially the exposed snow-like skin, which is even more imaginative.

After following Miss for a few steps, Liu Yi came to a white BMW car. The lines of the car were very long and beautiful. The immaculate white body was as lovable as its owner, and the whole was full of technological beauty.

Open the co-pilot's door and sit in. Liu Yi fastened his seat belt, looked at Miss and said, "The car is not bad."

The interior of the car is very clean, with a faint fragrance.

"It's not bad." Miss, who was holding the steering wheel and starting the car, heard Liu Yi's praise and smiled, "Let's go to the restaurant where we ate last time. I think the food there is quite delicious."

"Is it a bit far?" Liu Yi said.

"It's okay, drive fast." As Miss spoke, the car drove towards the exit.

Smelling the faint fragrance that was always lingering in the car, Liu Yi unnaturally adjusted his sitting posture slightly, his Adam's apple rolled, his eyes glanced at Miss's side for a while, then he turned it over and looked out the window, distracting himself with the scenery outside force.

It turned out that when Liu Yi was looking at the miss, he happened to pass by a place with sufficient light. Although it was blocked by the car window, he still vaguely outlined a contour. God.

The miss who seems to be driving, but pays close attention to Liu Yi from time to time, notices Liu Yi's movements of adjusting his sitting posture, and the smile on his face can't help but become more attractive.

"By the way, what model is your car?" Liu Yi asked for a topic.

"M6." Miss turned around an intersection and said, "It's not as stylish as yours."

"Looking at what you said, I don't have much research on cars. I just want to look at it." Liu Yi said with a smile. "I thought you girls would like small and cute cars when buying them. Your car is a bit surprising to me, but it's really good. I like it."

"I saw it when I bought it, but I didn't like it. I still think it's pleasing to the eye, and it's atmospheric." When Miss said it was atmospheric, her expression was playful and cute.

The two of them chatted, but they didn't feel that time passed slowly. After driving for more than half an hour, they finally arrived at their destination.

The location of this restaurant is not prosperous, so there are not many customers. When Liu Yi and miss parked their cars and entered the store, there were only seven or eight customers in the store.

The owner is a woman in her 30s, with an ordinary appearance and figure, but the dishes she cooks are pretty good.

The boss and Miss are friends, knowing that Miss is worried about being recognized by others and being disturbed, so he led them directly to a place with a good location but a little dim light, chatted for a while, and then went to prepare to cook.

"How do you know each other?" Liu Yi asked curiously while cleaning the tableware.

One is a hot e-sports star, and the other is an ordinary restaurant owner, who is not a relative or friend, so Liu Yi can't help but arouse his curiosity.

"When I was picking up friends, I was hungry and there was no place to eat next to me. When I came here, I saw this store. I went in with my friends and found that the taste was not bad. Later, I came a few more times, and then I was rejected. The boss's daughter recognized it, that's all." After receiving the tableware that Liu Yi cleaned up and handed over, Miss said happily with a smile in her eyes.

"Oh, let me tell you." Liu Yi smiled and chatted with Miss.

The dishes came out quickly, and the taste of the dishes lived up to Miss's recommendation. Liu Yi was full of praise.

After eating this meal for an hour, the two talked a lot about what happened around each other. When the chat was happy, Liu Yi also solved Miss's doubts and told her why she went to Greece these days.

Miss, who knew the reason, opened her eyes wide and confirmed twice in a row before she forcibly believed Liu Yi's talk about making a TV series, and promised to let her know when publicity was needed.

"But you're a bit uninteresting. We're all friends, so you don't have a role for me yet." Miss pursed her lips, raised her head, and looked at Liu Yi with what she thought was a very menacing look.

In the heat rising from the dishes, Miss's eyes seem to become more energetic and lively, especially the reddish cheeks, which makes Miss at this moment completely take off the aloof goddess look, like a simple girl next door.

What miss didn't expect was that the exquisite makeup didn't impress Liu Yi, but the appearance she inadvertently showed shook Liu Yi's hard heart.

(End of this chapter)

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