Chapter 579

"Have you heard, Master, about their travels?"


"Tsk tsk, you're really brave. You dare to take five days to play with only seven days of preparation."

"It doesn't matter so much, anyway, we won six consecutive victories, so we can't lose."

"No, I mean if they don't train hard, if they reach the finals, can they really win?"


The situation intensified, and even passers-by who didn't pay much attention to e-sports began to chat about it with their friends.

In just two days, the news that Liu Yi and his team went on a trip spread all over the Internet.

What's more, in order to catch Liu Yi's popularity and traffic, many media kept digging out new content and posting news about this matter. What's more, they squatted near the team's base that night to look for opportunities to conduct interviews, hoping to get new news .

Many passers-by who don't pay attention to e-sports are also attracted by the massive push, and click into various copywriting and videos to watch with great interest.

"The No. 1 popular anchor in China"

"The newly promoted passerby king, the fame in Asia is comparable to Faker"

"The mentality is inflated, ignoring the game in front of the team and going out for a trip."

"What kind of atmosphere will the No.1 domestic popular e-sports player do like this?"

"Why is the domestic e-sports industry still unable to surpass South Korea!"

All kinds of information are quickly poured into people's minds.

Passers-by who know Liu Yi and the others are okay, and they will say a few fair words when people around them talk about this matter.However, there are more people who don't know Liu Yi and the others at all. When encountering this deliberately brought rhythm, it is easy to confuse right and wrong and follow the crowd.

This is the end of the matter, not to mention the people in the circle, even ordinary people, watching the massive rhythms on mobile phones and computers, also smell something unusual.

With more than 2000 million followers on Weibo, Liu Yi's popularity has risen at a frightening speed in 34 provincial-level administrative regions in China.

In normal times, this is definitely good news, but in the present, it is absolutely terrifying.

You must know that such a high popularity is difficult for even some big celebrities to match. The mastermind behind the scenes took advantage of Liu Yi's own high popularity and the e-sports industry that promoted Liu Yi to the level of winning glory for the country, and pushed Liu Yi to the top. This outlet.

This is a game, and the key point is the result of tomorrow's game with nb.

If he wins, then the tempo can be suppressed, but on the other hand, if he loses, there is no need to even think about it, there will definitely be thunderous strikes behind him.

This is to step Liu Yi down from the peak!

On Cangyuan Road, the street lights were on.

In the next few shops, there are several sculptural figures holding video recorders, motionless, with indifferent eyes.

They have one thing in common, that is, none of them are well-known self-media.

Because the well-known self-media will not act rashly at this time, so as not to get burned, the current rhythm is not easy to follow.

The difference between the famous and the nameless is that if you do the same thing wrong, the famous one will be ruined, but the nameless one will not hurt at all.

The premise is that the nameless needs to be shameless enough.

In the meeting room of the base, the cold light shone on several people, making the already sullen faces even more dignified. Even the aunt who knocked on the door and came in to deliver water did not dare to take a big breath, put down the water glass, turned and left carefully .

Inside the room were the team's manager Li Chonghua, the person in charge of the public relations department Jiang Tongguang, and Liu Yi.

Smiling, they and Zhang Qi are doing daily training in the training room. For the current rhythm, calling them to have a meeting together with inexperienced people is of no use. On the contrary, it may affect their mentality and make them make mistakes tomorrow.

"Someone is setting the rhythm." Li Chonghua, the manager of the team, said solemnly.

"Yeah." Liu Yi leaned back on the seat, closed his eyes slightly, and tapped his fingers on the armrest of the seat, "Tong Guang, tell me, what do you think about this matter."

In fact, before going on a trip, Liu Yi had already considered this possibility, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

What happened right now, although in the eyes of others, there are many crises, but in the eyes of Liu Yi, there are already countermeasures.

The reason why Jiang Tongguang was asked is actually a test, to test whether Jiang Tongguang's ability is worthy of his salary.

Hearing Liu Yi's words, Jiang Tongguang put down the pen in his hand, closed the notebook, and said in a clear tone: "My opinion is, don't pay attention to this rhythm, wait until tomorrow's game results come out, and then take measures against it. Due to time Urgent, I have roughly drawn up two plans."

Jiang Tongguang paused slightly, and continued: "One: The team won, so that we can release photos of the players staying up late at night for training, and explain the real situation, emphasizing that the players' travel is for decompression, and it doesn't matter Let’s talk about giving up training. By then, the rhythm of playing for a few days may have already made people tired of the instigator and lean towards us. In this way, we can not only easily resolve the crisis, but also take this opportunity to attract a large number of passer-by fans. "

Having said this, Jiang Tongguang stopped.

Liu Yi opened his eyes, looked at him, and said, "The plan is good, continue."

Hearing this, Jiang Tongguang's relaxed expression became dignified again, and he said solemnly: "Two: If the team loses tomorrow, we must prepare for long-term resistance."

Li Chonghua nodded subconsciously.

Although the IM in front of me is in the limelight, and the momentum is like a broken bamboo, but no one is 100% sure that IM will definitely defeat NB. If it really encounters Waterloo tomorrow, it is really necessary to do what Jiang Tongguang said, and do a good job of long-term resistance. get ready.

"Not bad." Liu Yi nodded, approvingly, "But it's not bold enough."

When he heard the first half of the sentence, Jiang Tongguang's dignified expression eased slightly, but when he heard the second half of Liu Yi's sentence, there was a hint of puzzlement and just-right surprise in his expression.

Seeing the appearance of Jiang Tongguang and Li Chonghua, Liu Yi stood up, put a business card he took out at some time on the table, and said to Jiang Tongguang: "This is the contact information of Minister Lu Qinglu of the Public Relations Department at the headquarters. He communicates."

When he said this, Liu Yi had already walked to the door, opened the door, Liu Yi turned his head and said with a smile: "Let's see how we can save the millions of publicity expenses we are going to spend with the help of this east wind sent by others. .”


The door was closed, and only Li Chonghua and Jiang Tongguang were left in the conference room.

The two looked at each other, and both saw confusion in each other's eyes, but then, the confusion in their eyes instantly turned into an irrepressible shock!
"Could it be that"

"Could it be that before he went to Athens, he had already anticipated the current rhythm and made targeted decisions accordingly, so as to achieve the goal of saving millions in publicity costs!!"

The ideas of the two coincided with each other.

Hearing Li Chonghua speak his mind, Jiang Tongguang felt chills on the soles of his feet. It turned out that Liu Yi had a plan in his heart, and letting him speak before was just to test him.

Is he really a young man in his 20s?
33-year-old Jiang Tongguang suddenly found that he could not see the world in front of him clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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