Douyu Top Streamer

Chapter 561 The Top of the Forbidden City!

Chapter 561 The Top of the Forbidden City!

Shaking his neck to relieve the stiffness a little, Lee Sang Hyuk sat back in his seat.


Li Sang Hyuk suddenly frowned.

Lee Sang-hyuk, who originally planned to refresh the fastest ranking website to see the real-time ranking, inadvertently saw the name at the top of the friend list, and at the moment he was in the same state of looking for an opponent.


"Has his US server game ended? When did it end? Did it end just now? Has he reached the number one position in the US server?" When he saw the name, several questions quickly appeared in Lee Sang Hyuk's mind. .

Thinking of this, Lee Sang Hyuk didn't even look at his own ranking in Hanbok, and directly clicked North America on the website's options to check the real-time dynamics of the ranking of the strongest kings in North America.


When he saw Liu Yi's name ranked first on the list of the strongest kings in North America, Lee Sang Hyuk couldn't help being stunned for a second, and then he slowly came to his senses.

Hearing Lee Sang Hyuk's voice, Bang, who was sitting next to him, walked up to him and patted his shoulder. Bang said in a calm tone, "He finished 10 minutes before you."

Hearing this, Lee Sang Hyuk immediately raised his head to look into Bang's eyes, with vague doubts in his eyes.

He understands, he knows what it means for Liu Yi to wait for him for 10 minutes in that situation, which means that he doesn't have to meet himself, and he can reduce the risk that is too great in the next game.

You only need to win one more round, and you will lose today.

But Liu Yi didn't, he chose to wait.

His fingers trembled slightly, as if Lee Sang Hyuk already knew the answer.

Bang shook his head, as if feeling a little emotional, "When he finished, you were just broken down on the high ground by someone else, and the translation from the person who watched his live broadcast over there said, he will wait for you, he will wait for you to finish, fair and fair It's a game with you to decide the outcome."

"Ah, that's right."

"You really have super self-confidence." Lee Sang Hyuk said slowly in a low tone.

As soon as the words fell, Bang saw Lee Sang Hyuk, who was a little lazy just now, shaking his neck and slowly straightening his waist, and stabilized his eyes on the bridge of his nose. Anger that was about to explode began to fill the depths of his eyes.

Bang quietly looked at this e-sports player who has always been called the world's number one mid laner and is known as the closest to God, Lee Sang Hyuk.

Bang knew that this time Faker was really angry.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with Bang's perception. At this moment, Lee Sang Hyuk only thinks of himself. There is no moment when he wants to defeat the enemy in front of him more than now!


The computer beeped, and this game finally matched enough opponents.

"I hope we can enter this game as opponents." Lee Sang Hyuk stared at the screen in front of him, muttered, and then clicked OK.

At the same time, the magic capital.

"I hope we can be ranked together in this game as opponents." Liu Yi cut back to the ranking interface, looked at the name SKT-T1-Faker, and said calmly.

Up to now, Liu Yi's waiting time for matching is actually almost the same as that of Faker, so in this game, two people can be queued at the same time to a large extent, but it is not sure whether they are opponents or not.


One second after Liu Yi clicked OK, he entered the ban selection interface, and the nicknames of several teammates in the chat bar appeared at any time.



Clear love!


No, after checking back and forth three times, Liu Yi was sure he didn't see Faker's name.

Cut out the audience's barrage and look at it. At this time, watching the wild audience barrage is a good way to obtain information. This is the experience Liu Yi has accumulated for so long in the live broadcast.

"My lord, you are really a rival!"

"66666! The factory director is here!"

"Call the leader and Faker crazily! I like both players very much!"

"An epic game, this lineup can be called an All-Star!!!"

"Brother Li sent ten super rockets, click to enter the room to receive the treasure box of fish balls: the leader told him that there is only one Brother Li in the League of Legends, and that is my Freljord Bronze Li Blind Date!"

Got it, totally got it.

After watching some of the audience's barrage, Liu Yi knew that he was really ranked with Lee Sang Hyuk in this round.

But at the same time, Liu Yi also saw a lot of bullet screens brushing the words of the factory manager, and some viewers asked him to say hello to the factory manager and discuss in advance which of the two of them would go jungle.

Liu Yi did not reply, but directly typed in the chat bar: Rysj: 1mid.

Clearlove: ok.

Wearing headphones, Liu Yi saw the message from the factory manager, and couldn't help but think back to the time when he just had the system to start a live broadcast in Hanbok. At that time, the two of them were also like this, but the difference was that the factory manager let him play in the wild, and the This time it was him who gave up the jungler to the factory manager.

"Don't dare to climb to the real peak, dare not step into the real battlefield"

The quarrel that day seemed to be in my ears.

Liu Yi let out a long breath and calmed his ups and downs. It has been a few months since the incident at the beginning. During this period of time, Liu Yi has also understood more and more, and he has somewhat understood the feelings of the factory director at the time.

The S6 World Finals has another name, called the LCK Civil War.

After 3 minutes of banning, Liu Yi and Lee Sang Hyuk finally decided on the final lineup. Liu Yi's ban dropped the Excavator, Clockwork and Thresh.On Lee Sang Hyuk's side, Leopard Girl, Mouse and Rambo were banned.

Coincidentally, both Liu Yi and Lee Sang Hyuk are on the first floor of each other. Therefore, whoever chooses the hero first is very likely to be chosen by the opponent to counter the hero.


While the rest of the people were still thinking about it, Lee Sang Hyuk had already clicked to confirm. The deep voice of the hero entered into Lee Sang Hyuk's ears through the excellent quality earphones, making Lee Sang Hyuk close his eyes happily.

"The invisible blade is the most deadly."

Lord of Shadow Stream!

"Damn it, 66666, just now the king used Faker to rob it, that's a sharp comparison!"

"Hokage Tribulation!"

"I, Brother Li, choose Jie directly, no matter what you choose!"

"The leader hammered him, I don't believe it, grandma!"

The audience in the live broadcast room, who were already extremely excited, immediately ignited when they saw Lee Sang Hyuk take out the famous hero, Lord of Shadow Stream, in the first place, and the barrage once again flew into the sky full of snow.

"Okay, don't say we are afraid of others, just get up!" Liu Yi laughed.

Move the mouse over the head portrait of a hero, and click OK decisively.

"The long road is long, only the sword is my companion."


Galewind Swordsman!

(End of this chapter)

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