Douyu Top Streamer

Chapter 544 I went to school early in the morning

Chapter 544 I went back to school early in the morning

The room is bright, and the appearances of the two of them are clearly reflected. It can be said that the face of the incense pot has vented its emotions. At this time, apart from the tears, there are obvious haggardness. In just a short moment, the impression it creates on people seems to be completely different. .

If Xiangguo before the game had an unstoppable spirit and an indomitable momentum, then Xiangguo after the game lost the confidence he relied on the most, and he had a inferiority complex.


Liu Yi spoke succinctly, and at the same time pushed the paper towel on the table to Xiangguo.

The peace in the room was finally broken, looking at the paper towels pushed in front of him, the incense pot wanted to use it to wipe his face, but it seemed as if he had been immobilized, his whole body didn't seem to be his own, Can't move.

"You set a new league record! You were single-killed several times by your opponent in the field within 10 minutes!"


"Starting today, your name will be nailed here, no matter what others say or not, you will be nailed here!"

Countless complicated thoughts whizzed wildly in his mind, giving Xiangguo a vague headache, a kind of restlessness that overturned everything in front of him, but from the outside, he still looked calm and disturbed.

As the starting jungler of a top team, he achieved such results in the most official arena in the country. It can be said that he became famous in the first battle, but this name is not a good name. He knows that people will remember him from today on. The jungler who was counter-killed several times by the opponent within 10 minutes.

There is only one person at home and abroad!
Especially in this kind of environment in the domestic competition area, where even a slight mistake in the game will be slammed by netizens. I don't know how I will be sprayed with this kind of performance. Xiangguo feels that he is afraid to turn on the computer.

He has thought a lot since the end of the game. The word retirement appears more and more frequently, and finally it freezes in his mind.

I am still young!I still love it!How could I retire!
If you don't retire, do you still have a chance at your level of strength?

Yeah, is there another chance.? "

Silence for a long time.


When Xiangguo closed his eyes, his head lowered slightly, he took a deep breath, and his chest straightened up, so even though he lowered his head, his figure seemed to be much taller, when he let out this breath, his heart was full of confusion. Thoughts also seemed to be spit out at the same time.

This breath is so long that when Xiangguo finished taking this deep breath, his head felt a little dizzy. He only felt that his brain was empty and there was nothing left. It took about three or four seconds for him to relax before this feeling gradually disappeared. , and his eyes regained their brilliance.

Looking up, Liu Yi was sitting on the sofa to his left.

The four looked at each other, speechless.

After a moment of silence, Liu Yi who saw the incense pot raised his head finally said slowly, "You are my senior."

The voice is not loud, but it can be heard clearly enough at such a close distance. Xiangguo's heartstrings twitched. He seemed to know what Liu Yi was going to say, but he didn't seem to know. He just stared at Liu Yi silently.

Without directly answering the question asked by Xiangguo, Liu Yi said to himself, "You are not as old as me, but in terms of professional age, you are a senior. To be honest, I didn't think games It's a serious business, and I think of it as gaming, as video games."

Having said that, Xiangguo couldn't help but want to speak as soon as he opened his eyes.

Liu Yi looked at Xiangguo who was about to speak, raised his hand and pressed down virtually, motioning Xiangguo to listen to him continue, "I didn't understand at the time why a game can make so much money, why a game can slowly With such a great influence, why the so-called professional players, who in my mind are internet-addicted teenagers who just play games, can make so much money!

Believe it or not, I really thought so at the time. I started the live broadcast later to make money. My family is not poor, but it is not in the well-to-do class. Buying a house is still carrying a mortgage. I started thinking at that time, with me Can this technology be broadcast live?Can you make some money too? "

Liu Yi's voice was not as clear as usual, but slightly hoarse.

It was this kind of just-right voice that made Liu Yi speak slowly as if telling a story.

Slowly, Xiang Guo was attracted by Liu Yi's words, and began to want to interrupt Liu Yi's speech, but it gradually weakened at some point, and finally disappeared without a trace.

"And then?" Xiangguo couldn't help asking.

He had an intuition that Liu Yi was talking about something on his mind that he had never mentioned to others. He was very likely to be the first one to know the secret hidden in the heart of the leader who is like a god in the professional circle.

The mind that was dazzled by the anger gradually sobered up.

"Later?" Liu Yi looked at Xiangguo whose condition was gradually improving, with a faint smile on his face, and asked a rhetorical question as if answering Xiangguo and himself, and then continued.

"I was right. I also made a lot of money, and the money came easily. Whenever I saw my bank card during that period, I felt like I was dreaming. I was so rich. !"

Xiangguo couldn't help laughing when he heard it, but he remembered what the occasion was, so he forcibly held back.

"I may be different from other people. Don't think too much about it. I mean that I am much more mature than my peers. Maybe it's because I have been studying in other places since I was a child. You should also know that closed schools are very difficult for children to be independent. It works. I know how to wash and cook since I was a child. My parents run a business, but that kind of small business, if you go out early and return late, you can't make a lot of money.

At that time, every time I went home from vacation, I had to take care of myself. Sometimes when my parents came back late, I would also be afraid, but I would find a way. I would climb to the tallest tree in the yard and wait for my parents. I'm home, I'll come down again. "

"When I was in high school, I almost couldn't survive and dropped out of school. Later, my parents asked me to go to work. I went out for more than a month and came back. It's not that I couldn't persevere, but my grandma passed away. I am the eldest grandson and I have to go back."

"On the way back, I was young, and I was fooled into buying a scalper's ticket. I took it from Shanghai to Nanjing, and from Nanjing I didn't know where to go. I changed cars with many people, and finally arrived in Shandong, and then from Shandong to PY, and finally returned to Shandong. It's already half a day late when I get home."

Liu Yi just said that, Xiangguo didn't know how to answer it.

Originally, he was the one who needed to be comforted in the room, but now it seems that the special code seems to have changed?

The smile and others outside didn't know when there was no movement, and they didn't know what they were doing, but these had nothing to do with Liu Yi. Now Liu Yi had no other thoughts, just wanted to have a good chat with Xiangguo, and it worked. His heart also opened up to his own.

"I didn't eat at noon, and I didn't eat for a day and two nights including the car ride. I was more economical and reluctant to buy things. I drank two bottles of liquor from a bowl in less than a minute. That was the only time I got drunk since I was a child. When I woke up, it was already late at night, the wine was not good, I had a headache, like a needle prick, and I thought of my grandma again, I couldn't hold back my tears, and I fell asleep without knowing what time it was."

Liu Yi took a deep breath, his eyes were slightly red, "I will go back to school early in the day."

(End of this chapter)

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