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Chapter 535 Unbelievable Continuous Anti-wilding

Chapter 535 Unbelievable Continuous Anti-wilding

Xiangguo stared at the pitch-black wild area with an ugly face. The leader's successful counter-jungle has already messed up his rhythm, and he has lost a lot of experience and money. At least for 3 minutes, he can't launch effective support .

"Leopard Girl should go back, hurry up and go to the second half of the jungle to wipe out the wild monsters, improve the economy and experience, if you have red buffs, you can go to the bottom lane and the middle lane to find opportunities, and try to get the rhythm back." Xiang Guo I thought to myself.

Although this wave was caught to death by the leader, the mentality of professional players will never collapse easily. Looking for hope of victory on the basis of disadvantages is an essential quality for professional players.

The resurrection time in the early stage was very short. In just a few seconds, the incense pot controlled the full state of Qian Jue to resurrect from the spring water and headed directly towards the second half of the wild.

In the commentary box, the three anchors looked at Liu Yi's behavior quite unexpectedly, and they felt puzzled.

Liu Yi's leopard girl on the screen, after Qian Jue who killed Xiangguo left, did not follow everyone's thinking, go to the middle and upper to find opportunities or rush to grow wild, but with the help of Leopard girl's speed The advantage quickly crossed the middle lane and headed towards Xiangguo's second half field.

Changmao narrowed his eyes, looked dignified, and said: "The leader didn't go to the jungle this time, nor did he find an opportunity to support him online, but he used Leopard Girl's speed advantage to rush to the lower half of Xiangguo with a strong purpose. , Could it be that the leader intends to continue to make trouble?"

After saying this, Changmao's expression was wonderful.

He would rather his guess was wrong than believe such an outrageous answer.

In the much-anticipated match between the two domestic super teams, the wild Leopard girl single-handedly killed Qian Jue in the second level. This in itself is enough to boast for a long time. Anti-wild, want to kill again?
This gives both the audience and the commentator a sense of dreamlike unreality.

Looking at domestic and foreign competitions, such a situation has never happened before, because the strength of the players on both sides will not differ too much, so the most reckless jungler will not make such a decision.

But now, in the top professional league in China, such an unbelievable thing really happened, the extremely difficult infinite counter-jungle in the passerby game!

Miller clasped his hands on the table, his eyes fixed on every move of the leopard girl on the screen. What Changmao said was actually what he thought in his heart, but he didn't say Changmao first.

"My God, the leader wants to invade Xiangguo's wild area again, and the Leopard girl with the third-level double buffs is guarding the second-level Qian Jue. What is going on? Brother, tell me, I am not dreaming! "Miller's excited tone changed.

The doll who was asked was perfunctory, her eyes wide open and she stared at every move on the screen with great concentration.

In the wild area shrouded in the fog of war, Liu Yi controlled Leopard Girl to squat quietly on the only way that Xiangguo must pass, lightly stroking the spear that was permeated with cold light. There was no vision around here, and it was completely dark for Xiangguo.


Liu Yi adjusted his breathing to make it as steady as possible.

Watching the revived Xiangguo on the opposite side operate Leopard Girl out of the spring, then walk past the defense tower, and walk towards his position, Liu Yi couldn't help exerting a little force on his fingers on the keyboard.

At this time, Xiang Guo didn't know that the danger was getting closer and closer to him, so he manipulated Qian Jue to rush towards the grass in the wild area.

Leopard Girl's position is in the grass under the high ground. This is the only way for the incense pot. Feeling that a new fight is about to break out, the director simply moved the camera here, and ignored the other three roads.

The audience watching the game on the spot and in the live broadcast room were all sweating for the incense pot.

"He won't squat on me?"

Xiangguo, who was rushing to the wild area, suddenly had such a thought in his mind, the movement that controlled Qian Jue to rush to the wild area quickly, could not help but slow down as this thought appeared, and the feeling of fear suddenly emerged , making Xiangguo feel cold all over.

His eyes narrowed and his brow furrowed.

It's not that the leader has no precedents of consecutive anti-jungle, on the contrary, there are countless examples of the leader's continuous anti-jungle to catch and collapse the opponent's jungler.

Xiangguo clearly remembers watching Liu Yi's time-sharing game video on the Korean server. There are many professional junglers and high-scoring passers-by who were caught and collapsed, and they are completely innumerable.

"Since his game no longer follows the previous style of play, it is entirely possible that he will continue to squat in my wild area. No, I can't just pass by like this. Even if it slows down my development time, I can't take risks!" Resoluteness appeared in Guo Guo's eyes.

Anyway, it has already been killed once, and the development time does not matter.

Knowing that the leader may continue to fight against the wild, if he continues to go to the wild, he will die in vain.

The three commentators in the commentary box, as well as the coaches and professional players backstage, could not help but feel a little surprised when they saw Qianjue stopping in the incense pot, and they immediately showed admiration.

Based on their experience, it is natural to see that Xiangguo is aware of the danger and has taken measures that are beneficial to them.

Wa Wa said contentedly: "Xiangguo's consciousness is really wonderful. It's really rare to be able to feel the danger in the wild, and then the strong man will cut his wrists and slow down his own development."

Changmao nodded and said, "That's right, it seems that the master teacher returned without success."

Miller, who was always observing the battle situation, suddenly raised his eyebrows, as if he saw something that shocked him, his tone suddenly became louder, and he shouted: "Oh my god, the consciousness of the leader is too abnormal!"

Changmao was startled, and quickly looked at the screen in front of him.

Looking at it, Chang Mao felt that the blood all over his body was rushing straight to his forehead.

On the stage, the expression of Liu Yi, who was sitting upright, changed slightly. Through the ability to predict for a second, Liu Yi saw the incense pot walking out of the high ground, and suddenly returned to the same road from the rear, with extremely decisive speed.

The director brought the camera over at the right time. Liu Yi, who looks handsome and elegant, is completely different from the fierce and fierce style in the game. This conflicting feeling makes Liu Yi's fans even more helpless, and their beautiful eyes shine .

"Okay, guess I'm squatting on him? Unfortunately, it's too late to realize now."

Seeing that Xiangguo wanted to evacuate, Liu Yi sneered with his eyes, and the movements of his hands were not slow at all. He manipulated the leopard girl to walk out of the grass, and appeared in the field of vision of Xiangguo and everyone.

"It really is here!" Xiangguo kept shouting in his heart.

He clicked backwards frantically to retreat. At the same time, he paid attention to Leopard Girl's skills and prepared to move to avoid Leopard Girl's javelin attack.

"Just dodge his q and you'll be safe!"

Xiangguo focused all his attention on avoiding Leopard Girl's attack. The timing and distance chosen by Leopard Girl were so good that he was exposed to Leopard Girl's attack range before he all returned to the high ground!
(End of this chapter)

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