Chapter 53

At this time, Ah Yi saw that her other lanes not only did not have an advantage, but her top lane was also overwhelmed by Miss, and the bottom lane was due to the departure of Umbrella King and the support, which directly led to the bounty of the bottom lane tower. Pushing away with the stone, what's more deadly is that all of his side died in Yasuo's hands, and he directly raised a super boss.

Looking at the gray screen at this time, Ayi and Umbrella King focused on Yasuo who was cooperating with his teammates to dismantle the first tower in the middle. At this time, I already understood that this game has no meaning to continue.

Miss Ayi: Let's push it from the opposite side, this is GG.

At this time, Liu Yi, who had just finished dismantling the first tower in the middle road and was about to go back to the city to get equipment, suddenly saw what A Yi had posted in the chat bar.

"Heh, is this defeated?"

The corner of Liu Yi's mouth curled into a slight smile. Since this is the case, it's time to end this game. The return to the city was cancelled. At this time, the bounty and the stone also came to the middle road. Five people cooperated with the pawn line and dismantled it in just 2 minutes. Only one large crystal remained.

During this period of time, Liu Yi did not continue to hide his identity. He typed on the public screen and told Ayi and Umbrella Emperor who he was. The game is over.

At this moment, after seeing the message from Yasuo, Ah Yi and Umbrella Emperor couldn't help but look at each other in blank dismay. Almost after switching out of the interface in their respective live broadcast rooms at the same time, they quickly clicked on the Douyu platform. A live broadcast room with an audience of more than 160 million was discovered in the first row with Ayi in the area!
Ah Yi's live broadcast room has more than 110 million viewers, while Umbrella Emperor has only more than 20 viewers. A super anchor and a big anchor combined are not as many as this live broadcast room!
But Ayi was not surprised at all, when she saw who the anchor of this live broadcast room was, she already understood.

"When the sun rises in the east, I am the only one who is invincible"

It is the new super anchor of Douyu, who has been so popular recently, the leader. Not only has he occupied the number one throne in Hanbok for nearly two months, he has also signed a ten million contract with Douyu. How could Ah Yi not know about the man who is going to be on the throne even in the national server!

It's just that she didn't know what Liu Yi's national server ID was, and she never thought that she would meet this terrifying big devil in the ranking. She patted her forehead with her hand and lay down on the chair helplessly and said:
"Oh, if I had known it was him, why would I have chosen the Enchantress? My God, this is too miserable. The baby is so sad."

Pretending to cry, she wiped off the non-existent snot. Ayi said aggrievedly. At this time, Ayi had already walked out of the blow just now. Just kidding, what if the man who can sanction the faker loses by himself? What can I do? , you can fight!

While talking, she copied Liu Yi's ID and checked it out. Ayi couldn't help taking a breath just after entering.
"Oh my god, this record is too jumpy!"

Seeing a page full of victories and MVPs, Ayi involuntarily clicked all the way to the last page. Ayi, who stared at the whole process, looked at the 96% winning rate on the left and couldn't help being frightened. whispered:
"He is actually a master with a winning rate of 96%. Are you scared, my friends?! Is this still human??"

Regardless of Ayi and Umbrella Emperor who were already scared, Liu Yi was looking at the number of people in his live broadcast room at this time, and was pleasantly surprised to find that the number had risen to more than 170 million, and when it was about to break 180 million, Liu Yi immediately reacted Come over, this must be the audience who watched the game and then ran from Ayi Umbrella Emperor and Miss live broadcast room.

At the same time, seeing the messages and friend applications sent by Ayi and Umbrella Emperor, Liu Yi immediately agreed. Seeing the compliment messages from Ayi and Umbrella Emperor, Liu Yi politely made a few promises After playing together next time, I ordered the next game with Miss again.

At this time, Ah Yi and Umbrella King watched Liu Yi and Miss click on the game again, but they did not immediately continue the game, but chatted. The two of them were really afraid of standing in this position again. Facing the suffocatingly powerful man, I had no choice but to wait until Liu Yi entered the game before starting ranking.

"666666666666, the leader's power is so far, the two kings are scared by the game so that they dare not continue to rank!!!"

"Fuck, I'm going to apprentice! Don't let anyone stop me!!!"

"The leader is so powerful, it would be great if the leader can join a professional team to represent the country in the world!"

"To put it lightly, in the current e-sports atmosphere, the leader's strength is certainly strong, but why should he put down his current comfortable and affluent life to join those professional teams!"

"I don't care about so many useless ones, the fighting fish will not fail for a day, and I will support the leader until I grow old!"

"+1, Douyu will not fail for a day, support the leader until old age!"

At this time, Liu Yi also saw the barrage of the audience. Seeing these speeches, Liu Yi couldn't tell what kind of mood he was in. From an ordinary person who was suddenly reborn and had a system, he earned such a freshman at a young age. The family business made Liu Yi feel like he was dreaming, how could he think of so much, and how could he manage so much!

Sighing, he shook his head and forced himself not to think about it anymore. What he should do now is to complete the tasks assigned to him by the system as soon as possible. Be firm.

Then, after a few more consecutive victories with Miss, it was almost two o'clock in the middle of the night before I knew it. I rubbed my face and saw that my victory point had reached more than 150 points at this time. In the live broadcast room There are still nearly 140 million viewers in the movie, and at two o'clock in the evening, there are more than 140 million viewers!

I can't help but feel a little moved. To be honest, fans are the cutest people to the anchor, no matter what industry they are in!

It was late at night, and Liu Yi was also sleepy at this time. After talking to Miss, Liu Yi quit the game, and said goodbye to the fans in the live broadcast room before turning off the live broadcast.

After turning off the computer, he controlled his somewhat stiff body and stood up, stretched out his waist vigorously, and moved for a while, Liu Yi went to the bedroom and changed into pajamas and slippers. Then he went to the bathroom, washed his face and feet, and walked to the window inertly. I opened the window in front of me and blew in the cold wind. I took a look at the bustling night view of this big city, and then I turned back to the bedroom to rest.

Liu Yi is resting, but there are still people who are busy with Liu Yi's affairs.

The team of Qi Xiaodian, who has gradually become famous because of being an anchor and really knows how to play, just after working overtime at night to finish the new video, suddenly received a piece of material about Ayi and Umbrella Emperor, and Qi Xiaodian sat in a chair After clicking on the video, the originally relaxed and comfortable expression slowly froze, replaced by a look of shock.

As a starting point who has produced many League of Legends videos, although his strength is not as good as the king, but in terms of eyesight, starting point is not weak at all!

Since opening this video, whether it is Yasuo's solo kill against the enchantress in the second level, or the calculation of the Umbrella King in the lower lane, it is certainly exciting, but it is the Yasuo on the screen that shocked Xiaodian. The scene of shocking calculations and heaven-defying pentakills!
From the beginning of chasing the male gun until Thresh's powerless fall to the ground, every second of it was full of shocking operations, and Qi Xiaodian couldn't help but gasp, this Yasuo is so strong!
A light flashed in his eyes, and Xiao Dian knew that some of the materials in this issue could be discarded. There is no doubt that if he used the materials in this video, he would definitely add a large number of viewers to his column. People come to make videos overnight.

In addition to starting small, there is also a very popular League of Legends column video that is rushing to make this video about Yasuo!

Miss ranking diary!One of the heavyweight League of Legends shows with millions of hits every episode!

And the protagonist of this video is not Miss, but Yasuo who is slaughtering madly in this extraordinary master game!
When everyone was staying up late because of Liu Yi, Liu Yi himself slept soundly in the warm bed.

The cold wind blowing against the window made a whirring sound, but this sound made Liu Yi sleep more comfortably, and he had nothing to say all night.

Liu Yi slept until nearly eight o'clock the next day, and then slowly woke up.

Picking up the mobile phone and looking at the time sleepily, he yawned and rubbed his hair before sitting up, picked up the boiled water on the bedside table and drank it in one gulp, and finally regained his energy.

Rubbing his face that was tense from just waking up, he put on slippers as if one leg was dragging the other, and went to the bathroom to wash up.

Unexpectedly, just after washing, his cell phone rang.

Walked back to the bedroom and picked up the phone, looked at the incoming call reminder, huh?Wang Yan, did Wang Yan call herself? !The moment Liu Yi saw Wang Yan's name, there was an inexplicable emotion spreading in Liu Yi's heart, happy or happy?
A smile instantly appeared on his face, and he gently swiped the screen to answer the call. Just as he was about to greet Wang Yan, a voice that was still pleasant but with a hint of chill came from the other end of the phone:

"Are you free? If you are free, come and have a cup of coffee with me!"

 Thanks to book friends Ye, Mo Shang, 562218541, nian Shao frivolous 灬, Rattlesnak and other book friends for their support for this book, thank you, I hope everyone will vote for their recommendation, and click on this book's collection, thank you Book friends, thank you, you are really awesome!


(End of this chapter)

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