Douyu Top Streamer

Chapter 522 Encircled and wiped out the road, the anchor team fought back

Chapter 522 Encircled and wiped out the road, the anchor team fought back
Li Zhao, who was paying attention to the progress of the event, smiled when he saw this. This is exactly what he wanted. Heads broke out between the anchor team and the professional team, so that the atmosphere in the official live broadcast room could be more enthusiastic, and the barrage could More and more.

The contest in the Summoner's Canyon did not ease because of Han Bing's death, but became more intense.

"Bang bang."

The sound of skill release came from the middle.

The camera quickly shifted to the scene, and the audience could clearly see that brother Jiu, who was controlling the enchantress and consumed a wave of the fox, was not very relaxed, showing a cautious look, and the enchantress he was controlling had three-quarters of his health remaining.

Athena's fox brought him a lot of pressure. .

Brother Jiu said: "The Athena on the opposite side has locked the fox's skills too tightly, and her hand speed is also very fast. My enchantress W stepped on him in the past and might be charmed by him, and then hit me back. Let's find a chance to catch a wave."

Hearing this, Da Sima, who had swiped to the lower half of the field, adjusted his glasses, silently thinking about the current situation in his heart.

You know, as a jungler, it is impossible to cover everything, so there is a concept of helping the good and not helping the bad, but the current situation is different. Except for Shenchao, who is relatively stable on the top lane, the other two lanes are not very optimistic.

Although Brother Jiu in the middle is holding the signature Enchantress, under the threat of the fox's charm skill, it is difficult to play the elegance of the Enchantress.

Coupled with the threat of the smiling barrel, Brother Jiu didn't dare to hand over the enchantress's w skill rashly, so the situation in the middle lane seemed a little passive. Needless to say, the situation in the bottom lane was even more dangerous than the middle lane.

With a plan in mind, Da Sima said: "Shenchao, you should be a little more stable in the top lane, and I will look for opportunities in the middle and bottom lanes."

Shenchao nodded and said, "Well, I'm fine on the road, so you can help me out."

After receiving Shenchao's accurate reply, Da Sima's worries were relieved a bit, because the guarantee of Shenchao, a top laner, was still very valuable, and it also relieved Da Sima a lot of pressure.

However, at this moment, Big Quail and Zhu Xiaoyue's unbelievable exclamations resounded in the chat channel.

The staff who were paying attention to the situation on the scene immediately shifted the camera to the bottom lane.

In an instant, the tense situation in the bottom lane immediately caught everyone's eyes, especially the few members of the anchor team and the fans of Big Quail and Zhu Xiaoyue, who were extremely worried about the anchor they supported.


The defense of the big quail family is constantly flashing red.


Defense towers with very high damage were constantly attacking Curly Thresh. Although Curly Thresh was made of meat equipment, because the equipment at this stage had not yet been formed, a few attacks from the defense tower turned Thresh into a Residual blood.

But facing this situation, Big Quail and Zhu Xiaoyue were not the slightest bit excited.

Because the price for the curly-haired Thresh to become blood was based on the possible death of the two of them.

Big Quail and Zhu Xiaoyue never expected that the two of them came to the line to collect a wave of soldiers, and then they encountered such a high-intensity pincer attack. The smiling barrel came to the grass where the stone man was at some time Inside.

Liu Yi's Lu Xi'an and curly-haired Thresh came to the line, their acting skills were quite high and they didn't show any flaws, but at the moment when the big quail was negligent, Liu Yi's Lu Xi'an burst forward again with the e skill, an unstoppable attack, once again hit.

The big quail only had time to cry out, and had no time to react.

Zhu Xiaoyue's operation this time is more cautious than the wave just now. She has been paying attention to Lu Xi'an for a long time, and she gave Han Bing the w skill at the first time, and then slammed it on Lu Xi'an's face with a backhand q, and the e skill continued. When it is turned on, the huge light shield completely covers the ice behind it.

However, before the two had time to catch their breath, the smiling barrel appeared behind them.

Zhu Xiaoyue subconsciously shouted: "Isn't it, brother, are you such a mess?"

The crosstalk-style sound of the big quail has never appeared, only the mechanical keyboard keeps making crackling sounds.

Sweat broke out on his forehead, and the big quail looked at the gray flash and healing skill bar, feeling helpless in his heart. The curly-haired Thresh hadn't handed over any skills yet, so it was very difficult for him to escape this wave.

Smiling and relaxed, he said, "I'll fight the wave first, God Mao, come and help me continue."

Curly replied, "Okay."

After getting the curly hair's reply, Smile immediately controlled the wine barrel and used the e skill to attack the flesh bomb. The wine barrel's body was covered with a hazy brilliance, which was the special effect of the wine barrel's w skill drunk and violent. Barrel decent damage.

The timing of Smile's search was very good. Big Quail's troops were either in front, or they hadn't come over yet. Therefore, there was a complete vacuum behind Big Quail and Zhu Xiaoyue. The only way to avoid the wine barrels was to move. .

But it's a pity that at such a short distance, the big quail tried its best to avoid the e skill of the wine barrel. It is really not an easy task to avoid the e skill of the wine barrel without flashing ice.

The damage of level four wine barrel W is not very high, but it is enough for Ice, which is only level three now.

The wine barrel that was smashed down was combined with the damage of the e skill, and the blood volume of the ice dropped a bit. Zhu Xiaoyue's Bron escaped from the catastrophe and remained absolutely awake because he blocked the ice with the e skill.


The rolling oak barrel also shattered at this time, and the q skill rolling the barrel that had been charged for one second dealt damage again, and Han Bing's bloodline dropped to three-fifths, and the deceleration effect also applied to Han Bing.


Taking advantage of the chance shot by the smiling wine barrel, Curly quickly found the opportunity, and instantly passed through the tiny gap between Bron and the ice with the chain that was so fast that it could make the sound of the wind, and hit the stunned ice perfectly, and immediately activated the second stage of q flew over.


Accompanied by the creepy and insane laughter, Curly used Thresh's e skill Doom Pendulum without hesitation, a rectangular green staircase with light suddenly appeared at Han Bing's feet, and then slammed towards Liu Yi Lucian pushed hard.

Immediately, Han Bing, who had just lifted the dizzy effect, fell into a chain of death-like control again, and the distance that Big Quail and Zhu Xiaoyue ran with all their strength turned into nothingness again.

The big quail almost shouted: "Bron, get out quickly, leave me alone, and be careful of being double-killed."

Zhu Xiaoyue looked at the situation in front of her helplessly, and continued to do her best to protect Han Bing. This was her unshirkable duty, and she could not give up if she could keep Han Bing alive for a second.

Furthermore, this is under the tower!

Liu Yi chased after him expressionless. With the perfect combination of smile and curly hair, his Lucian didn't have to worry about anything at all. He just needed to scare the big quail in the early stage, causing it to retreat to the attacking range of the smiling barrel Inside, even if it works.

The cross-shaped W skill's fervent bullet hits Han Bing, causing Han Bing's body to turn golden in an instant. The six-second mark will give Liu Yi's Lucian a one-second speed bonus.


The body-penetrating holy light instantly penetrated the body of Han Bing who was close at hand. Han Bing, who was slowed down, staggered and wanted to fight back. However, facing Lucian who was in perfect condition, he had no ability to parry. Lucian's two passive bullets knocked Han Bing away. The ice takes away again.

Dfbb (Holy Gunner) killed Douyu Big Quail (Ice Shooter)! !
The kill prompt sounded again, and at the same time, the curly-haired and smiling wine barrel also had an assist.

Da Sima's support was very fast, and his prince smashed the burst fruit and immediately reached the position of the stone monster. At this time, the smiling wine barrel could not escape the prince's pursuit because of the low blood volume left in the anti-tower in front of him. kill.

And at this moment, Shenchao, who hesitated a little, finally made up his mind, put the mouse on the field of vision that Zhu Xiaoyue made in the grass, and immediately activated the teleportation.

"It's too much, if you do things like this, don't you even grow up with a smile?!"

"When did my big quail suffer from such aggrieved! Stand up, quail!"

"It's a profession after all, this support is really strong!"

"Wow, Shen Chao has teleported down the lane! Da Sima is here too, what can I say about this wave!!"

(End of this chapter)

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