Douyu Top Streamer

Chapter 508 Idle Time

Chapter 508 Idle Time
The match against WE was won so easily that Smile and Curly, who were both members of IM, as well as mid laner Athena and top laner AJ, couldn't help but feel a little scared in their hearts. Fortunately, Liu Yi was their teammate, not Their enemy, otherwise, facing such a powerful enemy, they really can't think of how to deal with it.

There are a lot of fans blocking the exit of the venue, both men and women, most of them are young people in their twenties, exuding a hot youthful atmosphere. In addition, there are also many entertainment reporters holding photography equipment. Here Squatting and waiting for Liu Yi to appear.

Several reporters stood together, taking advantage of the boring waiting time, each lit a cigarette to pass the time.

Stamping out the cigarette butt he dropped, a reporter playing with his mobile phone let out a hi-ha, which attracted the attention of other colleagues, "The fan of the leader has grown really fast, and it has increased by more than a hundred thousand in a short while, tsk tsk, At this rate, before the finals, the domestic league will be over 600 million."

Hearing this, a man with a video camera spit out a smoke ring that swam deep into his lungs and had obviously faded: "Everyone has his own life, and he became a big star just by playing games. Hey, don't you envy me?" Come."

There were a lot of reporters, and one of them said: "If we can catch some good news today, maybe we can get some bonuses or something. Oh, I am so tired every day and the salary is only so little. It is really annoying to work here. .”

Perhaps what this person said made sense, and the rest of the people nodded in sympathy.

With a "buzz", the people around the front of the exit made a movement.

There is a situation.

Seeing this, several reporters quickly packed up their food, and started to go to the location they had found earlier. They didn't even think about the idea of ​​competing with those enthusiastic fans.

It is their business to save their energy to interview the rightful owner Liu Yi.

Looking at the brightly lit exit with great interest, I saw Liu Yi, who had already changed back into his normal clothes, walked slowly to the exit blocked by fans, accompanied by his teammates and official personnel. forward.

"Master, I want to play professionally, here is my contact information!"

"Master, I love you!"

"Congratulations to the leader Congratulations to IM, can I take a photo with you!"

"Master, I am your die-hard fan, please sign for a photo as a souvenir!"

"Sign it for me, Master!"

When the dark crowd saw Liu Yi's figure appear, they immediately pressed up on it, and the backs of the accompanying officials broke out in cold sweat. Fortunately, they had received the danger warning long ago, so they arranged for people to follow, otherwise they would really say Not sure what will happen.

They can never afford this responsibility.

Looking at the densely packed mobile phones held up to him and the flashing lights, and listening to so many charming beauties saying hot words to him, Liu Yi felt his head swell a little. Besides, Liu Yi also felt Some enthusiastic fans actually stuffed notes into their clothes.

Even before leaving, he touched himself reluctantly.

This made Liu Yi a little flustered. It would be okay if they were all women, but if there were men doing this, it would really be a bit heart-wrenching.

Liu Yi didn't look at Xiaoxiao and the others, because he knew clearly that when the exit was approaching, the teammates who had gathered beside him with a look of hugging their thighs, including Smile, had already opened a safe distance from him. .

"Don't worry, everyone, come one by one, I can't run away, but everyone has to think about your own safety, besides, it's uncomfortable to be crowded with so many people, isn't it?" Liu Yi took a deep breath and reminded loudly, while trying to keep his His expression softened.

Hearing what the idol said, many fans felt relieved and began to back away slowly.

Especially some female fans, their affection for Liu Yi has skyrocketed in their hearts, because before these women, they were deliberately crowded around by some men with ulterior motives. However, there are so many people and they have no good solution. Looking at it now When the crowded people began to disperse slowly, they finally relaxed.

"Go and drive first, and wait for me in a remote place." Liu Yi turned around and whispered with a smile.

It would not be a big deal if all the fans in front of me signed autographs and group photos, but Liu Yi knew that just signing autographs would never satisfy these fans, so it could only focus on maintaining stability. Naturally, I took the opportunity to run away.

Taking a deep breath, Liu Yi walked forward with a smile.

At 2:23 in the morning, Liu Yi and others walked out of the hotel.

The street was very deserted, and the cool night wind made Liu Yi very comfortable. The dizziness that he was not used to the smell of smoke disappeared with the night wind blowing in his face.

The bright cold moon hangs high in the dark night sky, and the hazy moonlight shines on the ground, reflecting the shadows of people.

"Ahem." He coughed with a smile.

He had failed in his bet with Curly Hair just now, so he found a bright red hot chili and ate it. The flame-like spiciness suddenly swept over the smiling taste buds, making his face turn red and a thin layer of sweat break out on his forehead.

Curly, the bad friend, even handed him a cup of hot water, and when he drank it, he smiled and felt like he was going to explode.

Until the end of the banquet, Smile still felt that her mouth was extremely hot. She followed Liu Yi out and took a few big breaths of the cool night breeze, which made her feel better. She kept muttering that she would have revenge sooner or later.

"That's fine, I'll go back first, and you guys should rest early when you go back, don't delay the afternoon training match tomorrow." Seeing that everyone came out of the hotel, Liu Yi stretched his tired body and said to several people.

"Okay, drive slowly on the road, and take a rest early when you go back." Zhang Qi walked to Liu Yi's side and said softly, he was indeed a little tired, and it would be great if he could go back to rest earlier.

After a few polite words with everyone, Liu Yi opened the car door, started the car and left.

In the second half of the night, there were few vehicles passing by on the road, and it was deserted and smooth. With half of the car window open, I felt the natural night wind blowing in. Liu Yi, who had never been drinking, felt better in spirit.

Turn on the music, and a slow and smooth prelude floats out.

Liu Yi usually drives at night, and he likes to play some music that can make people restless, but tonight is already very late, and the energy is naturally not comparable to that of the day, so he played some soothing music to listen to.

After receiving a WeChat message on the road, Liu Yi took a cursory glance at the glowing phone screen, and then focused on driving.

Although there were no pedestrians or vehicles on the road at night, Liu Yi was still very careful, because as far as he knew of the car accidents, most of them were caused by drivers not paying attention to the road.

After returning home, maybe it was because of the night wind blowing on the road, Liu Yi was not very sleepy, so he turned on the TV in the living room and found a random station, turned up the volume, and after making the huge living room a little bit popular, Liu Yi went to the bathroom to relax. wash up.

After washing up, Liu Yi took out a bottle of drink from the refrigerator, leaned on the sofa and watched TV. Before he knew it, Liu Yi felt his eyelids suddenly heavy, and then he closed his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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