Douyu Top Streamer

Chapter 505 Pseudo regiment destroyed, big dragon

Chapter 505 Pseudo regiment destroyed, big dragon
Hearing the reminder from his teammates, Xiye, who was going around from the three wolves to the blue buff, couldn't help being surprised. The reason why he dared to enter this position was not only because his teammates were by his side, but also because he had the ability to escape. That's why it's so bold to go deep.

But after all, Xiye is also a veteran professional player.

From the moment he heard the anxious reminder from 957, it took him less than a second to realize the potential crisis.

"Quickly withdraw, the other side may have to pack!" Xiye didn't have time to attack the blue buff who was close at hand, and hurriedly signaled Condi to retreat, and then manipulated the ice girl to leave in the direction of the excavator.

Condi pondered for a while, then operated the excavator to meet Lissandra.

Condi's courage to do this lies in the fact that his excavator produces meat clothes, even if he is hit by the opponent a few times, it is completely irrelevant.

im within the playing area.

Liu Yi, who had been paying attention to the movement in the wild area for a long time, showed indifferent eyes when he saw Condi and Xiye wanting to evacuate, "Jin's big move, AJ followed, and sealed the ice girl's position."

If you want to leave, it's that simple.

This wave of opportunities did not come easily, how could Liu Yi let it go so easily.

Liu Yi quickly gave instructions, and even without hesitation, he manipulated the wine barrel and used the e skill meat bomb to attack. The weak high wall next to the blue buff could not stop the wine barrel, and the wine barrel with the skill effect aimed at Condi's The excavator blasted away.

The excavator without the quick-movement skill watched Liu Yi's wine barrel hit him, and fell into a dizzy time.


Shouting like thunder suddenly exploded, and in front of Lissandra of xiye, a pointed column made of ice suddenly jumped up, pushing Lissandra's body backward in an instant, and the speed of xiye was immediately One slow.

AJ showed joy on his chubby face, and immediately launched the next set of skills.

The troll's frozen field suddenly appeared, and a huge circle wrapped all the nearby heroes in. Aj was in a very refreshing mood at the moment, and he manipulated the troll to come to the ice girl like flying.

Bite fiercely, and then under the effect of the Frozen Domain, the troll's attack speed was supplemented by its own attack speed equipment, and quickly attacked Xiye's Lissandra.

"It's okay, I can be stupid!" Xiye, who was followed by the troll, made a mistake in order not to worry his teammates. When he was working hard, Curly's move broke his heart instantly.

Niutou actually flashed wq Erlian directly and pushed him up.

A few shields, which looked extremely solid, appeared around the head of the bull that Curly was operating after a burst of khaki light.

There was a chill in Xiye's heart, and the others were also shocked.

"Uh drink!"

Lissandra's cold voice appeared, and the bursts of frost made the attack speed of the troll beside her suddenly slow down.

Xiye activated the big move Frozen Mausoleum at the moment when Niutou's control ended, countless dark black ice edges wrapped Lissandra tightly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the blood volume was also low when resisting other people's attacks Rise in the brush.

"I went to hit the mid laner." Condi forced himself to calm down, even though Xiye was suffering so much damage, Condi was not affected at all, and his eyes were always looking for the position of the opponent's c position.

He can't touch the smiling playmaker, but Malzaha in the mid laner, he has to do something in the past.

"My three wolves outflank the left side, you can fight!" 957 gritted his teeth after saying these words, and rushed in the predetermined direction.

Seeing this, Xiye took a deep breath, his Lissandra didn't flash now, when the ultimate move ended, it was time for him to die, but before that, he could deal as much damage as he could!

"I bloom in the slaughter, like a flower in the dawn."

There was a buzzing sound like a heavy machine roaring beside the ears, two extremely long red lights that seemed to pierce through the wild area, appeared extremely slow but were actually extremely fast like lightning, including everyone in we .

A breath of death lingered around us.

"Perfect curtain call!"

The gunfire roared suddenly, and a heavy bullet exuding the aura of death, carrying the madness of wanting to destroy everything, suddenly hit Xiye who had just finished his ult.

Xiye, who had been hurt for a long time, immediately had a trace of blood left on the Lissandra he was controlling.

The knocking sound of the mechanical keyboard was extremely intense, Xiye dealt the final damage to the enemy, and was brutally smashed to death by the wine barrel that drank the violent wine beside him, laughing madly.

IM-Rysj (wine barrel) killed WE-Xiye (Lissandra)!
"shi.t!" Seeing the gray screen, xiye slowed down the intense action of tapping his fingers on the keyboard, and couldn't help but swear.

There is still hope, xiye put her eyes full of hope on MyStic's wheel mom, Condi's previous ganks, there are two waves of bot lane, mystic's wheel mom is developing very well.

Besides, it is still fighting in such a narrow place, the damage of the wheel mother must not be underestimated.

"It's up." Seeing that his excavator successfully lifted up Athena and the leader, Condi's expression was full of unconcealable joy, and he hurriedly turned his head to remind his teammates.


It was another shell that wanted to tear through the void.

One advantage of Jhin as a hero is that when starting a team battle, as long as you control your angle well, you can easily use his ultimate move to cause a devastating blow to the enemy.

"Boom! Boom!"

There were two consecutive cannon fires, and the position where Jhin, who was operating with a smile before, was standing, now there was a slight crack.

Although Smile's strength has regressed, facing such a narrow terrain and so many heroes crowded together, all four heavy bullets concentrated on the enemy, causing a devastating blow to us.

Bard, who was assisting the road, was timid and didn't use his big move in the early stage. When he wanted to use it, he had no chance.

IM-Weixiao (Fate Master) killed WE-Road (Wandering God of the Star World)!

One more person died, Xiye's pupils dilated slightly, and his brows frowned even tighter.

Now two of their people died in the arena, but Liu Yi's side was still full. The bloody wine barrel that was about to be beaten to death by Condi and 957 practiced his hands, but with the help of the curly bull head, he lasted for a second.

"Condi is over, hurry up and chase Ike." AJ shouted hastily.

The horror of the trolls began to emerge. The trolls in the frozen domain had improved attack speed and other states. In addition, the two unsolvable skills of q and r made AJ's eyes turn red.


The howl of the excavator sounded, and he was severely smashed to the bone by the troll's bone club.

IM-AmazingJ (King of Trolls) killed WE-Condi (Void Dungeon Beast)!
"Quick retreat, there is no chance, my God, this wave of team battles we directly avalanche, the leader and they started a perfect team battle, zero for three, and Ike who looked at 957 didn't look like he could run , It’s a big loss, their wave!” Xiaoxiao stared at the screen intently, even breathing a little confused in excitement.

Already three, can Ike run?
Countless viewers who watched the live broadcast had this question in their minds, Ike has a resurrection armor.


The smiling eyes became colder, he manipulated Jhin to hit Ike's body with a shot, and the resurrection armor exploded in an instant.

Several soft white awns intertwined together, exuding a strong breath of life, but the expressions of 957 and his teammates were a little unbearable.

Resurrection A is forced to be used. One situation is that after the resurrection, they are all teammates and win a big victory. The other situation is that they are all enemies and die again. Obviously, 957 belongs to the second situation.


"My goodness!"

"It's a shame this wave! What did mystic think, did he think he could still fight!"

"Avalanche! IM they must be going to open the dragon!"

"Commander sb, why are you playing special team battles!"

"gg! Grass!"

However, just when 957 thought he was going to die, something unexpected happened to him and millions of viewers. Mystic's wheel mother actually walked towards the front, with a look of death.

957 has a headache, he doesn't understand the intention of mystic.

But he knew that, instead of both of them dying here and being wiped out by the group, it would be better to seize the opportunity to escape!

"Sorry." 957's face darkened, the matter has come to this point, he has no other choice.

The e skill that just finished the cd was used, and Ike easily crossed the wall and came to the back of the wheel mother. There is a saying that when encountering danger, I don’t need to run faster than the danger, I just need to run Just be faster than others.

This is the case now, that's it.

Mystic watched Ike jump over the wall and leave in a daze, and he was instantly killed by several people who rushed up.

IM-Athena (Malzaha) killed WE-Mystic (Goddess of War)!

The fake group is destroyed!
Liu Yi smiled and sent a signal to Xiao Xiao and the others. This wave left the opponent with only one top laner. If you don't take this opportunity to take Dalong, you will really become a Muggle.

Aj, who was carried in the front row, chose to return to the city, and then tp to Longkeng.

Baron was swiped in seconds, and 957's Ike didn't even walk past it, and it was over.

"It's over." The South Korean coach Hoon, who was dressed in black and slacks, murmured dully when he watched his carefully trained team play this situation.

Xiaoguan: Most of the remaining book friends are die-hard book friends who are willing to discuss the plot of the novel, please join the q group: 557314393 to discuss with Xiaoguan.

(End of this chapter)

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