Douyu Top Streamer

Chapter 484 Wang Yan Zhang Zheng

Chapter 484 Wang Yan returns to Zheng
The night is getting deeper and deeper, even the most prosperous Bund is still brightly lit, but there are very few pedestrians and tourists nearby. Wandering outside with a thin drizzle.

Bright lights flashed, and the sound of passing cars resounded on the spacious road.

Two rows of street lamps like a long dragon illuminate the road clearly, and the splashed water reflects the back of the speeding car. When the water splashed back to the ground, the car had already disappeared at the end of the street, and the road was silenced again. occupied.

Liu Yi was the only one left in the car.

Different from the lively atmosphere when we came, the car was very quiet at the moment, only the rearview mirror reflected Liu Yi's face through the light inside the car. When the driver was halfway, he listened to Liu Yi's instructions went home.

"Don't think about these things."

Liu Yi's expression finally showed a wave of fluctuation. The things that upset Liu Yi were still not handled by him as quickly as usual, so he had to force himself to suppress the thoughts in his heart.

He didn't want to think about Miss.

"The match against Lgd this time can be said to be a complete victory. The cooperation between the players has improved a lot compared to before. Now it is time to let Gogoing play. The match between No. [-] and We is a good opportunity."

Liu Yi controlled the steering wheel with both hands, thinking in his mind.

Letting Gogoing and AJ play their best in the summer split is Liu Yila's idea before he came to Gogoing. After all, Gogoing's peak strength lies there. If it really reaches the step of participating in the World Finals, Gogoing in his peak period cannot be said to be much better than AJ, but there should be no problem if he surpasses it slightly.

With a decision in his heart, Liu Yi stopped being distracted and drove the car towards his home on the Bund.

There are few vehicles on the streets of Shanghai at night, and even pedestrians are pitiful. Compared with the bustling scene during the day, it can be said that there is a huge difference. Soon, Liu Yi drove the car into the community and Park it properly.

When entering the high-rise building, a gust of night breeze came over, which made Liu Yi subconsciously speed up his pace. He entered the elevator and pressed the floor. While the elevator was rising, Liu Yi took off his coat and put it under his nose to smell it carefully. smell.

But just after hearing it, Liu Yi's expression changed slightly.

Sure enough, it met what he thought in his heart. There was a scent near Miss's pillowed shoulder, and Liu Yi never used perfume, and the perfume Wang Yan often used was not this smell. Liu Yi was worried that it would cause misunderstanding.


The sound of the elevator reaching the floor sounded, Liu Yi shook his head and stopped thinking about it, put on his clothes and walked towards the house.

The lights in the building are automatically controlled. Whenever the elevator stops at the floor, the lights in the corridor of the floor will automatically light up, which saves the owners from the trouble of coughing or stomping their feet, and reduces hidden dangers.


After entering the correct password, a gap quietly appeared in the solid outer door. Liu Yi opened the door and walked in. He gently closed the door. After changing his shoes, Liu Yi walked towards the living room. Idle, naturally took off his coat and loosened his tie.


Liu Yi walked to the living room and saw the light coming from the study, so he walked over and shouted.

Just when Liu Yi was about to open the door of the study room, the door of the study room was opened from the inside first. Liu Yi showed a smile on his face, looked at Wang Yan in front of him and said: "The atmosphere at the base is very good today. It's getting late, what are you doing at home?"

Say it.

Liu Yi stretched out his hand to stroke Wang Yan's beautiful hair, gently pulled Wang Yan's body towards him, kissed Wang Yan's fair forehead, and then walked towards the bedroom pretending to be natural, and opened the partition in the bedroom. He hung up his coat in the room, and the compartment was full of neatly stacked clothes, and this piece of clothing was very inconspicuous in it.

"I'm dealing with the matter in Zhengzhou. I just have something to say. There's something wrong with the Bauhinia land. I need to go back for a few days to deal with it for you." Wang Yan took off her anti-radiation glasses and walked away. Said to Liu Yi's side.

have to say.

Wang Yan and Miss are two people with completely different styles. Miss is the kind of energetic girl who makes people look young and beautiful, full of vigor and vitality; It makes Wang Yan's appearance look unattainable, her temperament is even more noble and glamorous, and her every gesture reveals elegance and purity.

Even at home, Wang Yan's dressing habits are all about elegance.

The black checkered shirt with the black western skirt not only makes Wang Yan look more mature, but also reflects Wang Yan's graceful and moving figure. Her slender legs are fair and attractive, as if she has no flaws Her stunning beauty makes people who see her feel nothing but admiration.

"Well, it's been a while since I left Zhengzhou, it's time to go back."

Liu Yi loosened his tie, took off his tie and said.

There is Lin Wei in Zhengzhou who is handling things, plus Lin Wei's identity and his own style of doing things, Liu Yi doesn't think there will be anything that can hinder Lin Wei, but now that Wang Yan has told him personally, it must be Something went wrong with the project in Zhengzhou.

Liu Yi didn't ask any more questions, it was because of his trust in Wang Yan.

"When did you book the flight ticket?" Liu Yi looked at Wang Yan and asked.

"Tomorrow afternoon, I have nothing to do here, so don't waste time." Wang Yan said after thinking about it.

"Okay, I'll see you off tomorrow afternoon." Liu Yi changed the clothes on his body, took out the change of clothes from the compartment, and said with tenderness in his eyes, he took Wang Yan into his arms and said.

Liu Yi has always considered it his blessing to have a woman like Wang Yan who is understanding and congenial.

It took more than half an hour to wash and tidy up, and it was almost twelve o'clock in the evening when Wang Yan and Wang Yan entered the bedroom. Naturally, the live broadcast announced the news in advance, so there is no need to worry about fans worrying about random thoughts.

Feeling the fragrance in his arms, Liu Yi couldn't help feeling a little thirsty in his throat.

Pudong Airport.

There are not a few men and women coming and going in the airport lobby. Pudong, an international airport, is showing its charm at the moment. Under the clean and tidy foundation, the countless lights and technologically-sounding buildings make the people who come and go secretly smack their tongues. I feel the prosperity of the city of Shanghai in my heart.

The handsome men and beautiful women with fashionable and sexy appearance can't help but straighten their waists when walking here, and their hearts are filled with various fulfilling feelings, and they want to dress themselves more gracefully and have a more attractive temperament.

"You can live with your parents when you go home, but don't tell them about the matter. If the problem is really difficult, you can tell me and let me handle it."

On the edge of the road outside the airport, a white and luxurious Mercedes-Benz S65AMG was parked on the roadside. Naturally, it was enjoying the unconcealed envy in the eyes of passers-by. Naturally, the two people sitting in the car were Wang Yan and Liu Yi.

"Well, don't worry, let's go down."

A sound like a clear spring ding-dong sounded, and Wang Yan looked at Liu Yi beside her and replied, after saying this, Wang Yan opened the car door and walked down, and Liu Yi naturally got out of the car, and the driver in front saw this. He hurriedly went to the trunk to take out Wang Yan's luggage, and walked behind the two of them.

There were many people and travelers seeing off at the airport, and naturally there were not a few people with outstanding temperament. Although Liu Yi and Wang Yan attracted some envious eyes, they didn't encounter anything else.

Compared with the enthusiasm when Liu Yi went to the competition, it can be said to be extremely quiet now.

It wasn't until Wang Yan was sent to the security check, and watching Wang Yan's back disappear at the end of the passage, that Liu Yi turned around with some reluctance, suppressed the reluctance in his heart, and walked out of the airport quickly.

"It's not interesting to go back, just go to the base."

Hearing the sound of the driver starting the car, Liu Yi made a choice in his heart. There was no one at home, and he had nothing to do when he went back. Why not go to the base to see the progress of everyone's training.

(End of this chapter)

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