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Chapter 480 Lee Sang Hyuk's Dangerous Feeling, IM Wins

Chapter 480 Lee Sang Hyuk's Dangerous Feeling, IM Wins
The conference room suddenly became silent.

Standing Bang and the other team members had weird expressions on their faces, and they were also puzzled by what Kim Jong-kyun said, but even though the puzzlement was deep in their hearts, Bang and the others all controlled their emotions. Before getting permission from Kim Jong Kyun to speak, he kept absolute silence.

"When the coach's summary is not over, the players are not allowed to interrupt without authorization."

This sentence is one of the team regulations posted in the base, and it is posted in the most conspicuous place in the base. The team members like Bang and Faker see the most every day. They will be punished accordingly, and the militarized management of the Lck division is not just groundless.

No matter how good your personal strength is, as long as you dare to violate the regulations that damage the team spirit, you will definitely be punished. It is in this environment with a perfect reward and punishment system that SKT has won one after another that surprises others. An enviable honor.

conference room.

Kim Jong-kyun, who had just beaten the players, had a smile on his face. The performance of Lee Sang-hyuk and the others undoubtedly made Kim Jong-kyun very satisfied. In Kim Jong-kyun's understanding, a truly world-class team should be like the current SKT. No matter what information they hear or see, they can behave calmly. This is the basic quality that a world-class team should possess.

"Xianghe, express your opinion on what I just said."

Jin Zhengjun said in a calm tone.


Lee Sang Hyuk, who was thinking, did not hesitate at all, and consciously stood up straight while answering, and adjusted his breathing unknowingly. After exhaling a foul breath, Lee Sang Hyuk spoke slowly and clearly about himself. the opinion of.

"First of all, our strength is unquestionable. This is something I must emphasize, but it is precisely because our strength has been ahead of the strong teams in the world for a long time, which may lead us to a disastrous failure in the near future. , My words are not alarmist, but a conclusion drawn from extremely practical data analysis.”

Lee Sang Hyuk paused for a moment, and took a short time to sort out his thoughts, and then continued: "The strong teams in other divisions, such as H2K in the European division, have achieved more wins than losses, but for us There is no need to pay attention to the superficial victory, but what surprised me is that H2K used a lot of novel tactical ideas in the victorious games, which are not inferior to the solutions provided by our team's analysts."

The voice just fell.

The players scattered in various places in the conference room started discussing in a low voice in surprise. What Faker said was a big shock to them, because in their minds, Korean tactics were already far ahead of all competition regions in the world, and had already Initially formed a fixed thinking that the Korean team is almost invincible, so when I suddenly heard Lee Sang Hyuk's words, I couldn't help being shocked.


"It's no surprise that regions like Europe and North America have an avant-garde view on tactical thinking itself."

"Look at them."

"Even so, it's not a big problem, any trick is vulnerable to absolute strength!"

"It can't be said that. Novel tactical thinking combined with a certain strength will definitely bring us trouble."

The conference room that had been quiet because of Kim Jong-kyun was revived again. Bang exchanged views with several teammates around him. When he saw that Faker was almost adjusted, Bang gestured for silence.

Lee Sang Hyuk adjusted his glasses, looked at the crowd and said, "Actually, H2K is not the only team that amazed me by the rapid improvement in strength. What really troubles me is ROX. ROX brings me even more danger than SSG. Even stronger, facing ROX in this summer split is an excellent opportunity for us to understand ROX's strength."

"The strength of ROX cannot be underestimated!"

"Pray and Semb are definitely tough opponents."

"The newly promoted jungler Peanut is also very strong."

Speaking of this, Bang and Bengi listened more attentively to Lee Sang Hyuk's analysis. After all, H2K is far away in Europe, even if it is a novel strategy, it will not affect them, but this ROX is different, and this is coming soon. Against the opponent!
Kim Jong Kyun's complexion is very good, Faker's performance made him very satisfied, but Kim Jong Kyun's eyes still have a trace of anticipation, he is looking forward to whether Lee Sang Hyuk can realize that difficult opponent like him.

Just when everyone thought that Lee Sang Hyuk's views had come to an end, and even Kim Jong Kyun's face began to turn cloudy, Lee Sang Hyuk, who had been silent for a few seconds, suddenly made a sound again, and this time he said The words made everyone except Kim Jong Kyun feel unbelievable!

"But I think so!"

"In this World Finals, we will encounter an enemy that is more powerful than ROX. Although this enemy's current strength is not very strong, it is growing at a terrifying speed, both in terms of operational capabilities and team strength. The overall consciousness and the display of strength make me feel very dangerous!"

Lee Sang Hyuk's tone suddenly became very serious.

The fiery atmosphere in the meeting room became stiff. Except for Kim Jong-kyun, who was smiling more and more on his face, all the other members of the SKT team felt their hearts thump. Faker, the world's strongest mid laner officially recognized by Riot, Lee Sang-hyuk, a top player, actually faced a team with such a serious attitude. If the content of this meeting gets out, I don't know what a huge sensation it will cause in the outside world!

Both Bang and Bengi held their breath, waiting for Faker to give the final answer.

the strange thing is.

In the hearts of Bang, Bengi, and others, a team they knew suddenly emerged, especially the core characters in this team, who also explained to them in Korea, in their SKT base, what is true The dominant jungler!
"Is it him?"

The expressions of the four people became a little weird.

As if knowing Bengi and Bang, they had already guessed what the answer he was going to say. A cutting-edge team that is about to destroy the enemy's central crystal!
"The IM team in the Lpl Division brings me the strongest sense of danger!"

Shanghai is thousands of miles away.

In the venue where the LPL Summer Games was held, a sound like a storm suddenly erupted, and at the same time it swept through any corner of the audience at an extremely fast speed. Countless audiences shouted loudly, some voices sounded extremely excited, and some voices heard It is extremely low when it rises.

on the commentary.

Wawa and Miller's faces also turned red, and they said emotionally: "In the last wave of competition for the ancient dragon, IM exchanged zero for five LGD, and played a wonderful wave of group destruction. Now IM's big dragon, the ancient dragon, With the blessing of Double Dragon, LGD’s mid-lane crystal has long been pushed away, and the resurrection time of dozens of seconds has no hope for LGD to come back!”

"I announce!"

Looking at the heroes of the IM team on the central screen, as well as countless super soldiers with the dragon buff, Wawa and Miller and everyone watching the live broadcast clearly realized that this contest without much suspense is about to begin. The curtain is coming down!

"In the match between IM and LGD, IM won!"

The moment the central crystal burst, there was a loud, ear-shattering sound in the venue!

(End of this chapter)

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