Douyu Top Streamer

Chapter 48 Liu Yi + Miss VS Ah Yi + Umbrella Emperor

Chapter 48 Liu Yi + Miss VS Ah Yi + Umbrella Emperor
After breakfast, Lin Wei had nothing else to do. After talking to Liu Yi for a while, he went back to school.

Liu Yi was also bored at home, the weather outside was too cold, and the wind was blowing again, listening to the whistling wind outside, Liu Yi lost the desire to go out, and stayed at home for a whole day.

At noon and afternoon, I ordered takeaway. After dinner, I checked the time and it was almost eight o'clock.Liu Yi stood up and went to the bathroom to wash his face, then went back to the computer, sat down on the seat and turned on the computer, logged on to his Hanbok account to check his score.

Because of the impact on the national server during this period, Liu Yi just took a look at the Korean server every day. Whenever he saw a faker or someone else was about to surpass him, Liu Yi would rank up a few times and raise his score to keep himself. The throne of No. [-] in Hanbok, after all, quite a few of my fans came from looking at my title as No. [-] in Hanbok.

Seeing that faker has fallen to No.6 at this time, after thinking about it for a while, Liu Yi understood that faker is a professional player after all, and he spends more time training with his teammates every day, and also cooperates with the coach Studying new tactics and routines, how can I have so much time to score points like myself.

Liu Yi has been at the top of Hanbok for a while. During this time, there are many Korean local masters and masters from major servers who have challenged one after another. What makes them feel desperate is that under Liu Yi's absolute ruling ability, Liu Yi's Score is still occupying the throne of South Korea, a powerhouse in e-sports, with an extremely strong posture.

Turn off the Hanbok client, stand up and go to the living room to get a glass of water. After returning, Liu Yi logged on to his account on the national server. After entering, he checked his score. Because he had just been promoted to the extraordinary master, the score was in the extraordinary master. Relatively late in the ranks.

Putting down the mouse, closing his eyes, lying back on the chair, taking a deep breath, thinking that the system had given him the task of reaching the top of the national server within two months, time was running out, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes, next During this period of time, I have to work harder.

Sitting up straight again, seeing that it was already eight o'clock, Liu Yi logged into his Douyu anchor account and changed the name of the room to: Extraordinary Master Strikes the Strongest King!
After the modification, Liu Yi turned on the live broadcast. As soon as the live broadcast started, the number of viewers in his live broadcast room quickly soared to more than 60, and it was still rising at a rate of several thousand per second. Seeing his audience The number of people was still so stable, Liu Yi relaxed and said to the audience in the live broadcast room:

"Hello everyone, good evening, I believe everyone has seen that the name of my live broadcast room has changed, that's right, in the next few days I will continue to broadcast the high-end rounds of Master Dianyi on King of Kings, I hope you can support me a lot, and thank you Yes, my peripheral store opened yesterday~I have seen the support from my friends, so here I would like to thank you all for your support, thank you~To thank you, today there will be 500Q.B random Send it to the live audience, and I will randomly find viewers who leave a message on my Weibo to help with the placement match, thank you again for your support~”

As soon as this passage was finished, Liu Yi's fans in the live broadcast room posted bullet screens:

"Audience: Thank you very much, I didn't expect you to support me so much, my QQ number is 123456789, thank you very much~!"

"I'll give you full marks for this comparison, not afraid of your pride."


"Come on, I'm waiting to see you pull Dopa's Korean stick from the top of the national server. The first district of Nuoda is actually occupied by a stick. It's really uncomfortable to think about it!"

"Support, take care of a plane to send it on, and the anchor will come on."

After watching the barrage posted by the audience in the live broadcast room, Liu Yi smiled, and when he was about to click on the qualifying match, he suddenly saw a message from a friend of his.

Seven-core Begonia: Do you want to challenge the king?
Um?It's Miss.Liu Yi frowned, what did Miss ask him for?After pondering for a moment, Liu Yi thought that it would be Miss who would also be the king and come to double row with him, right?
Just after guessing, when I was about to send back a message to Miss, I saw that Miss sent a message by herself first.

Seven-core Begonia: I just happen to want to challenge the king, otherwise we'll be in duo, right?
He hesitated for a while, because Liu Yi's subconscious idea is that women are not as good at playing League skills as men, but he immediately realized who Miss is, and Miss is one of the few players in the League of Legends who can rely on their own strength to beat the king. Goddess Jing, there shouldn't be any problem in the Extraordinary Masters game where the score is a little lower.

Thinking of this, Liu Yi sent Miss a good message.

After creating a room and inviting Miss, Liu Yi couldn't help laughing when he saw the barrage on his side.

"Anchor, why don't you and Miss play double row with voice!"

"66666666, Miss will come to hug the thigh of the leader, so strong that my leader rules the world."

"My dear friend, tell me who is the seven-core crabapple?"

"..., the streamer should start voice chat with Miss, otherwise we will resolutely boycott you as a colored streamer!"

Seeing that the live broadcast room was full of bullet screens asking him to turn on the voice with Miss, Liu Yi thought for a while, since it is a double row, what does it matter to turn on the voice.

Now invite Miss with the built-in voice that comes with LOL.

On the other side, in Miss's live broadcast room,
"Hahaha, isn't the eldest lady going to prove her strength, why is she hugging her thigh again!"

"Miss, if you agree to let me add you as a friend, I can also lead you to become the king."

"Why is Miss's life so good? She looks beautiful and has such a good personality. She is the number one in Hanbok. What is a mere king on such a thigh!"

After seeing the barrage posted by her fans in the live broadcast room, Miss mischievously blinked her eyes, smiled, and continued:

"Do I still need to prove my strength? It's not difficult to be the king at all, but I think he also wants to be the king, so I can help him~"

"This wave explains me, 666666666"

"I'm speechless..."

"Miss, do people know that you are so powerful?"

Just when Miss was about to speak, she saw the voice invitation sent to herself by the other party. After thinking about it, Miss agreed to enter.

"Hey, hello, can you hear me?"

As soon as Miss entered, she heard Liu Yi's voice opposite. Liu Yi's voice sounded very comfortable and safe. When people heard the voice, they felt that this person should be kind-hearted and nice. people.

At that moment, Miss also stopped communicating with fans in the live broadcast room and responded.

Then, because they were not very familiar with each other, they fell into a brief silence after politely saying a few words to each other.

At this time, Liu Yi and Miss also matched their opponents. After entering the interface, the two broke the silence in the chat room.

"Where did you hit?"

"Where did you hit?"

The two asked a question at the same time, and after hearing that they said the same thing, Miss and Liu Yi couldn't help being amused by each other.

After adjusting his mood, Liu Yi first looked at the chat column, only to see a person post a sentence:
"Looking for a wild position on the 3rd floor, and the platinum division strength in other positions."

Seeing what this person said, Liu Yi couldn't help but frown. This person only knew how to play jungle. If he asked him to check his own record, he would probably give the position to him, but he said that his skills in other positions were too poor and he wanted to go. If you move to any other position, you will only be defeated.

Thinking of this, when he was about to speak, he heard Miss speak.

"Let's put me on the order. I have more experience in being on the order."

"Well, you can play the top laner, let me play the mid laner, and let him be the jungler."

After speaking, Liu Yi typed the word "Zhongdan" on the 4th floor on the public screen.

As long as the communication is good in the master bureau, the position is easy to solve. It is impossible for gold and silver to spray people if they can't get the position.

After choosing their positions, Liu Yi banned Star Mother, Zed and Tsar on the first floor, while on the opposite side they banned Bull's Head, Widow and Crocodile.

Seeing that no one banned Yasuo, Liu Yi showed a slight smile, this one can be used to show off Yasuo!
After banning the heroes, the two sides quickly selected the heroes.

Miss's top laner Dashu is against Gnar, the jungler is against the male gun, Liu Yi's Yasuo is against the Enchantress, and the bottom lane combination of both sides is Stone Bounty against Thresh and Jinx.

After the player selection, the game quickly entered the loading interface. Who knows, when the game just displayed the IDs of the five opponents, the audience in the live broadcast room of Miss and Liu Yi erupted!

I saw that the ID of the middle lane demon girl on the opposite side is Miss Ayi, and the ID of the plane that is going down is Liang and Xiaosan.

This extraordinary master game where Liu Yi and Miss double rowed, unexpectedly ran into Miss A Yi, who is also one of the top anchors of Douyu, and the bot lane ADC Umbrella King of the professional team OMG!

The king met the king!

 Thanks to book friends Rattlesnak, Si Ye Song, and other book friends for their support for this book. Everyone who has recommendations in their hands votes for it, and collects a little bit. Thank you, thank you for your support for this book!


(End of this chapter)

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