Douyu Top Streamer

Chapter 477 Die!

Chapter 477 Die!
"Wow, in this wave, we can see that both sides paid a great price. EImy and Marin chased Curly to death, but in turn, the leader and AJ also stuck to Imp, which made Lgd's follow-up output lose a lot!"

The doll on the commentary seat widened his eyes, staring closely at every move of the bot lane battle situation, especially the successive deaths of Curly Hair and Imp, which made his already agitated emotions even more agitated. The voice explained to the audience in the live broadcast room.

However, when the doll was giving a crazy commentary, the audience at the game site broke out into a loud noise again, which directly stopped the doll's rapid speech, and then the doll's eyes looking at the screen suddenly opened wider, He opened his mouth but said nothing because of shock.

Seeing this, Miller quickly took over the conversation. Although Marin's wave of manipulating the doll just now was a bit distracted, he, Miller, watched carefully from beginning to end. Now there is a gap in the doll's thinking, which is exactly what Miller played. good time.

"Buddha's Palm!"

Miller, who was wearing an officially sponsored headset, said excitedly. Considering the self-cultivation of the commentator, Miller did not directly talk about Marin's operation this time. Instead, he first said something gimmick to attract the audience, and then slowly said it. He picked up the words that had been sorted out in his mind.

"Marin's flashing big move hit IM very painfully. Originally, the leader ended the Imp's output. This wave can earn blood, but what I didn't expect was that Marin's wave of anger was just right, and he decisively flashed the big move through the wall to stop the wheel mom And Victor, interrupt IM's attack!"

Miller's explanation is very pertinent, and it is indeed the case in reality.

Athena, who had worked so hard to get to the bottom lane and was ready to show off her skills, hadn't made an efficient attack, but was flashed by Marin's Gnar and hit the wall. It was very hurt to be hit by a giant Gnar, especially in the The current situation made Athena beat her feet and chest in frustration.

But compared to the smile that was also photographed on the wall, Athena seemed too lucky.

Since Athena's Victor came from the middle to support without any accidents, his condition is very good, even if he was hit by Marin's Gnar, it was not fatal.


Smile, who had been continuously attacked by Imp, Yu, and Eimy before, now the blood volume of the wheel mother who is operating has bottomed out, and it has reached a precarious situation!
"Victor, come over and be careful of Malzaha, just smile and do the most damage!" Liu Yi, who had just killed Imp Hanbing, reminded Malzaha who was coming from the opposite side and spoke quickly.

Abandon the car to save handsome.

When he saw Malzaha from PunIshed approaching, Liu Yi put his mind on smiling. When he saw Marin decisively flashing his big move and hit the two of them, Liu Yi's heart skipped a beat. Jump, looking over there with some worry.

If Malzaha arrives during this wave of dizziness, then Liu Yi knows with his toes that Malzaha will definitely give the big move to Victor, who is almost full of blood. If he is really done like this, Then there is no need to fight this wave of team battles, Liu Yi and the others can only escape.

Without the output of double C and the damage of the excavator and Gnar, if you dare to hit it, you will explode instantly!

Facing such a critical situation, Liu Yi can only make this choice from the overall perspective. Abandon the smiling wheel and keep Victor in good condition. Smile is in danger without double moves. Even if he saves him, it is useless. , it is better to simply deal all his damage, so that the next battle can be easier for everyone.

"There's no other way!" The smiling person sitting next to Curly shouted unwillingly.

Say it.

Smiling, the wheeled mother who was pinned against a solid wall by the wall, could not resist the continuous output of Marin and Eimy after all, and was emptied of the trace of blood by Marin's Gnar without flashing, and the screen turned gray in an instant.

LGD-Marin (Lost Tooth) killed IM-Weixiao (Goddess of War)!

Double kill! !
In the bot lane where fierce battles erupted, Gnar's double-kill system alert suddenly sounded. Marin has killed Toad and Wheel Mom very quickly since he was teleported down to now. Deadly impact!

A golden light flashed, accompanied by a dark blue light from the triangular grass
Void Call! (Q)

"Call for danger!"

Seeing Athena who appeared just after he flashed Malzahar, he couldn't help being startled into a cold sweat. At the same time, Athena looked gratefully at Liu Yi who was sitting next to him. If it wasn't for Liu Yi's reminder to him, he would most likely hesitate one second.

Perhaps others thought it was nothing, but Athena, as a professional player, knew that if she hadn't been reminded by Liu Yi and fled quickly, she might have been immobilized by Malzaha's big move and couldn't move.

Surrounded by excavators, Gnar and Malzahar, there is no way to escape, and there is only one dead end!

What made Wawa, Miller, and countless people watching the live broadcast feel nervous was that Victor, who was pinned to the wall by the wall, used flash without hesitation at the moment of waking up, which made Lgd's mid laner Malzaha's skills fail. , let alone realize the idea of ​​using a big move to fix Victor!

"Fuck, this wave is kneeling!"


"Who else! This wave I will ask who else!"

"Instant explosion!"

"A mountain is higher than a mountain!"

Not only the audience watching the game exclaimed, but even the professional players and many coaches in the backstage of the venue were moved, especially Miss, who was watching the game in the IM lounge, stood up directly, her beautiful pair of eyes looking at the screen The eyes are full of splendor.

"So strong!"

While countless people were extremely shocked by the operation of the spider, Liu Yi, the instigator, had a calm face, and all the pupils reflected the figure of Punished Malzaha, and he cut to Malzaha's side!
In the eyes of Liu Yi, who has a one-second prediction, Liu Yi knows exactly where Malzaha, who has released his skills, will go.

Liu Yi, who knew where Malzaha was going, ignored the wall in front of him, and shot a spider web towards Malzaha's position without hesitation under the astonished eyes of countless people. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, he accurately predicted where Punished was going, and Malzaha immediately became dizzy!
Spider form! (R)

Seeing that the hero he was operating changed from a human to a spider, Liu Yi nodded secretly in his heart. The hero spider is indeed very practical. With the conversion of human form and spider form, coupled with its passive effect, the comprehensive ability of the spider is very good. high.

Elise, who transformed into a spider form, used the E skill again, but this time the E skill was no longer a spider web. The audience watching the game could clearly see that the place where the spider was originally was now empty .

However, a circle of scarlet red lines appeared at a distance of a few hundred yards, and Malzaha, who was Punished and stunned, was in the red circle, and the spider landed on Malzaha at almost the moment of flying into the sky. Beside!

"Uh drink!"

Liu Yi is not a sloppy person. The moment the spider landed on the ground, it hit Malzaha with a full set of skills. The little spider beside him due to passivity and skills kept biting Malzaha's body. Punished's The blood line was visible to the naked eye.


Seeing that the famous leader used a spider to cut to his side, Punished immediately sent a distress signal to his teammates without even thinking about it. Hand over the Grip of Hades to the leader's spider, and cooperate with your teammates to kill it!

Marin, Eimy, and Yu, who has low health, hurried towards Punished.

In this wave of team battles, Malzaha of Punished must not die so early, at least he cannot die so ineffectively, his summoner skills have been handed in almost, and now he is fighting to this point to see how well the output heroes over there can Survive, if Malzahar from Punished dies at this critical moment, Marin and others dare not think about what will happen next!

The moment the dizzy effect of the spider web ended, the terrified Punished finally let go of his extremely worried heart. Looking at the spider that was so close to him, Punished showed great hatred on his face, and at the same time, there was a little bit of saying no in his expression. Unexplained pleasure.

"Go to hell!" Punished yelled frantically!

Hades Grips! (R)

 I am really sorry for yesterday's mistake, and I apologize to everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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