Douyu Top Streamer

Chapter 462 Game Over

Chapter 462 Game Over
Although it is very cumbersome to say, the process of this kill is extremely fast, from the time when Ike, the prostitute teacher, was knocked into the air by the jungler Zack, until Liu Yi's Yasuo scored three kills. It's just a few seconds.

Until Ike's death, the prostitute teacher has been unable to accept the reality.

According to what he thought, it should be that he and the pony cooperated tacitly to kill the leader, and then cooperated with the [-]-[-] split to take down the opponent's defense tower, and then killed the little dragon and returned to the city to replace the leading economy with equipment, and then rolled to a bigger snowball.

But the reality is so cruel. Ike, who was continuously controlled, was killed without any chance of output. He didn't even have to press the return button.

"Quick retreat!" Wuwukai shouted quickly in the chat channel.

At this time, Ike and the duo in the bottom lane had been killed, but the leader and the others had only killed Lucian, and the remaining four were all there. Personally, such a situation is of course very anxious.

In fact, without the [-]-[-] reminder, Xiao Ma had already turned around and wanted to evacuate.

But unfortunately.

Zac, who was using his ult, didn't give the blind monk any chance to escape. He just flashed over and hit the blind monk with his ult. After knocking him into the air, he ruined the blind monk's precious escape time. The difference was only one second. , no matter whether it is the line of soldiers or the eye contact, it is no longer possible for the blind monk to leave gracefully, and the recovered e skill is just to slow down the opponent's movement speed.

"Let's end it." Liu Yi gently twisted his sore neck. The game time of this round has almost exceeded his psychological expectations.

With the help of Coke's vampire and the jungler Zach and Miss's Thresh, Xiaoma's blind monk was killed without any resistance. There was no way, facing Liu Yi's crushing number advantage, Xiaoma There was no hope of escape.

There were no surprises in the ending. In just two or three seconds, the blind monk was beheaded by Liu Yi's Yasuo.

Dfbb (Fighting Swordsman) killed pony AAAAAA (Blind Sin)
Quadra—kill! !
When the shocking sound of the four kills in the Summoner's Canyon sounded, Wu Wukai, who was coming, almost didn't dare to look back, so he manipulated Victor to run towards the house, and he didn't even dare to go to the defensive tower in the middle.

Because his rich game experience told him that if he appeared in the middle at this time, he would definitely die.

"You're so ugly, you're doing it!"

"Send five kills!"

"Do you know that you will destroy the balance of the game?!"

"Wow, I'm very angry, this kind of people don't even send pentakills!"

Seeing Viktor, who was [-]-[-], run towards his hometown, the audience watching the live broadcast shouted, and what they said was nothing more than asking [-]-[-] to send five kills.

Fifty-five open did not pay attention to these bullet screens, and ran back home honestly.

He and Feifei, the whore teacher who was soaking in the spring water at this time, silently watched Yasuo and his teammates take down their defense towers and Xiaolong, who still had a lot of health left, and then ran to the middle to set fire to destroy them After the defense tower, it slowly disappeared from their field of vision.

"This one is gone."

There was a wry smile on the corner of his mouth, and the whoring teacher with the gray screen said helplessly. Even though he didn't want to surrender in his heart at this time, the cold reality told him that this game had no hope of victory at all. Two consecutive defensive towers The fall, the team economy that was terminated twice.

Minions, Dragons, Wild Area Resources
All kinds of things have already been defeated in two consecutive waves. Vampires and Zack, who seem to have a small number of people, have taken off directly because of this wave, and even Lucian, who was crushed into a Sabie, also got With the team economy of the defense tower, the damage slowly increased.

Recalling the match between the strong domestic team Omg and Im, the prostitute teacher finally understood a little bit about their stateless mood at that time. How desperate it was to face such a terrifying player with such unnatural operations and reactions as the leader!

"G this one, the leader really has no solution! Who can win with J8? It may not be possible to let Faker come here!"

After Wuwukai in the live broadcast room saw the continuous explosion of the defense tower, he finally couldn't hold back his restless emotions. He slammed his hand into the void, looked at the screen and shouted loudly, the hair on his forehead All because his movements were too intense and a little drifting.

As for the few people in the live broadcast room, at this time, the audience saw that they were all tortured like this by the leader. They felt a little uncomfortable and at the same time they couldn't help being shocked by Liu Yi's terrifying power. They all expressed their opinions on the public screen. There was a barrage on the Internet.

"When I saw that Yasuo on the opposite side was the leader, I should have let the middle push. I insisted on trying to do it, but in the end, I was completely crippled by others."

"It's okay, after all, it's the leader. Those who are about to reach the top of the three servers of China, the United States and Korea, just consider themselves unlucky."

"Heaven is good for reincarnation. The cause you planted on Coke is now reaping the fruit on Coke."

"This wave will serve Saozhu, and the strength will flash to send warmth!"

"Speaking of it, I really feel sorry for the prostitute teacher, so I recorded the material and prepared to send it to the anchor. I really know how to play it."

"Hahaha, 66666"

Wu Wu Kai and Mr. Whoring have the habit of cutting out to watch the bullet screen after a wave of team battles, and this time is no exception, but when they cut out and saw the audience's bullet screen, everyone's expressions were pale. Can't help but change.

He opened his mouth and wanted to say that he would give out red envelopes, so that the friends in the water would not be too careful about the materials.

But the prostitute teacher and others thought about it and forgot it. There are so many people recording videos, it is impossible to solve the problem by giving out red envelopes. Besides, the people over there are also anchors, not to mention Coke and others, just the leader I don't know how much more popular they are than them, not to mention that there is a soft girl Miss who is also in the ranks of the first-line anchors with them.

After thinking about this, the prostitute teachers and their sighs became more poignant
at the same time.

Inside a high-end apartment in Jing'an District, Shanghai.

Miss, who has been missed by countless fans, is running a live broadcast. The game screen in front of her is the screen of the whore teacher and the others unanimously voting to surrender. After being completely defeated by Liu Yi, they did not choose to continue struggling, and chose to end the game cleanly. board game.

Seeing the opponent surrender, Miss, who was dressed in a slightly cute style, smiled sweetly, and then said to the live broadcast room: "How about this wave, is my Thresh performance particularly nice? Do you think it can be [-]%?" How many calls~"

Hearing Miss's words, the barrage in the live broadcast immediately exploded.

"One hundred points? Hug my thigh and give you one hundred points!"

"Amazing my sister~"

"Miss really has a strategic vision, this thigh is really nothing to say, a word, stable!"

"I want Miss's thighs of the same style, my little brother also wants to be kingly and majestic!!"

Seeing the barrage sent by the water friends, Miss, who had been mentally prepared, still smiled sweetly. She said this sentence to enliven the atmosphere in the live broadcast room, but what she didn't expect was that the headset actually There came Liu Yi's compliment.

"This wave of playing is very good. I will give you 99 points. One point less is to make you proud."

"Hmph~ I can still perform better." Miss made a dissatisfied look, and said with a slightly changed tone on purpose.

"Aren't you going to rest?" Liu Yi over there was a little surprised when he heard Miss's words. Miss, who thought it would be early to rest early, actually wanted to continue the game.

Rubbing his sore eyes, Liu Yi continued: "Do you want to continue?"

Master Audience: There are very few recommendation votes. I hope that book friends will come to the starting point to vote for the anchor. I will try my best to update, thank you for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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