Douyu Top Streamer

Chapter 457 Get off the road and find trouble, quickly end the game

Chapter 457 Get off the road and find trouble, quickly end the game
Seeing that the live broadcast room suddenly became so lively, even the calm Liu Yi was slightly surprised. Just one sentence can arouse the emotions of the audience. From this point of view, this big Sima's popularity is indeed not without success. reason.

You can consider hiring Da Sima to serve as the team's coach.

Take back your mind.

Liu Yi switched his perspective to the bottom lane, and saw that Miss's Thresh and his own Lucian were in very poor development. The opponent's Wei En and Feng Nu already had a great advantage, but it was because their vision was in place , As a result, the jungler Zach has nowhere to use him, and he has been unable to give strong support to the bottom lane for a long time.

For Zach, the feeling of seeing a teammate at a disadvantage and not being able to help him is terrible.

"Miss, after cleaning up this wave of soldiers, go home and make equipment. You can try to fight a wave of team battles in the bottom lane." Liu Yi's voice sounded calm, and when he spoke, he also removed the defensive towers on the road, which made his team's economy rise again. .

On the other hand, the prostitute teacher complained endlessly.

Because of being single-killed by the leader Yasuo, the good development of the prostitute teacher Ike was completely interrupted, and not only that, the killing of the extremely fat Ike was a team economy for Liu Yi and the others, although Not much, but definitely not to be underestimated.

In the game of kings, the game is all about resources. The seemingly small economy can often become a bargaining chip to defeat the enemy. This is why the high-end game pays so much attention to details. There is no way, the gold coins of being a wild monster may affect the victory of the team battle If you are negative, you will become good at details even if you don’t know the details.

"Well, I can make up a big one when I go home this time, and I have the ability to resist damage." Seeing the extra gold coins she gave, Miss's mood immediately improved a lot, and she said softly.

Clicking on the equipment bar, Miss replenished the equipment without hesitation, and then smiled with relief.

I know about my own affairs. Due to the abnormal performance of Lucian in the early stage, the opponent's Vayne developed very smoothly, and his own Lucian couldn't play the strength that belonged to him in the early stage in front of Vayne, who had the leading equipment, and the more time went by. The more late it is, the more beneficial it is to Vayne. After all, Night Hunter Vayne is one of the most recognized late-game ADCs in the League of Legends game. After playing like this in the early stage, how can he play in the later stage.

Furthermore, the development of the ADC is closely related to the performance of the support. Even though Miss had tried her best when Lucian was killed twice, she still had a certain amount of responsibility on her.

Even if the leader's Yasuo develops into a god, he may still be powerless in the face of the heavy protection in front of Vayne.

The four-guarantee-one tactic has already been proven in the Lpl division and even world-class competitions.

at the same time.

Liu Yi, who was rushing down the road, didn't know what Miss was thinking at all, even if he took a step back and said that even if Liu Yi knew, he wouldn't say much, because although Feifei's Wei En got an excellent Development, but if he wants to carry the audience with his own strength, it is still a bit short of fire.

Liu Yi has enough confidence in whether this wave of Gank in the bottom lane will be successful.

"I'm here, let's sell it depending on the situation." Liu Yi looked intently at Wei En who was going down the road, and said in a slightly lower tone.

He must not expose himself to the other party's sight.

Going back and forth for this wave of ganks Liu Yi has to spend at least 2 full minutes of development time. If the gank is successful, all losses will be rewarded incomparably, but as long as the gank fails, for Ike in the upper and middle lanes For Victor, it is an excellent development opportunity.

What's more, Liu Yi has already seen the blind monk who is coming. Counting the whoring teacher who is on the road, the other party can gather four people in a very short period of time. Faced with such a situation, Liu Yi must maintain enough calm down.

"In addition to my ult, I also have a crucible in this wave. When I find an opportunity, I will go." Miss is seriously looking for the enemy's mistakes. Now she is only waiting for an enemy's mistake, and when she finds the mistake, this wave of team battles says Hit it!
As a support born to be a mobile fortress, this situation is the perfect time to jump out.

Huya Coke's live broadcast room.

Coke, whose development has slowly recovered, looks nervously at the situation in the bottom lane. At this moment, he naturally knows that the most critical node of the whole game has arrived. Whether the leader's gank is successful is directly related to the victory of the whole game burden.

"Brother, play more steadily in this wave, don't be afraid of death!" Coke said in a deep voice.

Coke is naturally aware of the shortcomings of this friend of mine. He is a little too obsessed with his life, and sometimes he will give up the immediate win situation in order to save his life, which greatly affects the mentality of his teammates and loses the game.

Very fatal flaw.

"Okay, if you can't win this wave, you will definitely not run, and you will die in the bottom lane!" The player operating Lucian couldn't help turning slightly red when he heard Coke's words. He knew why the previous two waves made mistakes. It was because of cowardice that Wei En showed off, thus making himself a melon.

However, this wave of leader came to gank. As a loyal fan of the leader, even if he died in this wave of team battles, he would never run away!

With the assurance from his friend, Cole felt a little bit of relief in his heart. Looking at the situation where the next lane was about to explode, Cole's slightly long fingers slowly moved to the top of the teleportation button.

In Douyu Feifei's live broadcast room, Feifei was currently controlling Vayne to step forward to replenish troops. Some of his forward moves implicitly expressed his contempt for the Lucian player. In his eyes, the Lucian player opposite him It's really not that good, including Miss's Thresh, which is just barely okay.

"Fengnv come and fight when the wind blows, I can show a wave of E flash." Feifei chewed the gum in his mouth, and said to Xiaoma relaxedly.

"Be steady." Pony was still a little worried.

"Don't worry, the teacher's teleportation is ready for this wave. We can completely blow up the bottom lane on the opposite side in this wave." Feifei said with a smile. Is eager to try.

He wanted to see if he had a chance to kill the leader under the protection of many teammates.

"Ding Ding Ding"

The [-]-[-] open in the middle sent out a signal for the vampire to disappear. Feifei and Fengnv, who were reminded by the [-]-[-] open signal, both consciously made their positions more cautious. Disgusting.

The prostitute teacher was also paying attention, but when he was looking at the map, a figure flashed in the canyon made him feel relieved, "It's okay, the vampire is coming to the road, you should take down the tower as soon as possible in the middle road. It's time for a team fight."

It's not that Mr. whoring didn't expect that the team battle would break out in the bottom lane. On the contrary, Mr. whoring had a strong intuition telling him that the team battle would start in the bottom lane. His decision could not help but waver.

the other side.

As the prostitute teacher's voice fell, the heaviness in the hearts of the other people suddenly relaxed a lot. As long as the vampire did not cooperate with the jungler to come down the lane, there would be no problem.

"Clear your vision, I'm a little worried." Feifei said.

However, in fact, without Feifei's reminder, Xiao Ma manipulated the blind monk to walk towards Liu Yi's position. It is obviously not ideal to Gank the opponent's bot lane from the front. It is more realistic to bypass the wild area and achieve an outflank from behind. some.

Looking at the blind monk who was getting closer and closer to him, Liu Yi's eyes showed coldness.

(End of this chapter)

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