Douyu Top Streamer

Chapter 455 Yasuo Tianxiu Ike

Chapter 455 Yasuo Tianxiu Ike
Seeing that Mr. Prostitute finally used Ike's ultimate move, Liu Yi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Even a person of his level must be careful when facing Ike with his ultimate move, otherwise it will be extremely easy to get into trouble. Capsize.

"Ike has no big moves!"

Miss, who was watching the road, opened her beautiful eyes slightly, and shouted in a flustered tone.

In fact, it's not just Miss. When seeing Ike use his big move, everyone in the game, regardless of enemy or friend, almost all retreated their characters to the rear at the same time, and then all turned their attention to the road.

Well known.

Ike's ult, time-space break, is a very practical ult. Just imagine, when Ike is fighting with his opponent, seeing that Ike's blood is running low and he is about to be cut off by the horse, an afterimage Swipe across, and then saw that Ike, who was still bleeding a moment ago and was about to die, suddenly had a near-abnormal increase in blood volume by more than a fraction. For every opponent, this was news at the level of nightmares.

It is precisely because of the effect of Ike's ultimate move that everyone feels that Ike, who is economically behind Yasuo, can counter-attack or even counter-kill.

With the burst of figures, the whoring teacher also knew that this wave of fighting has reached the last moment, and his Ike has no ult now. If Yasuo, the former leader, has reservations because he still has a ult, then Now, when Yasuo's blood volume is already lower than Ike's, the leader will definitely not hold back.

In other words, now is the most critical moment!

at the same time.

Seeing Ike who used his big move, Liu Yi's expression also became a little dignified. Because of the effect of Ike's big move, Ike's blood volume has directly risen to a part higher than the middle line, but his own Yasuo has only one-third of his health left.

The life potion is still recovering blood, but in the face of Ike's damage, the recovered blood volume is nothing at all.


There was a roar of anger.

Liu Yi directly manipulated Yasuo to use forward slash against the charging Ekko. The distance between the two people immediately widened a lot. Ekko's health volume was greater than that of Yasuo, and Liu Yi really didn't want to come into contact with him. bump.

In this case, it is the most sensible choice to use Yasuo's step forward to deal damage while keeping a distance from Ike.


Liu Yi looked coldly, and quickly manipulated Yasuo to swing the long sword filled with cold light and pierced the soldiers in front. After the accumulation of two steel-cutting flashes, Yasuo now had a tornado in his hands again.

But with the acceleration effect provided by Ike's skills, the extremely fierce pursuit of Ike's damage is very explosive.

Yasuo has only a trace of blood left!

In a mansion somewhere in Shanghai, the sweet and lovely Miss looked at the situation on the road without moving. When she saw Ike’s big move from the prostitute teacher, she frowned. How could the bloody Yasuo Avoid Ike's pursuit?Or is it possible?

In the eyes of Miss and her fans in the live broadcast room, Yasuo, the leader of this wave, must die at the hands of Ike, who is a prostitute teacher.

This is still the case in Miss's live broadcast room, not to mention Wuwukai and Feifei's side. Seeing the scene of Ike, who was prostituted by the teacher, brandishing weapons to chase Yasuo, Wuwu was happy to be tortured by Liu Yi. Being in the middle is the most satisfying thing, and there is nothing more satisfying than seeing a hated opponent being single-killed.

"Okay buddy! I'll give you ten special kisses for this wave of single kills!" Seeing that Yasuo was about to be killed by Ike, he yelled out with joy, and he just wanted to hug him Watching Pdd kiss him hard.

"That's a little too much, man."

"The whoring teacher's thighs are really thick, the leader can kill him alone!"

"Hey, what did the leader go to do in the grass? Do you think you can fight back?"

"Haha, when the leader is so naive, how can he fight back with such a big difference in blood volume!"


When Mr. Whoring and the fans in the Wuwukai live broadcast room saw this scene, they all posted bullet screens on the public screen. In their hearts, Teacher Whoring could single-handedly kill the most popular professional player in China. It is a recognition of strength and an honor.

However, the prostitute teacher's face at this time was full of panic that could not be concealed.


When seeing Liu Yi's Yasuo enter the bushes, the uneasiness in the prostitute teacher finally reached its peak, and he understood Liu Yi's true intention in such an instant, but by this time, it was too late to say anything , the sword blade exposed in the grass was about to pierce into his chest!


The moment the halo on Ike's body ended, he saw a figure exuding a terrifying aura galloping out of the grass, accompanied by a tornado that rolled up countless dust and sand, roaring and rushing towards him crazily !

In an instant, Ike's figure was shot high into the sky.
In the nick of time, the whoring teacher forced himself to calm down quickly, and the eyes behind the glasses radiated a dangerous light. This Bo Yasuo wanted to kill him, and the damage was a little bit worse!

This is his doom, but it is also his opportunity!

"soliey age idou!"

Yasuo, who turned into an afterimage, surrounded Ike and dealt explosive damage. When Ike's body fell to the ground, he emptied a lot of Ike's blood volume in an instant, leaving only a small amount of blood volume. If you add a Zhanshen Flash, you can definitely take it away!

Yasuo's Steel Slashing Flash still needs a few tenths of a second to recover!

This time is enough for the prostitute teacher to kill him!
Without the slightest hesitation, the moment Liu Yi almost landed, he used the step forward cut, and then stopped and flashed out after a sudden distance from Ecra, because this wave of operations was too fast. Many people who watched the live broadcast The audience didn't even react!

What shocked everyone's ears was that there were two flashing voices!
In such a short reaction time, although Liu Yi's Yasuo escaped from the grass with stepping forward and flashing, what made everyone feel excited was that Ike, who was a prostitute teacher, also caught up with the leader's reaction at this moment. Flashed out at the same time!
"Fucking special, it was almost there!" But the moment Flash caught up, the painful roar of the prostitute teacher resounded in the live broadcast room.

Many people were confused by the words of the whoring teacher, or they didn't react, but the next scene made everyone understand why the whoring teacher was so broken!

It turns out that Yasuo, the leader, is so terrifying!

Chopping steel flash!
At the moment when the prostitute teacher's mind flashed to catch up, Liu Yi actually used Yasuo to move the sword towards the rear in an instant. The long sword permeated with cold light was like the scythe of death, stabbing suddenly without leaving the slightest sympathy. Piercing Ike's chest, a few drops of blood dripped down, Ike on the screen seemed to show an unbelievable expression, and then waved the weapon in his hand in vain towards Yasuo who was close at hand
It's a pity that the blood that flowed out deprived him of all his life. This weapon, which is usually easy to use, now seems to be extremely heavy

Unwillingly wailing, Ike's body collapsed!

Dfbb (Fighting Swordsman) killed Shen Mengangzhi (Time Assassin)
When the sound of killing in the Summoner's Rift sounded, everyone's expressions stayed at that last moment, and there was silence!

Master Audience: To reiterate, Xiaoguan is very grateful to those book friends who gave rewards and support, but the update of Xiaoguan has absolutely nothing to do with whether the rewards are received or not. Please stop posting such slanderous words, and please support this book Book friends don't worry, even if there is no reward, Xiaoguan will still change!

(End of this chapter)

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