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Chapter 426 It's over, it's really over...

Chapter 426 is over, really over.
"Nice." Congratulated with a smile.

The others also expressed their congratulations one after another. To be able to get the first blood so quickly in the early stage of a game of this nature is undoubtedly an encouragement to their morale and a blow to the morale of the enemy.

Crushing professional first blood is not something that can be played casually.

"The line keeps putting pressure on them not to relax, and Olaf didn't sprint." Liu Yi gave follow-up instructions after looking at the situation on the line.

In fact, several of IM's players are already very experienced and strong. Even if Liu Yi doesn't remind them now, they all know what to do, but Liu Yi still said it, with the purpose of telling them Olaf's status. To prevent them from not noticing just now, although the chance of not noticing is very small.

more importantly.

Although several other IM players know what to do, their thinking on the overall tactics is a little lacking. At this time, Liu Yi proposes the next steps that should be done, which will make their ideas instantly change. It becomes clear and leads to better performance.

To some extent, this is also the reason why a team has a command.

"Okay, you can play a wave at the bottom lane of level six." Curly's voice sounded.

"Well, I will go there when it is almost six, and pay attention to my blood volume." Liu Yi replied.

After a brief exchange of words, the chat channel fell into silence.

Players who can play professionally and reach such a top-level competition are all top players in various positions. The contest between masters often happens in a flash, and their precise calculation ability makes them lose even a few dozen points of blood. It is the chip of victory.

In this case, in addition to timely communication in the chat channel, it is better not to gossip.

Time passed, and the game had been played for 7 minutes under the careful operation of both sides. Except for Liu Yi's blind monk in the wild who got first blood in the early stage, there was no outbreak of any kills.

Within the competition area of ​​omg.

The stateless mood can be said to be very uncomfortable. The reason why world6's wild area is limited to the early movement speed. He can only watch Liu Yi's blind monk disappear into the wild area. He tried his best to gain an advantage online, but it happened Victor on the opposite side was very steady, not giving him the slightest chance.

The fans' shouts of encouragement could still be heard, which made Wu State's heart even more anxious. The pressure brought by Liu Yi, Smile and Curly Hair was really too much for him.

Now his replenishment has overwhelmed over a dozen Athenas on the opposite side. On the surface, he has the upper hand, but the person in the stateless state is very clear. Athena obviously got Im's internal command, so the online fight is like this Steady, even to the point of replenishing tower soldiers.

Filling up tower soldiers is a very insignificant but very practical way of online confrontation.

Athena is using this method to consume the stateless potential space at the moment. Liu Yi arranged for Athena to replenish the tower soldiers when the strengths of both sides are similar.

The economy of a dozen small soldiers is nothing!
"It's ice six, Olaf is going to go down the lane after clearing the wild, I feel that the opponent will come to fight a wave." Sima's old thief looked at Olaf who was clearing the wild and frowned slightly.

The bottom lane on the opposite side is an out-and-out big move. As a jungler, you should prepare a wave of counter-squatting when you are promoted to sixth on the opposite side, but when the old thief Sima wanted to get support, he found that Olaf was In the first half of the wild, this made the old thief feel a little uncomfortable.

Considering the loss of a lot of economy and experience due to the first blood in the early stage of world6, the old thief Sima is uncomfortable, but he has no intention of getting angry, but he and the support should be careful.

"Be careful with Ice's ultimate move."

"Well, I'll pay attention."

The cautious positioning and the length of the pawn line made the old thief Sima feel a little relieved.

But is it really safe?
For omg, the grass in the bottom lane of Summoner Canyon is pitch black, which is a gift from Ice and Bounty. The powerful consumption ability and the vague feeling of the coming gank made them choose to be careful.

"The female gunman has gone to the bushes. The blind monk should be coming. We won't go until this wave of soldiers comes over." As the old thief Sima said, he began to control the female policeman to adjust his position to the rear.

"Yeah." As an assistant, Zyra naturally had to obey the arrangement of AD.

But the moment he turned around, a huge magic crystal arrow roared towards him with brilliant brilliance. Such a short distance did not give him any chance to react, and it directly fixed him in place!
"The fight is on!"

This thought flashed through the minds of old thief Sima and his assistant.

At the moment when OMG's support was fixed in place by Ice's big move, Curly decisively used the flash to give Zyra the e skill.

And the other voice was Liu Yi's blind monk, and when he opened his big move with a smile, he inserted his eye position and touched it at the same time!
"Let's go!" omg's assistant had just holstered the female gun weakly, when he saw the blind man approaching, he immediately shouted on the voice channel.

He has no chance this time!


Unwillingly, the old thief glanced at the enemy who was rushing up to attack like crazy, and used the e skill to launch a rope net with hatred. At the same time, he retreated to the bottom of the defensive tower with the help of the displacement effect of the e skill. His displacement skill is not just for escape, It is also to avoid Lei Yinbo from the blind monk.

"Come on! Kill me!" Old Thief Sima shouted unwillingly.

For an older professional player like him, this kind of weighty game can be said to be one less game, especially this year's finals are of greater significance to him. His state has improved during this period of time. He has recovered a lot, and this is most likely his last effort.

But halfway through, Im, the number one jungler in Asia, and the world-class bot lane combination are all in this Im!

The first blood burst out in the early stage, and now the gank, which was already at a disadvantage and suffered a devastating blow, made the old thief Sima really angry!


However, the next moment, his expression froze instantly!




"Hold the grass! Don't give me a way to survive!"

"This prediction is kneeling!"


When the ice shot was big, Liu Yi chose to touch his eyes to go out, and quickly calculated the damage. The damage of ice and the female gun was enough to kill Zyra, so his target for gank this time was only the policewoman!
"Prepare to kill the policewoman." Liu Yi's expression remained unchanged and he was extremely calm.

Liu Yi's eyes were fixed on the policewoman's every move. Finally, the policewoman, who represented the action in a second, used the e skill forward, and her body retreated with the help of the displacement effect of the skill, while the position...
It's here!
Policewoman, I've got you!


The blind monk's strong right leg slammed forward, and a white qigong energy flew across the ground like a meteor with the breath of death, hitting the policewoman who had just landed!
This perfect prediction has gained enough surprise and shock!
"One library!"

While the blind monk was drinking loudly, Sima Old Thief closed his eyes.

Raptors tail!

(End of this chapter)

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