Chapter 422

"No, the lineup we have now has enough output, why should we take an extra output hero, such a choice will have a great impact on our lineup!" Smile turned around immediately without having time to think Watching Liu Yi express his inner puzzlement.

For Liu Yi's lineup this time, it was hard to accept the smile.

Not only the smile, but the other team members of Im also had deep puzzlement on their faces, and they all looked at Liu Yi wanting to get an answer.

Although this version of Ice and Female Spear is strong enough, but in the traditional concept, the double ad play style is not popular in the bottom lane, because first of all, the double ad play style is difficult to solve properly economically, and the double ad play style in the later stage Although the output is high, high benefits always come with the same degree of risk. The lack of protection of auxiliary heroes not only makes it difficult to guarantee the safety of ad, but even other positions will be implicated.

More importantly, Liu Yi chose the blind monk as a jungler. How can a blind monk without hard control take on the responsibility of the second support position!
Curly, who was a little more mature in his heart, had no words, but quietly waited for Liu Yi's reply. He knew that Liu Yi's personality was usually stable and reliable. His reason.

It's a trust.

"This kind of lineup is a bit unreasonable to be honest. Do you want to think about it?" Coach Zhang standing on the stage also leaned over beside Liu Yi with an embarrassed expression and reminded him. A reliable coach, but his conscience is absolutely reliable, otherwise he would not leave the domestic e-sports giant edg with Im who has almost nothing.

Therefore, he had to stand up and remind Liu Yi at this time.

The cheers at the scene had cooled down a bit, and the narrators in the commentary room and the host on the spot also clearly noticed the abnormality on Im's side. Can't help feeling suspicious.

"There are only a dozen seconds left before Im's lineup is finalized, but seeing that the last two positions on Im's side are still pitch black, it seems that our Im has encountered a difficult problem." Remember's eyes With a puzzled expression, he said with some doubts.

"Ten seconds left." An anxious look appeared on Su Xiaoyan's face.

Why not choose?
Although the rules clearly stipulate that commentators need to pay attention to their personal appearance, at this critical juncture, Su Xiaoyan can't take much care of it. Her eyes are directly looking at the smiling face reflected in the central screen, looking at the countdown number, and in her heart More and more anxious.

There were constant discussions from the audience, and even OMG, who had already selected the lineup, couldn't help but communicate.

"Why not choose?"

"Could it be that you're deciding whether or not to have an amazing lineup?" White Crescent looked thoughtful.

He is an experienced coach, so although he is not very clear about the situation that Im has not been selected for a long time, he is not like other people who do not know why and quickly screen in his mind frantically.

For the three heroes that Im has decided on, he deliberated on the last two missing positions.

Any hero that could be a possible lineup with those three heroes he quickly went through in his mind, and two of the lineups made him feel that Im wanted to take this, but Im was too late to pick him and he couldn't make it The final affirmation, because even if these two lineups are strong, they are not so strong.

"No, what are they taking?" The white crescent eyes were puzzled, and he couldn't figure it out.

In the players' lounge, the edg players who had finished their preliminary summary after the game also came to the living room. Ming Kai, who was standing in front of the TV watching the game, had doubts in his eyes. What is Liu Yi preparing for?
"Ya'er, if you don't choose, you can still play snake!" Liu Mou was really anxious.

Not long ago, he and Liu Yi had a pleasant chat, and the two of them were also very good friends in private. But at this moment, seeing that Liu Yi and the others had not yet decided on the final hero, he couldn't help but make him a little irritable. Tempers flared.

"Choose quickly!"


In the last two seconds, when all the professional players, commentators, and countless audiences were anxiously about to scold, the screen in front of Im's smiling and curly-haired stage finally lit up and he clicked OK in an instant!

"Ah, I finally took it, what,,, what's going on!"

Seeing that Curly Hair and Smile confirmed that the hero commentary mentioned the throat, the heart finally fell back, but when they saw clearly which hero Curly Hair and Smile chose, they were suddenly surprised!
"The last two heroes are actually" Remember said excitedly, "It's actually Rambo and Female Gun!"

Almost as soon as Remember's voice fell, the audience burst into an uproar in an instant. The female gun, Im's last two heroes were actually the female gun and Rambo. Lu double ad style of play!
Do something!

"I'm so hasty, Im's bottom lane is female gun and ice, Wori!"

"Come here some salted fish that can shout 666~"


"I'm going against the sky, double ad in the bottom lane in professional games, there is really no one left!"

"Im won the fifth-speed electric fan on my live broadcast day!"

"Live and Eat!"

When the audience in the venue was all in an uproar, the water friends watching the live broadcast in the official live broadcast room were unwilling to be lonely. The snowflake-like barrage filled the screen, making many low-performance Both the mobile phone and the computer almost crashed.

When all the water friends were guessing what lineup Im was going to take, Im staged such a show at the last moment, which directly made the audience's adrenaline soar instantly!
Double AD in the bottom lane in professional games is wrong!

This time, there is no assistance at all!
"What? Ice and Female Spear? Did they choose the wrong way or a new routine?" OMG's assistant asked in an unbelievable tone.

"No, no, no, they chose the wrong one." The stateless face tensed up a little.

At this moment, the faces of the five OMG players are all covered with a layer of gloom. As a top team that has been promoted to the LPL, they have never played any games, have never met any players, and their experience can be said to be extremely rich.

But just today, Im actually played double ad in this critical round of Bo3, who is looking down upon!
This is looking down on who!
This is looking down on who! ! !
PS: Those who think that Xiaoguan will be an eunuch, who are you looking down on, who are you looking down on!
(End of this chapter)

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