Douyu Top Streamer

Chapter 417 overthrow omg

Chapter 417 overthrow omg
The wave in the middle made Omg completely fall into the quagmire of failure. Im seized the opportunity to play a wave of zero for four. Under the command of Liu Yi, Im took down Dalong again. The instant economic expansion made Omg even more powerful in team battles. powerless.

The economy of defense towers cannot be underestimated.

The economical Im who has eaten several defensive towers, everyone's equipment is better than Omg at the moment, especially the continuous cracking of the defensive towers, which is constantly weakening the fighting spirit of each team member of Omg.

The spider and the captain can't get any economy at this time.

Although Wu State made the right command, he was still powerless in the face of the absolute advantage. With the blessing of the Baron Buff, in just a few minutes, the high ground on both sides of the road was breached, and Omg's wild area resources were also plundered. clean.

It was just a mistake in a wave of team battles, which directly led to a continuous failure.

This is the terrifying precision of professional teams. When two teams with not very different strengths meet, once one team takes the lead with superior equipment, the other professional team is likely to be suppressed until the end of the game.

Today's Omg encounters such a situation.

Boom boom boom!
The thundering roar of artillery fire immediately resounded in the high ground tower on the road. After receiving the attack command from the stateless, Xiyang decisively used a big move towards Im and everyone. Immediately, explosive barrels appeared under his feet, and the captain's serial explosive barrels were in If used well in team battles, it can deal explosive damage.

"Fire Grasshopper!"

Stateless shouted anxiously, at the same time his vampire opened the blood pool and rushed towards the grasshopper.

This wave of vampire advances directly caused the mid laner on Im's side to flash backwards and evacuate, while the others wanted to take the follow-up damage but were blocked by Rambo's ultimate move. With Curly's flash control, Gem Knight immediately Be dropped in seconds.

The role of gems in team battles is beyond imagination. If there is no way to drop the opponent's output position in seconds, then the auxiliary position will be dropped in seconds. Skill control and effect bonus output positions without support will also be greatly affected. It is absolutely beneficial for our own side.

"Come back and stop the vampire."

Liu Yi said.

Because of his position and Liu Yi's excavator beside him, Smiling Wheel Mom successfully escaped from the hands of the stateless and jungle spiders. The most dangerous moment of the team battle has been passed without any danger. The next step is The best time to chase.

Smile controls the wheel mom to run towards vampires and spiders, and AJ's Rambo is Ezreal who sticks to the old thief.

Looking at the grasshopper who survived under the protection of the excavator and the bull's head without a state, the eyes of the grasshopper showed unwillingness. Im's back row is their only chance of winning now, but even if they gather the strength of the whole team, they can't kill Im in a second two output bits.

World6 chose to sell themselves.

The spider rushing over following the vampire gave up the hope of escape at this moment, and dealt his own damage to the people Im was chasing.


No State understood World6's choice when he saw the spider stop.

The vampire quickly retreated towards the rear. The continuous waves of suppression had already made the stateless a little tired. At this moment, in this wave of team battles, Im had not been knocked out even though his side had lost two of them. His heart was disturbed.

"Chase them." Liu Yi quickly gave instructions.

The spider's turning around to die was just to give the vampire hope of escape, which made Liu Yi feel a little bit emotional, but the game is a game after all, and if he makes a mistake, he should be punished by failure.

In this wave of team battles, he fought without the slightest pressure.

When the stateless vampire started this wave of team battles, the curly hair flashed to control it, the instant explosion damage emptied the blood bar of the gem, and when Rambo's ultimate move successfully divided the battlefield, this wave of team battles had already been divided. Out of the outcome.

The helpless vampires and spiders have no chance to escape.

IMWeixiao (Goddess of War) killed OMGCool (Scarlet Harvester)
As soon as Stateless controlled the vampire, he turned around and walked a few steps away, when he saw the smiling Mother of Wheels appearing in front of him. The vampire feebly raised his arm still dripping with blood and wanted to attack Mother of Wheels, but the one who greeted him , but it was a sharp steel blade that flew over with a roar.


Let out a helpless sigh, and then the stateless screen turned gray.

This wave of groups lost.

The gap in team economy is really too big. If World6's spider can successfully gank to Rambo or Grasshopper, there won't be so many things to follow. It's just abominable that World6 can't gank even once affect their development!
It's abominable!
The on-site commentators did not forget to say a few words of emotion despite the extremely fast commentary speed. The awareness of the Im players is strong. Not to mention their professional commentary on this game, even the audience watching the game at this time can see what the problem is. Where.

Rambo and Grasshopper, who were not under any threat, had the advantage from beginning to end. Omg's jungler chose several consecutive waves of Gank at key nodes, but without exception, they all ended in failure.

In the professional arena, this kind of situation is extremely rare, but this kind of thing actually happened at this moment.

Several other teams of lpl saw the tragedy of this round of Omg, and they couldn't help feeling chills in their hearts.

Two consecutive explosions sounded, and Omg's last bot lane was also declared broken.

The soldiers of the middle and lower lanes also followed at this moment, Im's people pressed towards the last crystal, while the old thief Sima's Ezreal and the captain of Xiyang were still making their final efforts.

"Captain, you are at the top of the tower." AJ reminded.

"It doesn't matter, the reaction is over." Liu Yi said calmly.

Im, who cooperated with the line of soldiers to attack the defense tower, caught the captain's mistake in the last few seconds, and instantly killed the captain with residual blood. Sima's old thief, Ezreal, stood at the front of the spring and attacked , and was hit by the curly-haired bull's head two times in a row.

Flash back to the depths of the spring.


Amid the exclamation of the audience, Liu Yi's excavator switched to the state of burrowing in seconds, and his blue body suddenly fired a shell at the bloodshot Ezreal after a short period of energy accumulation!
in a blink,
The whistling blue cannonballs precisely bombarded Ezreal's body and took him away.


The system female voice in Summoner's Canyon called out the group annihilation at the moment Ezreal fell, and at this moment Omg's base crystal burst in the last attack of the super soldier.


(End of this chapter)

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