Douyu Top Streamer

Chapter 413 Killed 3 Updates

Chapter 413
"This wave of ganks on the road has made it more difficult for Xiyang's captain to develop. Rambo's current skill consumption is no longer at the same level as the captain. Maybe the road will become a breakthrough point for im." Remember responsible Analyzing the situation on the field.

"Both the upper and lower lanes suppressed the troops a little bit, which gave the spider a good chance to gank." Su Xiaoyan added.

Im's upper and lower lanes both have hero advantages, and he is very rigid when laning.

"Although the words are good, but you must know that the operator of this Rek'Sai is the master. The legendary jungler with a success rate of anti-squatting over 90% when ranking, will the master easily give World6 a chance to catch someone?"

Several commentators expressed their opinions one after another while watching the fierce competition on the screen.

Audiences watching the live broadcast were also happy to listen to the commentator's analysis, and they posted comments in the live broadcast room to discuss the possible direction of the game.

After successfully gank the captain on the road, Liu Yi did not find a suitable gank opportunity for the next time, so he could only farm the resources in the jungle area while eroding the field vision of world6, trying his best to provide his teammates with a safe jungle area environment.

In the battle between you and me, the game time has been advanced to nearly 10 minutes.

"Go to Miss."

Smile marked the middle lane. When Smile found that only EZ appeared on the line alone in the opposite bot lane combination, he immediately sent a Miss signal to the middle lane, signaling the middle lane to be careful.

It's just that the real goal of this wave of omg people is not the middle lane!
"The leader's excavator will be coming soon. Gem will activate his ultimate move directly, and the spider will keep up with the damage. If there are many people on the opposite side to support him, the captain will activate his ultimate move without hesitation." Wu State quickly commanded.

According to the vision made by the spider near the dragon pit just now, the leader who has passed by for two seconds should have arrived at the tuft of grass in the middle of the river!

"Caught it!" OMG5, who was operating the gem, shouted excitedly when he saw the huge excavator appearing in his field of vision.

Without the slightest hesitation.

Gemstone's big move, The Wave of the Universe, was activated directly. The effect of the big move plus the dizzy effect of the E skill's glare immediately imprisoned Liu Yi's Rek'Sai in place, and at the same time, the wild spider followed behind the gemstone and rushed to Lei Kesai's body!

Spider damage in the mid-term needs no further elaboration.

"This wave of leader was overwhelmed by gems and spiders, ah, this wave is really deadly, now it depends on whether the curly-haired bull head arrives fast enough!" The commentator said quickly.

Due to the extremely fast casting speed, the spiders in World6 even made it difficult for the audience to distinguish between the spider form and the human form. The sharp spider blade slashed across Rexai's body, and Liu Yi's Rexai HP dropped to One quarter position!
"I'm coming, get out quickly."

Originally, I wanted to come to the middle lane to gank a wave of vampire curly hair at the same time as Liu Yi's Rek'sai, but now I came here, seeing Liu Yi's Rek'sai was almost dropped in seconds, and immediately used the bull's head WQ Erlian very quickly , knocking the spider and the gem into the air at the same time.

Liu Yi's Rek Sai finally got out of control.

Quickly switch to the state of burrowing. If you walk in a straight line in the wild area, you will definitely die, but digging a hole in the nearest middle road is currently the safest way. Thinking of this, Liu Yi decisively controlled Rexai to dig a hole and plunder .

"im's top laner Rambo has already tp to the middle, and the stateless vampire is just blocked by the two. The captain's tp was used to rush when he was resisting the pressure just now. This wave is very hurt without tp! Oh no, the leader's thunder Kesai is in danger this time!”

Remember's clear voice came to an abrupt end.

Seeing Liu Yi's excavator approaching, the vampire who opened the blood pool immediately rushed over, using up his last bit of life to deal his own damage, but unfortunately, his damage was still close to taking Liu Yi away.

One miss, and what awaits him is death.

IMAthena (Void Prophet) kills OMGCool (Crimson Reaper)
Even though OMG's auxiliary gem has rushed over to replenish the status of the stateless vampire, but this status does not work at all in the attack of Rambo and Grasshopper, and the vampire has fallen in the blink of an eye.

Boom boom boom!
In the middle of the road near the bushes, the captain’s ultimate move is still roaring. The remaining gems and spiders start their own actions with the help of the captain’s undisappeared ultimate move. Can choose to go back.

"I can kill an excavator!"

To the surprise of the commentator and the audience, the spider of World6 facing Rambo and the grasshopper directly switched to the spider form and flew into the sky, matching with the weakness that the gem had just disappeared, it actually caught up with Liu Yi.

"Wow, the spider in World 6 is still chasing. Doesn't he want to give up on the prey in front of him? But even if he catches up this time, it will only be one for one. If you really count, you won't lose much!" The commentary almost said Shout out this sentence.

The spider blade was raised high, and when it came down, it instantly emptied the excavator's health!
"Killed, the spider really killed the leader's excavator!!"

OMGWorld6 (Spider Queen) killed IMRysj (Void Burrower)
Seeing the scene where the spider finally caught up with the excavator and took it away with the deceleration of the gemstone, many spectators in the stadium watching the game made unbelievable voices.

"Tons of control and output omg successfully killed the leader!"

"Is it easy to kill me as a jungler?"

"This wave is not a loss, and I have earned a few more summoner skills by exchanging one for one, and the captain on the road also has time to breathe."

The audience in the official live broadcast room also played barrage one after another.

This wave of Liu Yi's killing has nothing to do with the operation. The gem and the spider took advantage of the field of vision and caught Liu Yi by surprise. In addition, the excellent auxiliary ability of the hero gem made the spider consume the excavator to the residual blood almost without injury.

Even though the curly-haired bullhead provided timely support, the captain's ultimate move on the road was not a one-size-fits-all. If he was caught at the last moment and slowed down, the consequences could be imagined.

After killing the leader's excavator, Spider naturally had to bear the wrath of everyone in Im.

When approaching the wall of the four birds, the spider handed over the flash in his hand, but the pursuers had already used the flash because they had already used the flash in the lane and in the team battle just now, so they could only watch helplessly as the spider quickly distanced themselves from them .


When they caught up with the three wolves, the mid laner Grasshopper chose to go back and clean up the line of troops, leaving only AJ's Rambo still biting behind. In the end, after the hatred value disappeared, Spider walked under the defense tower and was killed by the tower.

Seeing this, AJ controlled Rambo to return to the line. At this moment, he had lost a wave and a half of his troops.


Liu Yi spit out the tasteless chewing gum he had already chewed into the trash can next to him, and said as he watched the spider show off the tower.

(End of this chapter)

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