Chapter 411

"Come on, leader, you will always be the best!"

"I'm sure to win! I'm sure to win! I'm sure to win!"


"Damn it, the team uniform of IM is so handsome, it's like a blockbuster!"

"Ask for the same price!"

The sudden burst of cheers from the audience caught Liu Yi off guard, who had just walked out of the player preparation room. He suppressed his excitement and anxiety and walked steadily towards the stage. The director was also very discerning at this time. He turned the camera over.

The figures of several people suddenly appeared on the large screen in the center of the arena.

When the figure of Liu Yi appeared on the screen, the fierce reaction of the audience brought the atmosphere in the venue to a peak again. Wearing a sunny and handsome appearance and a clean and tidy team uniform made Liu Yi once again arouse the madness of the female audience.

Under the deliberate lighting by the lighting engineer of the venue, Liu Yi, illuminated by the beam of light, looked even more brilliant in the dark venue.

The roar of countless fans was like a wave. Even the hosts and commentators on the scene just opened their mouths and were speechless. Let alone the regional league, they had never seen such an exciting scene even in the World Finals.

Looking at the Im people who walked over with a smile on their faces, the host was a little short of words.

"I, Zhao Ritian, have never convinced anyone, but today the leader really convinced me!"

"Good looks and strength coexist, I am the leader of the Divine Religion, so majestic!"

"The light of the jungle, the rise of domestic teams is just around the corner, brothers!"

"Support the leader, support IM!"

"As long as Im can beat omg today, no matter whether Im wins easily or not, I will always be a fan of Im in the future!"

On the client's TV station and Douyu's real-time live broadcast channel, when seeing Liu Yi and Curly Smile appearing on the stage, millions of viewers frantically swiped the barrage on the public screen to express their hearts excitement.

Due to the excessive number of people online, there has been a phenomenon of freezes and even users being stuck in the live broadcast room. Seeing this, Douyu's technical staff did not have time to continue to appreciate Liu Yi's terrifying appeal, but hurriedly opened more Two live broadcast rooms to broadcast the game in real time.

So far, the emergency situation that the live broadcast room almost collapsed was alleviated.

Interpretation room.

"Wow, it seems that the two teams we are playing this time are very popular with everyone. OMG is a powerful and established team, and although IM is a new team to the LPL, its strength cannot be underestimated!"

"That's right, who dares to underestimate the leader who is known as the number one jungler in Asia!"

When the three commentators saw that the host on the stage had started to communicate with the im and omg players, they all reacted from the shocking scene just now, and hurriedly found something to say before they had time to think about anything.

Even so, many viewers who watched the live broadcast began to accuse the commentators of being unprofessional, and even a considerable part of the audience turned the flames of war on Su Xiaoyan.


The relationship between Smile and Su Xiaoyan naturally does not need to be elaborated.

It was the former relationship between the two that caused Su Xiaoyan to become silent when she smiled and stood on the field again, which is rare in her commentary career. Also, facing her former lover, what should I say?
Liu Yi, who had already been invited to his seat by the host, had calmed down at the moment.

After all, it is the first time to enter the top professional competition field in China. No matter how many games Liu Yi has watched and played against many professional players, he will inevitably feel a little nervous.

After testing all the equipment without any problems, the competition officially started.

The first battle between im and omg is on the blue side.

Considering that the opposite mid laner was stateless, Liu Yi banned the relatively strong version of the Desert Emperor after a little thought.

Then everyone in omg also obviously knew how powerful Liu Yi's blind monk was, and omg banned the blind monk almost instantly. Then, in the communication between the coach's proposal and his teammates, im targeted the opponent's jungler and bot ban Leopard Girl and Lucian.

Omg is tit-for-tat, banning Gnar and Jhin, and not targeting the middle and support positions.

The commentators in the commentary box were also analyzing the ban & pick session between the two sides at this moment. The strong hero characteristics of the version and the possible routines that both sides would come up with were quickly explained by several commentators, so they hoped to make the audience forget about the wave they just had. Mistakes.

"Okay, now that the players from both sides of the game have entered the selection process, let me see what lineups the two strong teams will come up with to deal with this game." Remeber said clearly and quickly.

at the same time.

The audience at the scene could clearly see that the screen on the central screen flashed, and the im in the blue square showed the first hero, the void burrower Rexai, who was obviously the hero that AJ gave Liu Yi.

"The leader took Rek'Sai. I feel like this hero is not very useful. When playing in a group, he keeps getting into tunnels, which is very annoying!"

"Brother, it's okay. At least you won't die."

As the sound of discussion on the scene sounded, many viewers swiped the barrage in the official live broadcast room.

Most viewers don’t quite understand Liu Yi’s decision to choose Rek’Sai as his first jungler. Even though this version of Rek’Sai has proven its strength, it’s difficult for Rek’Sai’s jungler to look cool due to his skills. Liu Yi's fans were a little disappointed that the leader, who is famous for his operations, did not choose a very capable hero for his debut in the arena.

After confirming the Reike match, it's OMG's turn to choose the hero to play.

Judging from the constantly changing hero portraits, OMG's opinions were still being discussed. Finally, after nearly ten seconds, OMG identified the two heroes Captain and Vampire at the same time.

"Wow, these two heroes are very strong in team battles after being selected, but the development period may be a bit longer. I don't know what choice im will make next."

Remember said with some sigh after seeing omg identify these two heroes.

"Indeed, if you choose a vampire in the stateless game, then... you can see that IM decided to use a grasshopper to choose a vampire in the lane. Although this version of the grasshopper has been weakened, it is still very Conter vampire."

Before Su Xiaoyan finished speaking, Liu Yi helped Athena in the middle get Malzahar.

The selection was carried out at a tense and fast pace.

Finally, after a few minutes of ban&pick, omg and im finally decided on the lineup, omg is the top laner captain, the jungler spider, the mid laner vampire, the bottom laner Ezreal and the jewel knight.

Im's lineup is the top laner Rambo, the jungle excavator and the mid lane grasshopper, and the bottom lane is the smiling and curly wheel mom and the bull head chief.

Compared with the usual Rank, Liu Yi and his team have chosen their lineup very carefully. After all, their opponent is the former Dark Dynasty OMG. Although they have experienced a lot of blood changes and conflicts within the team, their strength is still very impressive.

Liu Yi understood.

The time it took for him and Curly Smile to integrate into Im was too short, and the perfect tactical system could not be used to its full potential.

Under such circumstances, Liu Yi chose to make his professional debut in a safer way.

(End of this chapter)

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