Douyu Top Streamer

Chapter 408 edg wins the first regular season, Liu Yi leaves

Chapter 408 edg wins the first regular season, Liu Yi leaves
After the contestants from both sides sat down in their seats, they all began to install the peripherals they brought. After the test was completed, there were no problems with the keyboard, mouse and voice communication, and the two sides officially entered the pre-match countdown.

Both the EDG coach and the NB coach stood behind their own players, holding paper notebooks in their hands to record things.

"Okay, audience friends, now both sides of the game have entered the ban&pick stage. Compared with the previous version, this version has made many changes. The role that many heroes can play cannot be underestimated. We know what choices both sides will make." Commentator Remember said with some anticipation.

Sitting on Remember's left is Su Xiaoyan. Su Xiaoyan, who is very delicate in makeup, doesn't talk a lot, but is slightly in line with the Tao.

Instead, the male commentator next to him chatted with Remeber quite interestedly.

Liu Yi in the player's seat turned his head to look at the smile beside him, and when he wanted to see his reaction, he was turned back by the paralyzed face of the smile.


Before the game starts, the skills of the commentators are put to the test. At this time, they need to make more accurate judgments and professional knowledge to explain to the audience what may happen. Most commentators are relatively reliable in this regard.

After all, to be able to sit in the commentary seats of the LPL top league, everyone has real skills.

Just as the three commentators were analyzing the upcoming game, the electronic screens lit up and the sound of music sounded, followed by entering the ban&pick interface that all players are very familiar with.

"Okay, now the game has started, let's take a look at the ban situation of edg and nb." Remember said.

The speed of banning heroes on both sides is relatively fast, and even the commentator can't keep up with the rhythm.

This edg is on the red side and nb is on the blue side. Both sides did not plan to play boring operations in the first game. Both sides have already gone through the offseason for the same amount of time, and their respective levels are not good when they restart the game. Familiar with the real situation, so in the first match, both sides held the idea of ​​testing each other.

edg first banned Swift's better Leopard girl, nb was not to be outdone, and the version hero Ike was also banned immediately.

The two ban selections each have their own routines. edg is a ban selection for individuals, while nb is a ban selection for versions. In fact, it can be seen from the ban selection that the tactical ideas of both sides has been differentiated.

in the next time.

edg then banned the bull head and dryad, while nb finally banned the wandering mage and qianjue.

With the voice of the commentary and the occasional cheers from the audience, the lineups of both sides were finally finalized. The EDG lineup and the NB lineup are the most common professional lineups, which are essential for various teams such as protection, output, and front row. All in all.

After the two sides made the selection, the coaches of both sides walked to the center of the field at this time, shook hands with each other with smiles and left.

The music before the start of the game was played in the venue. Sitting in the seat, Liu Yi felt hot from the inside out. The exciting music sounded beside his ears and the audience cheered in unison. Liu Yi held his hands tightly .

From the brief confusion at the beginning, Liu Yi now feels that he can't wait to start the game!

im in the spectator seats.

Liu Yi seldom spoke since the beginning of the game, but only communicated with the assistant coach next to each other from time to time.

Previously, Liu Yi's evaluation of NB was not low. The reason was that Liu Yi hadn't seriously watched the game video of the summer game. At that time, as a melon eater, he only paid attention to the final finals.

Now that I have personally experienced it, I can only watch and analyze it carefully.

It is undeniable that the overall strength of edg is indeed higher than that of nb. Even though every player in nb tried their best to play the game, they were still dragged into the abyss of failure by edg's almost perfect rhythm of the game.

Except for a few limited bright performances, nb was brought into the rhythm by edg.

In a professional game, it is very scary for one side to be brought into the rhythm by the other side, because it means that the side with the rhythm has absolute control over Summoner's Rift. District resources will be occupied by the party with the rhythm.

Even after fighting hard until the last moment, this BO3 was still won by EDG.

Not to embarrass nb too much, the final score of the game against edg was fixed at 1:2, and edg became the first winning team in the regular season.

The victorious contestants had unconcealable joy on their faces, while the losers were naturally shown in close-ups by the director, and the disappointment on their smiling faces still couldn't be concealed.

When edg won the last round of the BO3, the commentators and fans of Edg began to congratulate it, as if it was a matter of course that edg could win this game, they are very strong, and lpl recognized it.

When the players of both sides shook hands and left after the match, Ming Kai saw Liu Yi in the player's seat.

Ming Kai, who was wearing a black team uniform, was only a little startled, and then quickly realized that he is an experienced professional player after all, and he always pays attention to his performance on the field to prevent any pretense.

But to my surprise, the director caught Ming Kai's bewilderment.

Just having fun, the director shot the camera in the direction where Ming Kai was in a daze, and just as he shot in that direction, the people who appeared on the big screen made the fans scream again!



Liu Yi, who was sitting in his seat and watching every move on the field, naturally noticed Ming Kai's expression. When the director turned the camera to him, Liu Yi and the smiling curly hair beside him and other IM team members showed smiles. , raised his hand slightly and said hello to the camera.

The red under the field and the black on the field became the most eye-catching scenery in the stadium.

Winners and spectators.

There is always a battle.

After the BO3 of edg and nb ended, it was around [-]:[-] p.m., and the night had already fallen. The smog situation was not as serious as the Shanghai night sky with stars twinkling, but compared with the neon lights of the city, the stars were not. It seemed a little lonely.

It's just that the venue is still buzzing with people and the atmosphere is very enthusiastic. For e-sports players, eight o'clock is just the first chapter of nightlife.

There are two more teams to compete.

The BO3 between snake and gt will be held immediately, so edg and nb vacated the venue without wasting time after the match. In the introduction of the host, the players of snake and gt also boarded arena.

"The two teams, Snake and GT, are more suspenseful."

Liu Yi in the audience was ready to go back early after watching the game. For him who already knew the outcome of the game, he no longer had much desire to sit here and watch.

After losing the first gt game of Bo3, Liu Yi stood up, and everyone beside him also stood up.

(End of this chapter)

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