Douyu Top Streamer

Chapter 401 Professional Peak League

Chapter 401 Professional Peak League
The communication between Liu Yi and Gao Diping did not last long, because Gao Diping felt that he had just rejected Liu Yi two days ago, but today he agreed again, which undoubtedly made Gao Diping feel very embarrassed, so he said hastily After a few words, he found a reason and hung up the phone.

beep beep
Listening to the blind voice on the phone, Liu Yi couldn't help but shook his head and smiled.

Liu Yi also felt a little funny about Gao Diping's attitude when he called this time. Gogoing, who has an extremely fierce competition style, is very shy in private, and he is at odds with his fierce-looking appearance, which makes people feel very inconsistent.

The rain drifted onto the car window, leaving traces of it.

"It's a good thing that Gao Diping agreed to join the team, but he can't be allowed to play in the game starting the day after tomorrow. After retiring for so long, he has not experienced systematic training. He has regressed a lot in all aspects. Smile and curly hair are finally ranking with me. After so many hands, although the strength is still a little lacking, it should not be underestimated."

Liu Yi's eyes were slightly closed. The time was too urgent and he didn't have many options to choose from. He could only choose the best solution so far.

"Professional players can't be hurt the most is their self-confidence. If he hastily arranged for him to play and there is an accident, then even if he restores his strength to the peak in the future, he will still be left behind. The best way now is to temporarily wait. When AJ played, Gao Diping quickly made up for his deficiencies in various aspects to prepare for the future games, so there is nothing wrong with it.”

Think about this.

Liu Yi already had a preliminary plan for the arrangement of Gogoing, and the competition was about to start, and Gogoing gave him the approval letter, although he had already sent a message to there some time ago, I don't know if it will be possible in time.

Not long after, there was a loud thunder, and the torrential rain finally fell.

Although the sky covered by dark clouds makes people feel flustered early, but because of work, there are still a large number of pedestrians walking on the street at the moment, and the sudden heavy rainfall instantly drenches the passers-by. , Those who don’t have a car temporarily take refuge in a convenience store or retail store.

There are also many energetic young people running fast against the rain
But whether you are sheltering from the rain or jogging in the rain, after seeing the Audi A8 driving steadily on the road, there is a look of envy in your eyes, and you don’t know how long you have to struggle to get in this car .

no one knows.

It was raining too much, even though someone was holding an umbrella, Liu Yi's trousers were still wet. After returning home, he took the clothes from Wang Yan, and Liu Yi walked into the bathroom.

After taking a hot bath happily, Liu Yi came out while wiping his hair.

Wang Yan glanced back, saw Liu Yi walking over and said, "It's raining outside and poured you a cup of hot water, drink some before you catch a cold."

Liu Yi smiled, walked to the sofa and sat down, hugged Wang Yan into his arms and said, "Don't worry, I'm fine."

Wang Yan moved her body, changed to a more comfortable position and lay in Liu Yi's arms, and said, "How are things going over there today? Are things going well?"

"Smooth, very smooth."

Recalling the call from Gogoing when he came back just now, Liu Yi's mood became more relaxed and happy. Hearing Wang Yan's question, Liu Yi smiled on his face, pinched Wang Yan's fair and pretty face and said.

"what are you doing?"

"I'm in a good mood, I'm cooking today!"

In a dimly lit meeting room, only the screens projected on the wall glowed with white light. There were more than a dozen participants sitting around the rectangular table, some of them were wearing smart suits, and some were wearing black team uniforms.

The sound of the switch sounded, and the lights in the room suddenly lit up.

"I won't talk nonsense anymore. The hard training during this period will come in handy soon. The defeat in the spring split will never happen again in the summer split. I have said everything that needs to be said and done everything that needs to be done. , Now I tell everyone that EDG must qualify for the World Finals in the summer split, otherwise everything will be handled according to the company's rules and regulations!"

The third young master stood up and looked at the crowd, with a bit of solemnity in his tone to highlight his importance.

The failure of the last spring split has made him feel very embarrassed. Although the company's management only punished him symbolically, the third young master who is actually very strong in his heart is still holding his breath. Now it is finally the start of the summer split. No matter what you say, you have to fight for face!

"do you understand!"

Seeing that the sitting team members and analysts were just looking at the documents in front of them without speaking, San Shao immediately dropped the form in his hand on the table, raised his voice several times and asked loudly.




At this moment.

Compared with the dignified meeting atmosphere in the EDG meeting room, the atmosphere of RNG is much better. Uzi, who just returned to the original starting point, has added a lot to the overall surface strength of RNG. The myth of the immortal Vayne has already established Uzi His ADC status, his return also made many people in RNG feel excited about it, after all, the strength is there.

Support Mata is known as a super-aggressive support player, and his sophisticated combat methods make him also known as the brain of the team. The cooperation between him and Uzi, the former world champion and runner-up, has also attracted countless people's eager anticipation.

As for the top laner Looper, regardless of his status as the world champion, he achieved the No.1 ranking on the KDA statistics list for the first time in history with his super-high level of superb performance, which is a new achievement. His history can be called the world's top top laner.

Xiaohu in the mid laner and Xiangguo in the jungle are new and powerful players. Their performances in the Spring Split and MSI have made everyone know them again.

In this way, each position can be called the top luxury fantasy-class super battleship in China, which not only makes the domestic audience crazy, but also makes a lot of people in the e-sports circle focus on them. When the team thinks that they are facing such an RNG, they can't help feeling a headache.

How should such a team play?

Fly, who stood at the top, looked at the crowd in front of him, and felt for the first time that the dawn of victory was so close to him. Fly adjusted his emotions and said,

"We have proven ourselves in the spring split, and we are proud to join in this summer split. We have trained so hard for so long, and now it is time for us to show our strength. I hope everyone can unite Let’s work together to create new glories again!”

"come on!"

"come on!"

The atmosphere in the conference room suddenly became heated, and the voice of cheering was shouted three times in a row by everyone. Everyone felt the blood in their bodies boil for it, and they were so hot that they could not wait to step on the battlefield now!

the other side.

The former Eastern Red Dynasty WE base
The OMG Black Dynasty that countless people dreamed of
There are also several other teams that have not received much attention, and they have also launched pre-match declarations. Although the content is different, the meaning is the same, that is, to do their best to fight in the upcoming summer split. , to fight for the highest honor!
The domestic professional peak league has begun!

(End of this chapter)

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