Douyu Top Streamer

Chapter 394 Endless team battles!

Chapter 394 Endless team battles!
Kenan's damage is considerable, but he is still a little weak in front of the two tanks Olaf and Dashu. Except for Bengi's Nami who retreats to the side to avoid damage, Blank and Duke directly It is to rush forward against Kenan's output.

"One library!"

Liu Yi looked at the big tree rushing up and decisively used the blind monk's big move, but in front of the two meat tanks, big tree and Olaf, the damage the blind monk can deal now is too limited.

"This wave is gone, quickly withdraw."

In the voice channel, Curly said helplessly.

The mid-lane vampire, who was just about to die, had no chance to continue attacking at all, while Liu Yi's blind monk had very limited damage at the moment, and Kenan's explosive output had been resisted by the enemy. Now, in addition to quickly withdrawing, There is no other chance.

Ding Ding Ding Ding!

A burst of signal prompts sounded in the interface, including the retreat signal sent by Liu Yi and the retreat signal sent by Kenan. This situation cannot be reduced.

Liu Yi sighed a little unwillingly, and within a few steps of retreating, he touched the eye position next to the Dalong Pit and retreated back.

"Jhin has passed too. Don't worry about the vampire. Let's go." He said with a smile.

Hearing this, Liu Yi looked at the middle road, and sure enough, only the smiling Verus was walking towards this side, and Jhin, who was stalemate with him, had disappeared in the middle road. Looking at the vampire tied up by the big tree, Liu Yi dismissed it. The thought of saving him came to mind.

This wave of losses is already heavy enough. If he also dies, then this wave of big dragons will definitely be gone. Only by keeping this wave of big dragons alive can the losses be minimized.

Thinking of this, Liu Yi no longer hesitated, and immediately chose to walk to the right of the river, while the vampire bound by the big tree turned on the blood pool and ran to the left. Obviously, the vampire players also know what to do at this moment.

The attack trajectory from far away appeared beside the vampire, but Catherine, who was stuck by the big tree, could only watch helplessly as she was hit by Jhin’s skill. , it can be locked in place.

In an instant, the vampire who had just sucked a mouthful of blood and wanted to escape was imprisoned, and the big tree that had been sticking to the place and Olaf who came rushed to take him away.

"The first tower in the middle has been pushed down." He said with a smile.

Seeing the scene where the crowd besieged the vampire just now, he smiled and chose to return to the middle road without hesitation, and took advantage of this excellent opportunity to knock down the middle road tower, and Liu Yi's bloodless blind monk followed him.

However, at this moment, two wide sniper lines appeared on both sides of Liu Yi and Curly, and a bullet with a burning tip shot at them in an instant!

Perfect curtain call! (R)

Bang, who was in the wild area, saw that the middle road tower could no longer defend, and immediately wanted to start a big move to recruit Liu Yi, who had lost his blood.

"Prepare to beat him up," Liu Yi said.

At the same time, Liu Yi quickly dodged Jhin's attack by being on the edge of Jhin's big move, and found the ward in the grass in the middle, and came to the enemy's wild area. After the blind monk attacked the target, he set his target on the smiling Verus.

"So confident, if this wave doesn't kill you, I'll eat it!"

In the smiling live broadcast room, the audience also saw this wave of Bang's super confidence, relying on his almost full blood state to launch a big move to take away the head, but what Bang didn't expect was that Liu Yi's blind monk's speed was unexpectedly will be so fast!

Chains of Corruption! (R)

Verus's ult was immediately used when he was close to the four birds. Bang, who was in the wild, was still attacking at the moment. He was a little surprised by the sudden counterattack with a smile, but then he immediately heard the disappearing sound blind monk.

"not good!"

As soon as the word "bad" sounded in Bang's mind, he found a beam of brilliance passing through the wall and coming straight towards him!

Jhin's big move is not only powerful, but also carries a fatal danger, that is, it can be easily calculated by others to find Jhin's true location, thus bringing fatal danger to himself.

Even if you have no vision, you will expose yourself!

It's a pity that when Bang found out, his Jhin had already been imprisoned by the smiling Varus. Facing the fatal sound wave kicked by Liu Yi's blind monk, he had no possibility of evading it!

Destroy the tendons and bones!

When Liu Yi activated the second stage of Q and came to Jhin's side, he immediately used the E skill. The blind monk's strong internal energy suddenly surged into his palm, and he suddenly slapped it down with an angry roar. The thick air flow swept the fallen leaves straight towards Jhin. go!
Even Smile didn't stop his attack. Immediately after the ultimate move, he charged his poisonous arrow, and shot the arrow while the blind monk dealt damage.

In just an instant, the amount of blood used by Bang was emptied, and he looked at the screen that had turned gray and white in disbelief, and then Bang accepted the reality that made him feel frustrated.

WeiXiao (Arrow of Punishment) killed SKT-T1-Bang (Fate Master)

"The cooperation between the king and the leader of this wave is good, and Bang's Jhin will be dropped in seconds!"

"Pretentious, let's see if Bang still pretends!"

"It's so dangerous, it almost collapsed."

"Oh, the top laner and mid laner are the breakthrough points. The good situation just now was just sent away!"

"It's okay, this wave is not fatal after all, and they should have a long memory."

In the face of this wave of team battles that almost collapsed, the water friends in the live broadcast room also made their own comments. The all-out resistance forced everyone in SKT to go home to replenish their blood volume, and Bang’s Jhin was killed because of negligence. The blind monk and Verus cooperate to drop in seconds.

The big advantage that was originally played, but half of it was sent back.

However, what the water friends told me is that the breakthrough point of this round really became the vampire and Kenan. The two who were still quite satisfactory in the laning period still revealed the gap between them and the professional players when facing the adjustment and change of tactics. The gap, was caught twice to death when taking the line.

The two deaths caused Liu Yi and the others to fall into the rhythm of SKT again. Fortunately, Liu Yi relied on his strong personal strength to get Xiaolong.

"The big dragon's field of vision is cleared, and he hides in the grass and fights first."

In the training room of SKT, Lee Sang-hyeok looked at the situation at this time and commanded again. There was nothing wrong with his command. They have already opened up a lot economically after gaining two waves of advantages. Facing the advantage at this moment, use this routine to turn into victory potential, is entirely feasible.

Summoner's Rift fell silent.

Liu Yi looked at the suddenly empty Summoner's Canyon, and suddenly shifted his perspective to the position of the big dragon. At this moment, when they all disappeared, there was a high probability that they were fighting the big dragon.

But Liu Yi also knew that there might be five enemies hidden in the Dalong Canyon in this wave.

"How is it? Are you going?" Curly said.

His field of vision has been completed just now, and it must be too late to go home now. Facing this wave of big dragons who may be lost at any time, it is obviously impossible for him to go home to replenish his state.

"go with!"

Liu Yi said.

The blind monk walked from the middle road to the grass on the left, and Catherine also walked carefully from her wild area to the grass in the river. The rest of them kept a certain distance from it, this is to avoid Bengi Nami's big move.

Catherine felt uneasy looking at the dark wild area.

"Ocean, tide!"

Just when she controlled the vampire into the grass, and Kenan and Curly came around behind her, Nami's voice suddenly sounded in the empty wild area!


(End of this chapter)

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