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Chapter 384 Your Footsteps Shouldn't Stop Here

Chapter 384 Your Footsteps Shouldn't Stop Here

Compared with the districts next to it, the Gangnam District of Seoul, South Korea, is very prosperous in terms of architecture and other aspects. The reason is very simple. Most of the wealthy class in Seoul are located in Gangnam District. .

Renji Hotel.

In Seoul, where the competitiveness of the industry is very strong, Inje Hotel has firmly established itself in the Gangnam District. It is simply unrealistic to say that a five-star hotel can develop to the present level without the support of senior officials or financial groups. of.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh things, when you want to drink, you can't just stare at one person, right!"

The hotel's VIP boxes are very well soundproofed, even if the inside is full of enthusiasm, you can't hear the slightest sound outside.

The world champion SKT, who just returned from Shanghai, China, is having their celebration banquet here. Koreans have a much stronger sense of class than the Chinese. Even if the general manager and head coach of SKT are present, the first place in the banquet is not at this moment. They come and sit.

"Being able to win the championship again this time is a testament to your hard work and a reflection of your dedication to the club. Chengcan is here. Thank you everyone for your dedication to the club!"

Following the sound, the person sitting in the first place turned out to be Cui Chengcan!
Just thinking about it carefully, this matter is no longer strange. SKT club itself is fully sponsored by SK Telecom Group, and the current chairman of SK Telecom Group is Choi Kyung-ho, and Choi Seung-chan is Choi Kyung-ho's son.

In South Korea, where the chaebol class is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, Choi Seung-chan can be described as a young boss for them.

When everyone at the table heard Cui Chengcan's words, they all followed Cui Chengcan's instructions and raised their glasses and drank the wine in one gulp.

For them, today is an out-and-out good day. Having won the MSI World Championship from China, they have not yet come out of the joy of the Grand Slam, and once again ushered in new good news.

That's when their sponsors decided to execute the deal they'd longed for.

That is, after these professional players retire, they will be treated according to the honors they earned. For example, Lee Sang Hyuk, a person whose godhead has reached his level can no longer be described as an ordinary player.

It is not too much to describe Lee Sang Hyuk with faith in South Korea.

Senior employees who belong to the group for life, even if they don't take part in any work, can become the upper class figures by virtue of their superior treatment. In addition, the value-preserving properties such as garages sent by the group are not included.

There will be no shortage of other soft wealth, such as exposure and corresponding activities, which will be properly planned and arranged by dedicated personnel.

all in all.

After today's meeting, SKT's active five players will enjoy very good treatment after retirement even if they become Muggles in the game, and they will be at a lifetime level.

"Xiang He, you are a player that the group attaches great importance to. In the future, the group hopes that you can perform at your current level or even higher and earn more benefits for the club. Thank you for your hard work."

The general manager, who was perfunctory and flattering, walked up to Lee Sang Hyuk under everyone's gaze, raised his glass and said softly.

"Winning higher honors for the club is what I should do."

Even if Lee Sang Hyuk is not very sociable, he knows what he should do when facing the young master at this moment.

"Nai, Sang Hyuk usually works very hard, and often he is still training hard with his teammates in the middle of the night."

When Kim Jong-kyun sitting next to him heard the conversation between the two, he also said with a smile like the icing on the cake. Kim Jong-gyun loves Lee Sang-hyeok, his precious player, from the bottom of his heart. Faced with the praise from his young master at this moment, he naturally couldn't help it. I spare no effort to praise Lee Sang Hyuk.

"Well, I have also heard about Xiang Hyuk's hard work. The club will not be stingy with players like Xiang Hyuk. The next contract will be more generous. Compared with the olive branches offered to Xiang Hyuk by other countries, the club will not It made Xiang Hyuk feel wronged."

Cui Chengcan said with a smile, it can be seen that he is very happy now.

You know, even though he is now the chairman of Haoyue Company, he knows very well in his heart that the real speaker of this company with great potential is not him, nor Li Enze, but the man who lives in China. Liu Yi, it is possible to join professional Liu Yi.

"Other aspects can frustrate you, it should make my heart feel happy."

In the huge private room, Choi Seung-chan looked at Lee Sang-hyuk in front of him, with a wider smile on his face.

One day has passed since Please Smile and Curly Hair went to Jiangxi to invite Gogoing. At noon on May 20th, Liu Yi and Wang Yan, who were chatting and laughing in the ward, saw three people being led into the ward by the nurse. .

Liu Yi raised his head, looked at the three people standing at the door, smiled on his face, stretched out his hand and beckoned to them, and said, "Come on, it's been a hard journey, come here to sit and rest. "

Seeing this, Wang Yan didn't say much, and left the ward after instructing Liu Yi a few words.

Smiling walked to the hospital bed, picked up the fruit next to it, handed one to Curly Hair and Gogoing respectively, then moved a chair to sit down and asked, "How is your health?"

Liu Yi smiled and said, "Fortunately, if you continue like this, you can be discharged from the hospital soon."

Hearing Liu Yi's words, Curly Hair and Smile both showed happy expressions on their faces. Liu Yi looked at Gogoing who was sitting next to him who didn't talk much, and said in a calm tone: "I was also abrupt in inviting you this time. As for the reason, Xuecheng and Zhuo Jun should have already mentioned it, what do you think?"

Gogoing's appearance looks very ordinary, which is very different from his fierce and fierce style of play in the game.

It can be seen from the hesitant look on the elder brother's face that he came to Shanghai this time obviously with his own plans. For a player who has retired for a long time, it is not a quick nod to be invited to come back. matter.

There are so many things to consider here.

"Although it's hurtful and embarrassing to say it, I still want to reject it. I could have made it clear to Xuecheng and the others when I was in Jiangxi, but this time when I came to Shanghai, I happened to have other things. For your trust in me, I think it would be better to talk about this matter face to face.”

Gogoing was a little hesitant when he first spoke, but when the words came out, the words became clearer and clearer.

Liu Yi propped up his body with his hands and sat up a little, looked at Gao Ping and said, "I can understand your feelings, but can you give me, Xuecheng and Zhuo Jun a reason?"

"Even if it doesn't work, you still have to know what went wrong."

Curly Hair and Smile next to him heard Liu Yi's words, and they also silently set their sights on Gogoing. Even though he was an opponent in the past, he is also an opponent worthy of their respect.

At the time when there was no fame and fortune at the beginning, every player with a dream was worthy of being respected.

Gao Diping didn't smile, he just clenched his hands tightly, and then as if he had compromised with something, he slowly released his hands, looked at Liu Yi and said, "I'm 26 years old this year."

"I am also 26 this year."

"I'm 25."

This time it was not Liu Yi who spoke, but Curly and Smiling sitting next to him.

The smile on Liu Yi's face was wider, and he said, "Age is not a reason for rejection."

"Status is the real reason that hinders me. I am no longer what I used to be. Even if I come back with a fiery heart, I have no longer the status and reaction of the year. How can I keep up with yours? pace."

After Gao Pingping said this, the depressed expression on his face finally dissipated.

After finishing these words, Gao Diping felt as if his strength had been exhausted. Why didn't he want to seize this opportunity in front of him and set sail again to win the honor that he hadn't won back then.

It's just that although the ambition is still there, the person is no longer the person he was before.

"Your heart has never been silent, so your footsteps should not stop here, your end is still ahead!"

(End of this chapter)

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