Douyu Top Streamer

Chapter 354 The Lord of Shadow Stream VS The Demon Fairy

Chapter 354 The Lord of Shadow Stream VS The Demon Fairy
Feng Timo opened his mouth slightly and looked at the reading interface on the screen with a slightly shocked expression. The high-quality live broadcast of the leader is well-known in the live broadcast circle. Watching the live broadcast of the leader can not only experience the kind of high-level king game In the hearty battle, you can learn a lot from the leader's operations.

For example, Feng Timo, she used to be just one of the thousands of rookies struggling in bronze, but after she fell in love with Liu Yi's live broadcast, her strength rose to silver by leaps and bounds like a rocket.

Especially the one-handed jungler Olaf reached the peak in seconds, which directly helped her break out of the bronze rank.

"Wow, this leader is actually ranked among the entire TSM team. It's so confusing!"

After Feng Timo reacted from the shock of seeing TSM in the US server, he frowned slightly, and said in a unwilling tone.

Although TSM is a foreign team, League of Legends players all over the world are no strangers to them. Bjergsen and Doublelift are world-renowned ace players, and the Rank score of the US server has also maintained a very high position for a long time.

Not to mention their individual operation level, the best mid laners and ADCs in North America are enough to prove their strength.

Strong people will always be appreciated regardless of national boundaries. Therefore, even if they are all foreigners, they still have good popularity in China.

Everyone who watched Liu Yi's live broadcast tonight did not expect that when Liu Yi and Curly Smile were in the third row of the US server list, they could actually encounter the entire TSM team. This is simply king meeting king.

Epic duel!

Douyu live streaming platform.

At this time, the positions of both sides have already been selected and entered the loading interface. Liu Yi chose Jielai to play the mid laner position. Since coming to the US server, he has played the jungle position most of the time.

The feeling of having a God's perspective and taking the situation into your own hands is so boring that the opponent has no chance to win.

That's why Liu Yi chose Jie to play the mid laner position.

"Fortunately, this one was chosen as the mid laner, otherwise the ordinary American server would be blown up by Bjergsen's mentality."

Liu Yi said in the chat channel.

"That's right, people in the US server seem to have a natural sense of oppression when they see Bjergsen, and his strength is automatically weakened by 30%." He said with a smile.

"However, the pressure on the bottom lane is quite high this time. Doublelift's wheel mother and Biofrost's bull head are also quite powerful."

In the headset, Curly's voice also came out.

The lineup selection of both sides is also very different from the national server. As the US server started a long time earlier than the national server, the mainstream heroes and routines played have been clearly distinguished from the national server, even compared with the Korean server. , also slightly ahead.

Liu Yi's mid laner is against Bjergsen's trick enchantress, and on the road is Liu Yi's big tree against Rambo.

As for the junglers on both sides, Liu Yi's blind monk is facing off against TSM.Svensekeren's excavator.

The final bot lane duel was a combination of the curly-haired and smiling Lucian and Karma, against Doublelift's wheel mom and Biofrost's bull head. From the lineup alone, it was the point of the sword against the sword.

It has to be said that although Smile and Curly have been training hard during this period to improve their strength, they are still somewhat unable to cope with Doublelift and Biofrost, who have been active in the professional arena for several years.

"I finally met a powerful opponent, so I just took this opportunity to see how my strength has improved."

In the live broadcast room, Curly smiled casually. He knew that he didn't think about anything at this time. As he said, it was enough to fight hard and see how his strength improved.

bang bang

As soon as Curly's voice fell, the loading interface disappeared and everyone appeared in the game.

At the same time, in the TSM training base in the United States, the handsome Bjergsen with a black frame looked at Liu Yi's Jie and said, "Oh, guys, let's see who we met, Rysj~"

"Isn't the most popular player in China and South Korea on Youtube recently? I saw him on C9's Hai's Facebook yesterday."

The jungler Svensekeren said while controlling the excavator to set up vision in the wild area.

In fact, Liu Yi’s account is not the only one that spreads in the US server. American fans who often OB Liu Yi’s game videos can’t help but see the two IDs WeiXiao and Fzzf that appear among Rysj’s teammates in almost every game. I have some doubts in my heart who these two people are.

Of course, those who couldn’t recognize these two IDs played League of Legends later.

In the eyes of those old players, the two IDs WeiXiao and Fzzf almost recognized the one who appeared in front of their eyes, especially WeiXiao, this ID that could represent everything in the S2 season, made them have a profound impact!

TSM is naturally not unfamiliar with them.

When seeing the smile and curly hair, even Doublelift, the ADC of a world-class player, felt a little turmoil in his heart.

After such a long time, he was looking forward to seeing such a powerful smile appearing in front of him again.

"Bjergsen is really powerful, he was able to suppress the leader!"

"Brother, Yao Ji restrained Jie in the early stage, okay?"

"Indeed, the hero Yao Ji can suppress Zed in the early stage, and the strength of the leader and a player of Bjergsen's level will not be much different."

"The blind monk is coming to cause trouble, I will go!"

In the live broadcast room, it can be clearly seen through Liu Yi's screen that Bjergsen used the advantage of Yao Ji's early stage to suppress Liu Yi's robbery, and he can only replenish troops through skill release.

"It's tricky, he's a very good stealer, and I couldn't play a lot of advantages that I should have played in the early stage." Bjergsen said.

The audience couldn't see it, but he knew it very well in his heart. Rysj's robbery easily avoided those key skill releases just now. Although it seems that he has the upper hand now, it is not the case.

On the other side, Liu Yi silently counted the time while watching Bjergsen's position.

At this time, the game time has been nearly 3 minutes. This is the most likely time for the first wave of ganks between the junglers of both sides. Just now, he deliberately shrunk the pawn line to his own tower, so at this time, Bjergsen's position is extremely dangerous.

In the early stage, it is almost impossible for Jie to kill the enchantress solo, but with the help of the blind monk with the red buff on his body, at least he can play the flash of the enchantress.


With a smile on the corner of Liu Yi's mouth, he looked at the blind monk who walked to the grass to mark himself and said.

(End of this chapter)

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