Douyu Top Streamer

Chapter 338 I, Mingkai, can do it too!

Chapter 338 I, Mingkai, can do it too!
"Hello! The number you dialed has been turned off. Sorry! Thenumberyou" Hearing the shutdown prompt on the phone, Miss moved the phone away from her ear, and looked at Liu Yi who was live broadcasting with deep doubts on her expression.

And in Liu Yi's live broadcast, smiling and curly-haired figures are also included.

"I can't get through, and Curly and Smile's mobile phones can't get through either. What are they doing? Have they really come back?" She is now full of puzzles.

Basically everyone in the circle knew the reason why Smile and Curly retired at the beginning. It was nothing more than the sharp decline in strength caused by the version change. Facing the emerging rookies, they felt that it was difficult to maintain their former glory. The teammates who lived together left one after another, which naturally brought them a big blow.

One version of one generation of gods, this is by no means a lie.

The best example of this is probably the professional star Clearlove of the national server. The reason why he and his team defeated SKT and won the championship at the MSI in S5 in his previous life was because the MSI at that time was completely a tank version, which was very suitable for Mingkai. version of.

It is not difficult for attentive players to find that almost all the Nunu-type players at that MSI were sleepwalking, and only Mingkai could control the thunder and lightning. The reason for this was because the version at that time was very suitable for Mingkai's play style.

But when it came to the two global finals that made the national server players feel sad, the version at that time was already dominated by the carry jungler. It is precisely because of this that the top jungler who was like a god in the hearts of the national server players Only then did the state appear frequently, and even played such an own record in the S6 World Finals.

Tactical restraint and the overall strength gap are one aspect, and more importantly, in this version, Ming Kai is indeed powerless, because his style of play has already determined how far he can go.

Every version change will make some people rise and some people fall.

It's cruel and realistic!

Because of this, Miss was so surprised by the comeback of Smile and Curly. She clearly knew that the strength of Smile and Curly could no longer keep up with today's rookies. Destroying the altar is no different.

"Why exactly?" Miss said to herself.

at the same time.

The top several wealthy clubs in the country have all learned of the suspected comeback of Smile and Curly through their respective channels, and it seems that the person who invited them to come back is the leader who made them hit the wall countless times.

Liu Yi!

"Why is he?"

This question has become the common thought of the head coaches and managers of all the clubs in a short period of time. Facing the smiling and curly hair that is almost impossible to come back, what did Liu Yi promise them!
An apartment somewhere in Minhang District, Shanghai.

conference room.

EDG's head coach Abu, manager Sanshao and core player Ming Kai are all looking at the picture projected on the wall by the team's analyst with a projector, and the content in the picture is Liu Yi, Curly and Profile of the smiling trio.

The information displayed in this information is extremely detailed, and all Liu Yi's overall data are clearly listed on it, including the smiling and curly-haired ones.

"This data is based on Liu Yi's most comprehensive and concise information from Hanbok to the present. Although Curly and Smile are well understood by Coach Abu, in order to let everyone more intuitively see the relationship between the three , I'll sort it out." The analyst stood next to the projection screen and spoke in a succinct tone.

Seeing the analyst's performance, Abu and San Shao looked at each other and nodded slightly.

This high-paid analyst is indeed professional enough. It only took less than an hour for Ming Kai to sort out so much information. It can be seen that he has done enough comprehensive understanding before to be able to be so prepared.

"Let me tell you first, what are the chances of Curly Hair and Smile coming back." Abramovich closed his notebook, looked up at the analyst and said.

"Okay, based on these statistics, it can be concluded that Curly and Smile are far from enough to play professionally. I don't think Liu Yi thinks he can drive Smile and Smile to participate in professional competitions."

"And if Smile and Curly do come back, then it is obvious that Liu Yi must play the jungle position in the team, but right now, I haven't seen their mid laner and top laner."

"To be on the safe side, I called out the relatively well-known domestic mid laners and top laners, but without exception, the shortest contracts between them and their respective teams are all at the end of this year. The strength of the rest of the mid laners and top laners Weaker, if Liu Yi chooses one of them, I don't even think they have the strength to advance to the LPL."

Speaking of this, the meticulous team analyst with gold-rimmed eyes and hairstyle, this man who talks about everything with data, paused for a second and said: "In summary, my analysis is Curls and smiles have no more than a 30% chance of coming back."

There was a brief silence in the meeting room.

Abu frowned. He had a smile and curly hair at the beginning. Naturally, he knew all the information about the two of them better than the analyst. This time, when the information about their suspected comeback came out, he thought it was impossible, but then he changed his mind. After thinking about it and being unable to make a decision, the core personnel were called to start this meeting.

"I think the chance of their comeback is more than 100%!"

Just when the analyst thought that no one had any opinions and was about to continue talking, Ming Kai, who held his chin in one hand, slowly opened his eyes, staring closely at the smiling Liu Yi in the projection screen and said.

"Okay, the purpose of the meeting is to brainstorm and analyze together. Then, what is your basis?" The analyst looked at Ming Kai with great interest and asked.

"Intuition." Ming Kai didn't look at the projection screen this time, but stood up and looked at Abu and San Shao.

The moment he finished speaking this sentence, Abu suddenly found that Ming Kai, who was so calm a moment ago, suddenly became a bit incomprehensible to him. What does it feel like?Oh, it was the feeling that Ming Kai gave him back then!


The unique vigor of young people!

"I said at the beginning that you didn't dare to climb to the real peak, and you didn't dare to join the real battlefield. I didn't expect that so soon, are you ready to use actions to counter what I said?"

Thinking of this, Ming Kai fell into a state of contemplation under the eyes of Abu, San Shao and the puzzled analyst.

"Hehe, not only did you come, you also brought smiles and curly hair. Do you think they are still the same as they used to be? Well, since you think they can return to the top, I, Ming Kai, can naturally do it too! "

"bring it on!"

(End of this chapter)

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