Douyu Top Streamer

Chapter 320 Ming Kai, You Succeeded

Chapter 320 Ming Kai, You Succeeded

AH Bengbu is located on the north-south boundary of China, so the climate and terrain here are similar to the north and the south, not only has the vast and atmospheric plains, but also has the mountains and hills with southern characteristics, which makes people who pass by AH during the journey have a special feeling.

"Hello, can you help me put down the box?"

While Liu Yi was admiring the scenery outside the window, a girl's voice suddenly sounded beside him, and he heard someone calling him. Liu Yi subconsciously touched the mask and baseball cap he was wearing, and Liu Yi felt relieved in his heart when he realized what the girl meant. Take a breath, it's not just that the fans recognize you.

"Yes." Liu Yi stood up from his seat and helped the girl put the heavy box on the luggage rack in the car.

After Liu Yi helped her put away her luggage, the girl thanked her politely, and then maybe it was because of Liu Yi's very good temperament, even the girl next to him who was wearing a mask and peaked cap blushed slightly and put her eyes on his from time to time body.

Liu Yi didn't think about it that much, and it's nothing to do a little effort. He is closing his eyes and seems to be resting, but he is actually thinking about the information given by the system yesterday.

After playing a double row with Smile Curly yesterday, Liu Yi had the idea of ​​inviting Smile and Curly back, but Liu Yi knew very well that it would be extremely difficult to invite them back, and there was no problem with money. The only problem is that Smile and Curly Hair's current strength is too weak, especially Smile's strength has not declined even a little bit.

This can be seen from the smiling live broadcast room. The former replenishment machine is now showing his troops in a fancy way. He was once known as a world-class bottom lane combination with curly hair, and now he is a master of Dianyi. Insufficient strength.

In this case, even if Xiaoxiao wanted to come back, which team would want to, besides, Xiaoxiao knew very well about his current strength, and he would not be so stupid as to pull himself off the altar.

Although Curly's current strength is not bad, he has obviously been eliminated compared with the newcomers who are fighting for hegemony.

Liu Yi considered this question for a long time yesterday, and finally chose to ask the system whether the strength of the two can be restored. There is no doubt that the strength of the two can be restored by the system. The reason why Liu Yi thought about it for a long time is because of the need to pay. He didn't know how much the price would be.

"It's no problem for the system to restore the consciousness and reactions of these two people at their peak, but the host needs to pay the following prices:
1: within a period of one month, hit the first place in the US server, achieve the top of the three servers in China, the United States and South Korea, and the popularity in the United States must reach one million.

2: The number of domestic Weibo fans of the host needs to reach 2000 million within two months, and the popularity in South Korea must also reach the million level.

The above two tasks completion system will give those two people the strength at their peak, and it will be increased according to the host's task completion level.Similarly, if the host accepts that this task cannot be completed, the system will deprive the host of the ability to have a one-second prediction.

Will the host accept it? "

What?Just such a simple task, just such a small penalty for failure? !

After asking the system, the unexpectedly difficult task given by the system is not as high as imagined, and even the price of failure is easily unimaginable.

This made Liu Yi immediately decide his plan, that is to go to the hometown of AH Bengbu Curl and Smile, and personally invite them to come back!
Gradually, the continuous mountain scenery appeared in the distant scenery, and the vast plain gradually disappeared.

When Liu Yi saw the majestic mountain scenery, he couldn't help but focus on the mountain. This mountain range is not very high but it is surprisingly wide. It makes people feel that their hearts suddenly open up, and they feel that the whole person is My spirits have improved a lot.

"Let's talk about it when we meet, how will we know the result if we don't talk about things." Liu Yi murmured while looking at the mountain outside.

This time I personally went to Bengbu to invite Curly Hair and Smile to come back. Liu Yi didn't think about whether it would be beneficial to him as he did before, but simply wanted the Chinese red that made countless people regret to wear his shirt again. Appear on the battlefield and follow yourself to win the highest honor in your career!
Liu Yi doesn't want this honor to be taken away again by the Korean sticks. This time, he wants to completely smash the fantasies of the sticks and let them experience for themselves what despair is!
Three of the top four teams in the S6 World Finals in the previous life were Korean teams, and 20 of the total 16 players were South Korean players. The World Finals turned into a civil war in the LCK in the end!
Lu Benwei pinned all his dreams on the IM team to qualify for the top eight and was easily defeated by SKT. Facing the defeat of IM, no matter how angry Lu Benwei was, it was useless. In the end, the former world runner-up team's mid laner Unwilling tears shed!
And RNG, which can be called a luxurious and invincible fantasy lineup in the LPL division, ended their progress with such a shameful record of 1:3 in the contest with SKT after advancing to the quarterfinals!
EDG, who won the summer game with an invincible golden body and an unrivaled attitude, was overturned by the wild card team on the first day. After advancing to the quarterfinals, they also scored 1: 3 in the contest with ROX [-] This humiliating record ended the trip to the finals, and the way EDG failed was even more unbearable than the way RNG failed!
Ming Kai, who became a ghost in the first battle, completely became the trash that Wan Fu pointed out. Although many people tried their best to wash the ground, they still couldn't wash away the soaring performance in the game!

The scene when Liu Yi closed his eyes seemed to be like yesterday. The expressions of each contestant and the words of the audience flashed across his mind like a movie. No one can forget it. S6, because this is destined to be a year of complete transformation in the LPL division!
When did the former all-China class endure such a tragic failure, and when did Chinese League of Legends players endure such humiliation!

The Chinese competition area with a vast territory and tens of millions of players, even want to find special Korean players, especially Korean players from RNG. In the final finals, it was almost naked to say that labor and capital are actors. Poor Xiangguo Xiaohu and Uzi, who has been chasing his dream for several years, have been transformed into a 3:1! ! !

What a shame!
"With this kind of strength, I dare not climb to the real peak! I dare not go to the real battlefield for fear of losing fans!" The last message Ming Kai sent to Liu Yi on WeChat was still saved by Liu Yi and has not been deleted. .

Every time Liu Yi turned on his phone and saw this message, he seemed to be able to hear Ming Kai's angry shouts lingering in his mind!
"You tried your best to get me to participate in professional competitions, do you already know your ending? RNG Korean aid staged a wonderful undercover actor plan, and EDG's state frequently appeared, and you became a ghost in one battle. The glory of the past As a weak barrier, it struggles against the boundless rotten black water."

Liu Yi listened to the news that Bengbu Station was about to arrive in the carriage, and the corners of his mouth covered by the mask slowly smiled.

"Ming Kai, you succeeded."

(End of this chapter)

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