Douyu Top Streamer

Chapter 317 Smiling at its Peak Strength

Chapter 317 Smiling at its Peak Strength

After all, she was also a professional mid laner. Nan Boer quickly walked out of the shadow of Yasuo's first-level solo kill. She carefully recalled Yasuo's operation just now, from the very beginning when he successfully squatted in the grass After reaching his own wave, Yasuo on the opposite side began to use Yasuo's E skill to continuously stack damage to consume himself, and every time he was able to move his position to minimize the damage he caused him, and easily played perfect consumption.

However, this is not the enemy that scares Nan Bo'er the most. What scares her even more is that Yasuo on the opposite side is obviously patiently waiting for his blood to recover, because only in this way can he Only by walking forward can he achieve the goal he wants to accomplish!
Accurate enough to calculate the total damage that can be dealt by each flat A and skill, using the stacked E skill and the restored passive to successfully block part of her damage, and finally ignited and handed it to the male knife head without turning back. The attack range of the defense tower, when this set of operations was played, Nan Boer understood that he and this Yasuo were not at the same level of opponents at all.

"No flash in the middle." Nan Bo'er reminded the jungler in the chat bar.

She had already lost a lot in the previous wave, and now she has no chance of winning against Yasuo, she can only call the jungler to stabilize the situation as much as possible, otherwise, her hand is likely to become a breakthrough in the overall situation point.

Curly and Smile in the bottom lane realized that Yasuo in the middle lane was probably not playing by himself, so the two also stepped up their offensive in the bottom lane. The curly-haired robot put a lot of pressure on Wei En and Feng Nu at this time. Although there is no hook, it is the scariest to look at the robot that may be hooked at any time.

"You can play a wave." Curly said, looking at Feng Nu, who was not in a good position on the opposite side.

Hearing the curly-haired smile, he also began to adjust his position, ready to start crazy output at any time. The curly-haired robot also pretended to be fine and walked around, but the moment he smiled and killed a soldier, the curly-haired robot The robot turned around suddenly, and the opposite of the robot was Wei En who had no obstacles in this few tenths of a second!

"I'm going, something is going to happen!" Player Vayne realized the danger too late, and it was too late for him to react.


In an instant, the dangerous whistling sound of the representative suddenly sounded beside Vayne and Fengnv. The Vayne players, who had no time to use their displacement skills, could only watch helplessly as the unpretentious but daunting mechanical iron claws flew towards them. !


The sound of electric transmission suddenly sounded on the battlefield, and the ruthless iron claws with rusty appearance but firm and powerful grasped the terrified Wei En's waist precisely.
Poor Vayne player was dragged to the side of the robot without any room for struggle, followed by another iron claw that had already exuded a faint blue light and slammed on Wei En's body fiercely, the iron fist full of energy He mercilessly knocked Wei En into the air!
"All arrows fired at once!"

With the sound of Han Bing's coquettish drink, the transparent magic crystal arrow formed a huge cone and pierced Wei En's body fiercely. At the beginning of the passive smile, the damage is even more terrible after focusing on the Q skill. Wei En, who is strong in the later stage, can't defeat the ice at all now!

The Fengnv player also charged over with her skills activated, and Wei En, who was still in blood, immediately gained a shield.

After seeing the extra shield on Wei En, the wind female player was a little relieved, and hurriedly used the Q skill to form a hurricane and flew towards Smile and Curly, and the wind female player was still rushing forward to give The ice is weak, so that the output of the smile will be contained, and his skills have been released.

But his own Wei En still has this kind of treatment, so this wave of counter-killing is not a bad idea!
"This brother thinks a little too much." After seeing Feng Nu's actions with a smile, she immediately understood Feng Nu's thoughts.

At this time, a smile that was once crowned the world's strongest ADC at home and abroad seemed to reappear in front of the world. The sharp movement made Fengnv, who wanted to put Han Bing on the weak side, gradually feel desperate, but the distance is so close. It's like the end of the world! !
"666666666666666, the anchor's Han Bing moves so well!"

"What the heck is moving? It's so scary that you can't catch up with such a short distance!"

"My lord, are you back my lord???"

"This anchor has never won a game while watching him play, hehe, does this excite you stupid fans?"

"The King was recognized as the world's number one ADC by all players except himself at that time."

"Oh, I'm so scared, the world's number one ADC is now live broadcasting ten games and nine losses?~~~"

The originally sparse bullet screen in the live broadcast room suddenly showed a geometric explosion after the wave of smiling operations started. The screen was full of 666 and praise, but there were also many black fans taking the rhythm.

Smile didn't pay attention to everything that happened in the barrage. Now he only had Fengnv and Wei En on the opposite side in his eyes. With the cooperation of his old friend Curly, he seemed to have found the feeling he had back then. The release of skills can allow him to re-experience the state of the year!
He has not said a word now, he is afraid, he is afraid that if he speaks, he will vent his inner strength like in the novel, and he will lose this feeling again, this feeling of fighting heartily in the critical situation of life and death.
"This, this is." Curly looked a little shocked at his old friend on the screen, that Bing Bing who was constantly adjusting his position and output continuously, that smile who was once known as a world-class bottom lane combination with himself, He seems to be back? !

one arrow

one arrow

Smiling constantly adjusted her position and output continuously, Hanbing's elegant demeanor formed a great contradiction with what she was doing now, and the crystal arrow exuding a deadly aura pierced Fengnv's body crazily.



boom!Also flash to keep up!


You're Beautiful When You Smile (Ice Archer) Kill Palem (Storm's Fury)
You are so beautiful when you smile (Ice Shooter) and kill the Big Gourd Spirit (Night Hunter)

Double Kill! ! !

As the bodies of Fengnv and Wei En slowly lay down under the defense tower, Ice, who handed over the healing body, gleamed with the breath of the Holy Spirit, and calmly left the attack range of the defense tower. The solemn female voice of the system resounded through the entire call Division Canyon!


"Is it you, the king? Is it you, the king!! Woohoo, are you back?!"

"Fuck! It's cool!!"

The live broadcast room of Smile and Curly Hair was almost full. The viewers who turned on the barrage in the live broadcast room could not clearly see the faces of Smile and Curly Hair at this time. The entire screen was filled with "666".

The same is true in Liu Yi's anchor room. Even though Xiao Xiao is the enemy of their beloved leader, they also pay tribute to a former king in this way. The former peak king seems to appear in their eyes again.

"This wave of operations is strong, very strong!" Liu Yi watched this wave of battles in the bottom lane from beginning to end.

Smile's level of performance is completely different from Liu Yi's level when watching Smile's live broadcast. If this wave of operations can score [-] points, then in Liu Yi's opinion, Smile's previous live broadcast strength level is only [-] points, and even [-] points are higher. said.

Looking at the smile of the remaining blood and curly hair retreating in the bottom lane, Liu Yi showed a happy smile on his face, and then he controlled Yasuo, who was full of blood, to walk out of the triangle grass in the dragon pit.

Old friend, are you looking forward to your peak strength reappearing in the arena?
(End of this chapter)

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