Douyu Top Streamer

Chapter 313 Heartache Hierarch (I have benefits to tell everyone today)

Chapter 313 Heartache Hierarch (I have benefits to tell everyone today)

Crowds of people.

With Liu Yi's identity exposed, the atmosphere at the scene was like a drop of water falling into a whole pot of boiling oil. Enthusiastic fans, especially female fans, screamed and rushed towards Liu Yi, because the extreme happiness made their expressions It even looks a little hideous.

When Li Enze and Cui Chengcan saw this, they sold Liu Yi out without loyalty. Just kidding, how could they stop so many people?
Liu Yi in the center of the crowd couldn't help but twitch the corners of his eyes when he looked at the fans who surrounded him almost instantly. He turned around and looked behind him. Just as he was about to ask Li Enze and Cui Chengcan for help, Liu Yi suddenly realized that they had Has retreated far away.

Through the crowd in the middle, Liu Yi could even see the expressions on the faces of Li Enze and Cui Chengcan, the joy of remaining alive after the catastrophe and the shock hanging on their faces, and even Liu Yi could see the two of them seeing him and looking at them I blinked my eyes on purpose
Bastard, this is just a joke with you, are you even blinking? ! !

"Everyone restrain your emotions first, the live event is not over yet, everyone calm down!" Liu Yi tried his best to deal with the fans who posted on him, and at the same time shouted loudly, hoping to be like the protagonist in the novel, saying Fans will follow suit.

When he just finished speaking, Liu Yi obviously felt that the fans were using a little less strength, but before he could rejoice that the nearby fans were using even greater strength, he broke through the defense of his hands and stuck tightly to the Liu Yi's body.

Rao Liu Yi's strength is greater than that of ordinary people, coupled with the mind control ability given by the system, it can only give him a little room to breathe, but it is impossible to completely push away the fans and leave the center of the crowd. .

'Take a photo, quickly take a photo with my mother, what the hell are you doing! ! '

'Keep order, keep order, it's too crowded and dangerous! '

'The leader actually has abdominal muscles, my God!It feels so comfortable! '

'Whose hand is this? Can you touch it elsewhere?A person as big as the leader insists on snatching this piece from me? ! '

Facts have proved that men are much more sensible than women. Most of the fans around Liu Yi are female fans. Even if some male fans squeeze in, it is not for Liu Yi. You can tell from the wretched smile on his face that he is The purpose is not simple.

"Is the leader's popularity so high?" Several male spectators in the safe area not far away looked at the crowded auditorium in shock.

"Then you, China and South Korea are the first to stand in front of you. You are so handsome, so tall, and the key is to have such temperament. Can you bear it?" His companion responded.

"I can't stand it!"

"Fart, what does it matter if you are a man and can't help it?!"

With the teasing of several people, the order of the scene became more and more chaotic, and it was going in a more serious direction. All the security guards on the scene rushed towards this side, and at the same time, they couldn't help but feel sad when they saw the hot scene in the center of the incident. shock!
Be good, which big star is this here? ! !
At the same time, the camera on the giant electronic screen in the stadium has not been removed due to the director's personal reasons, and what happened in the auditorium during this period can be seen clearly by the audience on site and online.

"What are you doing! Why don't you move the camera away quickly!!!" The chief director in charge of the live broadcast of the LPL Spring Finals saw this scene and stood up from his seat in shock, and then saw that the camera hadn't been moved Director Kai's face was terribly dark, and he yelled at the director in charge of the camera!
It's a pity that the chief director's action was still too late. People in the gymnasium who didn't know what happened here had seen Liu Yi's appearance after the few seconds of live broadcast. Yes, the director even deliberately gave Liu Yi a Close-up of the face.
Almost all the spectators in the stadium saw it now.

Without too many words, Liu Yi's fans at the scene expressed their love for Liu Yi with actions, and another crowd rushed here. Liu Yi can no longer see so far away, and is blocked by female fans. Liu Yi felt that there were all kinds of scents lingering under his nose, and many female fans took the opportunity to put their hands into Liu Yi's shirt.

"Everyone, calm down, I have a lot to say to everyone!!"

After finally getting rid of his scratching hand, Liu Yi hurriedly used this rare time to yell loudly, but he underestimated the enthusiasm of the fans, and still no one cares about him, that's how people are, as long as they make a fuss, everyone will Follow up the booing, and don't think about anything else at all!
In fact, from the moment the first fan stood up and rushed towards him, Liu Yi knew it was going to be bad. If someone took the lead, there would definitely be a chain reaction!
"Everyone, be safe and give way!"

"Be careful, someone has fallen!"

"We are the police, please abide by the precautions in public places!"

"The police are here!"

In the crowd of colorful people, when Liu Yi heard these words, he suddenly felt that his exhausted strength reappeared, and immediately controlled the direction with all his strength to move towards the place where the sound came from.

At this time, the long legs showed their advantage. The seats blocked the fans but they couldn't stop Liu Yi. Liu Yi quickly cooperated with the inside and outside and finally slammed face to face with the security guards and police on the scene.

Liu Yi swears, he originally thought that the last time he was in school was the scariest, but he didn't expect that he was still too young!
Maybe it was because of seeing security guards and policemen in uniforms, or maybe it was because some satisfied fans stopped and pretended to be cute. In short, there was a rare calm in the center of the storm.

Liu Yi prides himself that he can handle most things easily, but when faced with a certain number of fans and above, Liu Yi has no way to deal with it at all, and can only passively accept this thing that is extremely enjoyable in the eyes of others.

Surrounded by the police and security guards, Liu Yicai finally had time to see what he looks like now. The clothes he was wearing neatly before are now in disarray. The mask and peaked cap he was wearing just now were snatched away by that lucky fan. .

Fortunately, his clothes were not torn this time, which is really a blessing in misfortune.
Online live broadcast platforms, especially Liu Yi's home base Douyu live broadcast platform, are now full of fans watching the live games on it. Millions of official live broadcast rooms are filled with images that completely cover the screen. Screen.

"I feel sorry for the leader."

PS: Today, I read the book reviews of Qidian and Genesis and QQ Reading, and Xiaoguan was very moved. This is the motivation for Xiaoguan to continue writing. Thank you, thank you, and all book friends. Tomorrow, before 12 noon, three lucky book friends will be drawn in the starting point book review area, each of whom will pay 1000 starting point coins, and this event will be held frequently in the future. book review.

(End of this chapter)

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