Douyu Top Streamer

Chapter 305 Headquartered in Zhengzhou

Chapter 305 Headquartered in Zhengzhou
Li Enze did bring Liu Yi a surprise. The arrival and joining of Cui Chengcan made Liu Yi more confident. The reason is very simple. Big help.

The evening dinner lasted until twelve o'clock, and the three of them ended their conversation with unfinished business.

The moonlight on the ground makes it feel cool and refreshing. Because it is late at night, there are not many pedestrians on the street, but occasionally a car passing by on the street makes a loud noise, other than that, it is peaceful.

Liu Yi walked in the center, while Li Enze and Cui Chengcan subconsciously stood on both sides. The three young talents had been faintly separated in size. Li Enze was willing to walk by Liu Yi's side because he knew Liu Yi's strength. Not to mention, the mere medical skills that can be called divine are worthy of Li Enze's putting him in this position. Whose old man doesn't have a sudden illness?
Cui Chengcan was a little different. On the one hand, he walked beside Liu Yi because Liu Yi had a strong aura and even gave him the same feeling that his father gave him. On the other hand, he saw Li Enze. Performance.

If Li Enze's status is really compared with his, then he is not a star behind Li Enze, but now that even Li Enze is willing to stand beside him, why should he compete for the useless limelight.

The blood of Koreans is full of genes that worship the strong.

After previous discussions, some changes were made to the initial arrangement. In order to better develop the Korean market, Liu Yi did not let Cui Chengcan open the live broadcast platform under the name of the group, but let Cui Chengcan open it under the local name after consideration. After all, civilians in every country have patriotic feelings, and South Korea's local live broadcast platform is easier for them to accept.

As for commercial security, the three of them have already drawn up a contract, and each will have a copy after signing.

Liu Yi had already considered this matter, and he had no other choice under the pressure of system tasks, while Li Enze and Cui Chengcan each had their own plans, but they were all persuaded by Liu Yi without exception. They also know it very well in their hearts.

This kind of thing is a combination of two benefits and two harms, although Li Enze and Cui Chengcan both know that it is a bit exaggerated, because no matter who is in the relationship between the three, if they want to start alone, they will definitely make achievements. But there will be a lot of loss in cost and time.

Similarly, turn around and think that things will be much easier if they cooperate. With Liu Yi's popularity and appeal in China and the background of Li Enze and Cui Chengcan, if the three of them are united, they will be able to exert great strength. horror!
Whether it is China or South Korea, there is currently no live broadcast platform that can resist their attacks!

After returning to the hotel, it was already very late. Liu Yi's system was strengthened by the system and he felt very tired. Cui Chengcan and Li Enze didn't need to think too much. Cui Chengcan went back to rest for an excuse almost as soon as they returned to the hotel.

As for Li Enze, he endured his fatigue and said to Liu Yi in front of his room: "Should I think about setting up the headquarters in Zhengzhou? After all, places like Shanghai and BJ are concentration camps for big anchors, and they are also home to professional players from various countries." A place I often come to.”

Liu Yi smiled when he heard Li Enze's words, put his hands on Li Enze's back and pushed him into his room, saying: "Don't think about it, go to bed early." This matter has been discussed just now, so Liu Yi There is no need to think about it now, and Li Enze's problem has been dealt with calmly.

"Hey" Before Li Enze could finish what he wanted to say, Liu Yi closed the door for Li Enze.

"Forget it, set it up in Zhengzhou, let's set it up in Zhengzhou, anyway, the north doesn't need to eat rice all day." Li Enze took off his coat and put it on the hanger, and said with some self-consolation.

It has been a long time since Li Enze returned to China. During this period of time, Liu Yi did not take the two of them back to Zhengzhou, but chose to stay in Shanghai to watch the coming spring game.

Lin Wei's work in Zhengzhou is in full swing, and he can't help him if he goes back now. Besides, Liu Yi also intentionally cultivated Lin Wei to grow up quickly. After all, he and Li Enze and Cui Chengcan have already gone abroad to discuss projects. For those who are not familiar with it, Lin Wei really seems a little immature.

"I didn't expect that the two teams in the finals would be EDG and RNG. RNG's performance in the Spring Split was really impressive." Li Enze said with some surprise. Since he met Liu Yi, Li Enze has done a lot for League of Legends, the most popular game in China. learn.

As for the top teams of lpl, he is quite familiar with it, but he was a little surprised that the final match was played in EDG and RNG.

"I know the EDG team. Last year's MSI defeated SKT, which was sponsored by us. It's a very good team; RNG is also a very good team. Everyone's strength and overall level are very high." After this period of time, Cui Chengcan and Liu Yi got along with each other and became familiar with each other, taking what Li Enze said.

Liu Yi glanced at the smiling Cui Chengcan. He knew that SKT was a team under the club sponsored by SK Telecom Group. Compared with Li Enze, Cui Chengcan was more like a game master.

Choi Seung-chan, who often cheats with SKT players, is actually a diamond player in Hanbok. This really surprised Liu Yi. You must know that Li Enze, who is usually calm and witty in reality, is only a mere gold in Ionia That's all.

It's not as high as Wang Yan's rank back then.

"RNG's overall performance this time is very strong. When the game against EDG comes, it is likely to beat EDG." Liu Yi said in a normal tone.

"What? EDG is a team that has experienced many competitions. On the contrary, although RNG has achieved excellent results in the past, but now the members of the RNG team are all fresh blood. Do you think they can beat EDG?" Li Enze asked puzzled.

"Sometimes less experience will bring out stronger strength." Liu Yi said meaningfully.

As the words fell, several people also walked from the competition venue to the street. Li Enze's Audi A8 was parked by the side of the road. The three of them walked to the car and opened the door and got in. Li Enze was in the driver's seat.

After getting in the car, the three of them stopped talking about the topic just now, but started chatting about other topics.

During this period of time in Shanghai, the three of them actually watched a lot of professional games, and at the same time took Cui Chengcan to visit the scenic spots in Shanghai. Cui Chengcan will return to South Korea after the end of these days and will not go to Zhengzhou. This is also the result of the discussion. .

Even if Cui Chengcan goes to Zhengzhou, he has nothing to do. On the contrary, if he returns to China and starts implementing it, the group's progress will be accelerated a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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