Douyu Top Streamer

Chapter 300 Pretending to be like the wind......

Chapter 300 Pretending to be like the wind.
Miss was holding the mobile phone. Suddenly, Miss's movements while holding the mobile phone became stiff. Her eyes widened in an instant, and her entire expression changed from the very brief confusion at the beginning to shock!
'My grass! !The leader is so hanging? ! ! ! '

'Wow, the leader is hiding so deeply?Such amazing dance skills are only revealed now? ! '

"Master, the leader is the master in the field of pretending, pretending to be invincible but deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, I won't forget (liao) tonight (la)!" '

'It's not that Miss said I really don't know, 66666'

on the street.

Almost all the fans and passers-by watched Liu Yi's performance in shock. Many of them had never been in contact with dance, but they could still feel that this was a real technique when they watched Liu Yi's performance in front of them!
'Hey, there are so many people in front, what are you doing? '

The spring competition was at its last moment, and the high audience also attracted many outdoor live streamers to live here. When these three or five outdoor anchors saw so many people gathered here, they immediately surrounded them.

'Fuck, Miss and the factory manager, and No. [-] and Xiaoxiao, Niubi, I'll go, wait, I'll wipe, and the leader? !Day, the leader is dancing? ! ! !Big news! ! ! '

'I'm fake, viewers and friends lock my live broadcast room, and I will show you the first-line hot news next! '

More and more people are gathering on the roadside!

The very melodic music is still going on. Liu Yi feels that his body cannot be controlled by himself. It is almost as if listening to the music, the muscles of his body will naturally make corresponding movements. Liu Yi looks at it like a bystander. All this happened!
At the same time, countless beautiful dance moves flashed through his mind, but they disappeared in a flash, and Liu Yi couldn't remember them at all.

Miss and Ming Kai Xiaoxiao No. [-] and the people on the side of the road are completely stunned. Although they have seen many powerful performances, they can understand the relationship between them just by the clip dance performed by Liu Yi. The gap is not at the same level at all!
That is to say, there are no people here who know Popping very well. If there are people who know Popping very well, then they will be completely shocked watching Liu Yi's performance at this time!

Because even the representative of the top Popping in China is nothing more than that!

When Miss and the others reacted, they immediately pointed the camera of their mobile phones at Liu Yi who was performing. For Miss, it was because she knew that Liu Yi already had a girlfriend and started living together. She really had a feeling of saying no. The feeling of being unknown.

It is precisely because of this that she changed the sauce and wanted Liu Yi to perform an awkward dance today.

But when Liu Yi showed such an astonishing scene, Miss had no time to think about it so much, she just wanted to take a picture of everything now, and then post it on the Internet to make Liu Yi more popular!
Ming Kai stopped talking.

He and Xiaoxiao No. [-] stood together and looked at Liu Yi, who was the focus of everyone's attention. The three of them remained silent. Liu Yi had shown too many things now, so much that Ming Kai could no longer look at him with normal eyes.

"At first I thought it was just playing the game well, but then I turned on the camera and found out that he is so handsome and temperamental. I thought that this has reached the peak, but I didn't expect that I can dance so well now...Duck, what a show! "Xiaoxiao said with a wry smile.

"We are not on the same level as him, we are capable!" Number Seven said.

"He is currently the strongest passer-by king in Asia..." Ming Kai's make-up was very hurtful.

"And I heard that we are going to the US server." A good teammate is always so timely to make up the knife, Miss calmed down a little and turned her head and said.

As the atmosphere at the scene became more and more exciting, there were more and more people, and it seemed that the police had already noticed this place. However, it was at this time that the music also reached the final stage.

As the protagonist, Liu Yi is very speechless in his heart. This is basically because the muscles are dancing to the music, and the body can't be controlled by himself. At first, he thought whether he would leave a memory like Korean, but it turned out to be a good thing. One hour Guaranteed not to remember anything in the past.
This did not affect the enthusiasm of the fans and passers-by, and the atmosphere on the scene became more and more lively with the rhythm of the music.

At the same time, almost everyone was holding a mobile phone in their hands, and the sound of taking pictures and the sound of recording Didi kept ringing, and Liu Yi's dance was filmed from the beginning to the end.

"When this video is posted on the Internet, his popularity will increase." Xiaoxiao said while taking back his phone.

"It's not just Gao." Number Seven who was standing next to him also put away his phone.

Miss and Ming Kai didn't say much, just watched the filming quietly, Miss was fine, but Ming Kai's eyes seemed to be burning with a flame of passion, he had already decided that he would be an apprentice after this wave ended!

A few minutes of music is not very long.

When the last action was completed, Liu Yi also received a message from the system prompting that the task was completed, but what puzzled Liu Yi was that the system only gave 50 points, maybe it was exchanged for something?

Liu Yi is not very clear either.

At the end of the performance, Liu Yi felt more relaxed. Liu Yi had a feeling that the performance now would definitely be more exciting than the previous dance performance. Fans, passers-by and Miss kept booing.

No way, Liu Yi also enjoys this feeling.

When the second piece of music sounded, everyone who thought they were at the highest level of the leader just now realized how ridiculous they were. The second dance was even more terrifying!
time flies.

Just ten minutes passed quickly. After the second performance, Liu Yi did not continue. Although many fans and passers-by were begging Liu Yi, he did not continue to perform. He just took a group photo with Miss at the request of the boss. Wait for someone to leave here.

'I'm stupid, that person really hung up just now, by the way, was it Miss who walked with him just now?I watched her live on Huya. ' A bystander said to his companion with some unfinished business.

'You don't even know that person?The strongest person in League of Legends in Asia, Faker was killed by him infinitely! After another passer-by heard what he said, they were all of the same age and joined the conversation without a big gap.

'so smart? 'So some don't believe it.

'It's all his fans! The passer-by pointed to the dark crowd, "It's still a small part."

PS: Is there any old driver at station B who knows the goddess Lia, how about getting her into the team!Leave a message in the Qidian book review area or the Genesis book review area, let Xiaoguan see how many people know the goddess Lia, and finally thank the book friends of Genesis and Qidian for their support, thank you~
(End of this chapter)

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