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Chapter 289 Fragrant Pot's 1 Blood

Chapter 289 The First Blood of Incense Pot
Xiangguo's jungle rhythm is very aggressive. After the blind monk finished his red, he did not hesitate to go around to the middle to do a wave of gank. The snake girl in the middle was reluctant to bear the wave of troops in front of him, so Xiangguo found an opportunity. But fortunately, the snake girl handed over the flash to escape the follow-up control and regained her life.

'Xiangguo 666, must be caught in the second level! '

"Now the junglers in the LPL division are so aggressive, and when they meet EDG, they will be affected." '

'66666, this wave of surrender flashes, and the next wave of gank should surrender the head. '

'The snake girl's consciousness is still good, and she flashed her limit to dodge Clockwork's subsequent output, otherwise he wouldn't be able to escape this wave. '

The jungle blind monk decisively evacuated the middle lane after playing Snake Girl's flash, because the traces of the opposing troops had already appeared in the field of vision set up in the river. If he didn't leave now, even though the troops could not do anything, their health would be consumed. The rhythm of farming later will also have a certain impact.

Don't underestimate the blood volume of the hero in the early stage. The blood volume determines how many more wild waves your hero can fight.

In Liu Yi's live broadcast room.

The water friends in the live broadcast room also know that the blind monk on the opposite side is RNG’s jungler. To be fair, there are not many people who live broadcast the high-level qualifying matches, and it is like the situation of encountering players from professional teams in the rankings It is one of the few.

It is precisely because of this that the number of people in Liu Yi's live broadcast room has increased again.

"I'll go for a walk, and you should be more careful in the bottom lane." Liu Yi looked at the situation in the middle lane and said to Wang Yan that his teammate Snake Girl was a little suppressed.

"Well, you go, I have no problem in the bottom lane." Wang Yan said while operating the wheel mother intently.

"Let's clear this wave of soldiers first." Liu Yi said after looking at the opponent's position on the map.

After so long in double queuing, Wang Yan naturally understands what Liu Yi means. If Liu Yi's bull head suddenly disappears on the line after this wave of pawns is not clear, the opposite bottom lane combination will definitely be marked, so that other positions on the opposite side People on the top will be on guard, and the difficulty of ganking will be doubled.

However, if you choose to return to the city after pushing the pawn line, then the chances are much greater. After all, if you choose to return to the city, the opponent must think that you are returning to the city at first. Of course it won't come out.

Dfbb: Centaurs follow me.

After returning to the city.

Wang Yan's wheel mother walked straight towards the bottom lane, but Liu Yi typed a message in the chat column for the jungler Centaur. The jungle hero Centaur needs economy to develop in the early stage. If the jungle hero develops in the early stage, then It will be very easy to bring up the rhythm of the whole game.

Asia's strongest passerby king personally signaled, and the Centaur players followed Niu Tou towards the opposite jungle area without any hesitation.

"Renma is good at playing. He can easily see Xiangguo's movements through his eye position on the opposite F4, but there are advantages and disadvantages. That eye position is also easy to see."

While Liu Yi was talking, the blind monk figure of Xiangguo suddenly appeared in the wild area opposite!

At this time, not only Liu Yi and the Centaur players saw it, but even the Snake Girl player in the middle lane also saw it. For the blind monk who just forced her to flash, Snake Girl naturally didn't have the slightest affection for Xiangguo.

Zhanqi live broadcast platform.

"After brushing this wave of F4, you can go to the opposite river and take a turn to clear the eye position on the opposite side." Xiangguo chatted with the water friend while brushing F4.

But just when he was about to use punishment to kill the blood volume of the wild monster, a terrifying figure suddenly appeared on Xiangguo's screen from the blind area of ​​vision.

"I'm stupid, the leader is making trouble!" Xiangguo immediately made a decision when he saw the bull's head, and he didn't want F4.

It's a pity that the right to speak is obviously not in his hands now. Just when he saw Liu Yi's bull's head, Liu Yi had already controlled the bull's head and made a fatal operation!

The instant the flash sounded, Xiangguo knew that this wave was in danger. The leader is a person who is extremely accurate in grasping fighter opportunities. If he chooses to use flash at this time, then the subsequent damage must have been calculated.

Sure enough, what happened next was not what Xiangguo expected.

With the golden light flashing, Niutau who appeared from the blind spot of vision immediately chose to flash, and at the moment he flashed to the blind monk Xiangguo, he chose the Q skill to smash the earth, and the ground was blasted out like a spider web by Niutou's hard fists The blind monk of Xiangguo was knocked into the sky without even using his W skill!
The snake girl, who was already at the ready, and the centaur players following the bull's head immediately rushed forward.

Xiangguo originally wanted to make a final struggle, but before he could react, Niutou's second wave of control came immediately. The W skill savagely charged him right against the F4 wall, thus making the snake girl's skill Dangerously, he hit the blind monk.

Centaur's Q skill Rampage immediately swung the weapon in his hand and drew a full circle. Xiangguo's blind monk was unable to escape until the last trace of blood, and was controlled from the head to death by Liu Yi's bull head.

Xiangguo's teammates, the mid-lane clockwork, failed to provide effective support in the end. After all, the level is not high enough, and the clockwork is also powerless.


The Ionian kings group had barely reached 5 minutes before the first blood broke out. What's more worth mentioning is that 70% of the credit for this first blood is due to the bull's head!

"The leader is invincible"

After Roam successfully caught the incense pot, the jungler and snake girl all typed and praised in the chat bar.

Liu Yi smiled and said, "The blind monk from Xiangguo really played well."

Wang Yan just cut the camera when Liu Yi was about to arrive at the blind monk. When Liu Yi decisively chose to flash the blind monk with the incense pot, Wang Yan couldn't help but secretly startled. Liu Yi's sense of timing The strength of grasp and consciousness is really incomprehensible.

"I don't know how to answer you when you say that." Wang Yan replied.

Similarly, like Wang Yan who doesn't know how to answer, there are also water friends in Liu Yi's live broadcast room. Regarding the words Liu Yi said after he walked away and caught the incense pot, the water friends in the live broadcast room obviously have a lot of opinions .

'I killed you and then said: Oh, you are really good at playing~'


'Amazing my brother'

'Don't make trouble, I tell you! '

The biggest difference between professional players and passer-by players is the difference in mentality. After Xiangguo was successfully sent out by Liu Yi, he quickly adjusted his mentality after a short period of ignorance.

RNG, MLXG: The boat of friendship will turn over as soon as it is said.

PS: I overestimated my taxi speed today. There were so many people on National Day. If Chapter 2 cannot be coded before 12 o'clock, I will post the previous chapter first. The code will be released and replaced. Xiaoguan wants to get it. Perfect attendance once and for all.

(End of this chapter)

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