Douyu Top Streamer

Chapter 283 Lee Sang-hyuk's second sniper attack failed

Chapter 283 Lee Sang Hyuk's Second Sniper Failed
Under Liu Yi's control, Yasuo, who activated his ultimate move, turned into an afterimage and rushed towards Jie. Jie who was knocked into the air could only watch unwillingly as the bloody Yasuo was about to complete his solo kill!

After the ultimate move, Liu Yi used his Q skill without pausing, and the long sword in Yasuo's hand pierced Zed's chest, and Zed's last HP was immediately emptied.

At the moment of Zed's death, the last bit of experience that Yasuo lacked was immediately replenished, and the upgraded Yasuo's blood volume also increased accordingly. The ignition that Lee Sang Hyuk left on Yasuo was completely useless.


When Yasuo's last blow cleared Zed's blood volume, the sound effect of the kill also sounded at this time, and the officials looked at Yasuo on the screen with a shocked expression. Since Ming Kai often doubled with Liu Yi, this He has seen a lot of such wonderful operations, so his performance is slightly better than the officials.

But more water friends are worse than officials.

They usually watch a lot of this kind of extremely showy operation in various series of top highlight videos such as Qixiaodian, but what they can see on the spot is naturally different from what they saw in the highlights. This kind of feeling is dazzling. The operation is simply explosive!

"Is the leader's last wave of operations luck?"

"To be honest, I can also hit this hand speed, but the key is my awareness!"

"Hokage Jie VS Hayate So, the video has been sent to Qi Xiaodian."

"It's cool, let this stick be more arrogant, and the leader will let them know that Bangzi will never want to reach the top of the national server again!"

"Excuse me, is this the live broadcast room of the No. [-] Yasuo in the national server?"

In Liu Yi's live broadcast room, this wave of extreme operations directly conquered the water friends who watched the live broadcast again.

Dopa watched the entire battle, and his expression changed from excitement at the beginning to disappointment. Even though Lee Sang Hyuk has used all his energy, can he still not win against Rysj?
[Everyone] Dfbb: fighting
【Everyone】Aopa, Huya live broadcast:
Lee Sang Hyuk looked at the words Rysj typed for himself on the screen, and typed a series of ellipsis in a funny way. At this time, he naturally knew that Yasuo on the opposite side deliberately lured him to hit him.

Yasuo's skill release and the advance and retreat of his position just now proved that Rysj is playing tricks on himself. Others may think that this wave of Yasuo is due to luck, but he knows that Rysj has definitely calculated it together .

"This guy, does he even know the color of the underpants I'm wearing today? Ahhh" Lee Sang Hyuk said depressedly.

"Personally I don't think he wants to know," Dopa responded.


Liu Yi also crossed a certain distance because of his ult when he was single-killed, and this distance made the spider on the opposite side can only watch the bloody Yasuo leave with hatred.

The blood bottle restored Yasuo's life. After clearing the wave of soldiers under the tower, Liu Yi chose to return to the city, and the robbery had collapsed.

In the next game, Lee Sang Hyuk's operation is not bad. Even the factory manager was shown twice by Lee Sang Hyuk, not to mention the other two lanes. was emptied.

But even if Lee Sang Hyuk shows off again, it just wins him a little more self-esteem.

Dopa had just killed the little mage twice, and was caught and killed by Liu Yi and the factory manager in cooperation. In the following time, Dopa was killed by Liu Yi three times, and the jungler spider was caught by Yasuo in his own wild area. Caught twice.

The whole game has completely turned into Liu Yi's show. Due to fans' request, Ming Kai basically gives Liu Yi the camera whenever he has free time. As for the officials, they have already gone to Douyu Liu Yi's live broadcast room Watched up.

In a team battle at Dalong with a length of 40 seconds, Liu Yi's side attacked the dragon first, and when Dalong's blood volume was only two-fifths left, Lee Sang Hyuk and his teammates also rushed over.

After a wave of back-and-forth, Xiaofa and the support of Liu Yi's family were killed, while Lee Sang-hyuk's family only paid the price of one support.

From the top road to the wild area, and then from the wild area to Dalongkou, the identities of the two sides changed, and the one who was forced to defend became Lee Sang-hyeok and the others, and at this time, except for Dopa in the dragon pit, the rest of them were all alone. Inside the Dragon Pit.

Double-kill! !
The team battle with a length of 40 seconds finally ended with Yasuo's double kill. Dopa and the jungler Spider were taken down by the factory manager and his own ADC, and Baron's HP was not much left.

Accompanied by the wailing of the big dragon, Liu Yi's team not only destroyed the opponent, but also got the big dragon. With the help of Lee Sang Hyuk and Dopa, they have not been resurrected, Liu Yi pushed down the second tower in the middle, and the factory manager and his teammates Go and get rid of the little dragon.

This wave directly widened the gap between the two sides. No matter how much the little mage wanted to act, he couldn't perform many tricks. In the end, the actor could only sigh sadly and gave up his plan to continue acting.

Taking advantage of the big dragon buff to break through the high ground, and then attacking other lanes with the advantage of super soldiers, the rhythm of the whole field has completely fallen into the hands of Liu Yi and the factory manager.

When Lee Sang Hyuk's Zed and Dopa were both swept up by Yasuo's wind, the other three had no intention of continuing to resist, and were directly burned by everyone's skills and emptied their blood volume.

Lee Sang Hyuk looked at the person across from him rushing towards his big crystal, he could only smile helplessly, this is already the second time he lost to Rysj in the server in China, and he has met him twice in total
On the other hand, in Hanbok, the number of times I have won him is very few.
"Congratulations to the factory manager for winning again."

"666, the actors all play the role of the undead leader, domineering!"

"The leader's Yasuo is really strong, and the national server Yasuo only obeys the leader."

"The director of the spring competition must win, and EDG must win!"

It was past one o'clock in the evening when Liu Yi started the live broadcast, and Wang Yan had already gone to sleep in the bedroom. Wang Yan had already finished watching the Langya List yesterday, and now Wang Yan seemed to be chasing what TV series Liu Yi couldn't remember.

After washing up, Liu Yi walked into the bedroom and rested.

Early the next morning, Liu Yi woke up and before he had breakfast, he received a call from Li Enze. There were water stains on the corners of his mouth after washing, and Liu Yi answered the phone after wiping it off with a towel.

"What's the matter so early?"

"I'm going to Zhengzhou today."

PS: I have no inspiration. I went to Quanmin TV to watch the live broadcast of Stateless and Xiaozhi. I finally found some inspiration and finished writing. It’s a bit late for an update, at
(End of this chapter)

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