Douyu Top Streamer

Chapter 264 Liu Yi's Trouble

Chapter 264 Liu Yi's Trouble

As the most prosperous commercial street in Zhengzhou, Erqi Road gathers well-known brand stores favored by the upper-class people and large shopping plazas favored by the middle-class people. There are many street shops, middle and low-end clothing stores, as well as various brand jewelry stores and cosmetics stores. It satisfies consumers at all stages, so that consumers who come here can find a suitable consumption range and return with a full load.

The flow of people who come here to shop and play is very large every day. Due to the large flow of people, there is no shortage of handsome men and beautiful women who wear fashionable clothes. Similarly, there is no shortage of ordinary people who look earthy and mediocre. .

Although Liu Yi said in his previous life that he later worked in other places, he often came here to buy goods when he was in college, so he is quite familiar with the environment here.

After talking with Li Enze in Shanghai a few days ago, he has not received any news about Li Enze. This situation is somewhat out of Liu Yi's control, because judging from Li Enze's eager performance last time, Li Enze should contact him in the next few days.

But what bothered Liu Yi was that Li Enze didn't contact him. The miscalculation in this regard made Liu Yi feel a little troubled.

The Chinese New Year is coming soon. It is possible that Li Enze has a lot of things to do and has temporarily put aside the things here. Li Enze will definitely come back to find him. Liu Yi is very relieved about this, because no one will show that kind of eagerness to come back. Those who can return to indifference are now faced with only a matter of time.

During the day, he was thinking about system tasks, and at night, Liu Yi and Wang Yan were playing live in duo. Now, Wang Yan's account in the first district is already platinum 2.

What's more, after that night, there was no gap between Liu Yi and Wang Yan's relationship, and they had completely entered the honeymoon period. They originally planned to take advantage of the time before the Chinese New Year to increase their contacts. Failed to execute.

It is true that Wenwen Township is the Tomb of Heroes. Wang Yan, who was conquered by Liu Yi, no longer had her usual cold temperament in front of Liu Yi, and her original cold and proud temperament slowly turned towards Wen Wanxian. static change.

Girls are like this. When they really meet someone they like, they can't help but not change.

Today's plan is to come here for shopping. The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and Liu Yi has not decided whether to let Wang Yan tell her parents about the relationship between the two of them.

Although now Liu Yi can be regarded as the most popular and appealing anchor in the country, and his future is unlimited, this can be seen by anyone with a discerning eye. He is young, light-hearted and modest, and the most important thing in being a transparent person is to have strength .

Such a young man is the most eye-catching existence there.

But the key point is that Wang Yan's family is not the family of ordinary people. Wang Yan's father is a super rich man with a net worth of tens of billions. Everyone often hears about the tens of billions of rich people, but Wang Yan's father's net worth of tens of billions is comparable to that of other Internet tycoons. The net worth of tens of billions is different.

Real estate is a real and tangible industry, not to mention now, even in a few decades, the real estate industry will not collapse!

The most important thing is that Wang Yan is still an only child, and according to the age of Wang Yan's parents, they probably won't have any more children. This indicates that whoever can marry Wang Yan will marry Wang Yan's father billions of property.

When he first fell in love with Wang Yan, Liu Yi didn't know Wang Yan's family background, but after a long time together, Wang Yan's family situation was also known to Liu Yi, facing Wang Yan's family situation, Liu Yi Not just thinking about it once.

As Wang Yan's only child, her father's family business will definitely not be given to outsiders in the future, so her father's choice is nothing more than two, one is to transfer the shares to Wang Yan and get huge dividends every year.

The second is to cultivate Wang Yan's ability to do business, and designate Wang Yan as his successor in the future.

But in Liu Yi's view, Wang Yan's father probably chose the first path, and let his daughter live a carefree and happy life. Judging from the current development trend of Yan's major, he didn't even see that Wang Yan's father had any intention of letting Wang Yan take the second path.

The power and wealth of Wang Yan's father, as well as Wang Yan's family situation, will inevitably attract countless people to rush here. Think about it, if you can get Wang Yan's heart, it will be less struggle for decades out of thin air. How many lifetimes!
It is precisely because of this that Wang Yan's father must be very strict with his son-in-law, because there are too many hypocrites in this world who have endured for several years or even ten years for the sake of money, according to how much Wang Yan's father loves Wang Yan come and see.

Liu Yi knew very well that if he could not achieve qualitative achievements in the past two years, he would be tested by Wang Yan's father for a long time to come.

"What do you think of this one?" While Liu Yi was contemplating, Wang Yan, who had gone to the fitting room to change, came out.

Wang Yan likes black clothes, but when Liu Yi asked her, Wang Yan hesitated and couldn't tell why she liked black.

Liu Yi shook his head, waved away the thoughts in his mind for the time being, and looked at Wang Yan who had already put his arm around his arm very naturally, Liu Yi couldn't help smiling, Wang Yan had completely put her heart into it now, Gave it to myself.

"Beautiful, my Yan'er looks beautiful in everything she wears."

He raised his hand and gently scratched Wang Yan's nose. Seeing Wang Yan's cute expression of narrowing her eyes slightly because of her actions, Liu Yi couldn't help feeling in a daze.

Although he has now become the idol of countless girls, he still feels that he is just an ordinary person in front of Wang Yan. Liu Yi feels very happy and lucky to be able to get Wang Yan.

The young female shopping guide next to him couldn't help showing envious expressions when he saw the actions of the two.

"Tired?" Liu Yi asked.

In fact, the two of them didn't go shopping for long. They only visited four or five stores after arriving here. However, considering that Wang Yan had been unwell for the past two days, Liu Yi chose to end today's shopping.

Wang Yan hesitated and nodded. After Liu Yi stayed up late for the past two days to carry out the education work to the end, she was able to understand the words and deeds of the person around her.

"Swipe your card."

Seeing that Wang Yan tended to pick up her bag to pay, Liu Yi held Wang Yan's hand and squeezed it lightly, looking at Wang Yan with a threatening look in his eyes.

"You pay, you pay, why should I be so cruel?" Someone lowered his head and whispered softly into Liu Yi's ears.

Hearing Wang Yan's muttering, a bright smile appeared on Liu Yi's face. He really enjoyed this feeling so much.

When leaving this women's clothing store, Liu Yi had already put on the mask again. There was no other way. Now Liu Yi's popularity among young people has become higher and higher. After all, most of the users who watch the live broadcast are young people. .

Of course, there are quite a few middle-aged people, but among the vast user base, they are obviously not as good as young people.

After several incidents of siege, Liu Yi has also realized how big his influence has become. He is born with a star face and outstanding temperament. The title of China's most popular and appealing anchor is not a skill. You can get it.

(End of this chapter)

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