Douyu Top Streamer

Chapter 256 The Coming King's Showdown

Chapter 256 The Coming King's Showdown

In the small rental house, Yang Le's excited body was trembling slightly. He was the only one in this room, so he didn't have to care about other people's eyes. Shiping's bedroom shows the truest self.

Yang Le looked at his position, it was on the fifth floor, the 34 bot lane played by the leader is obviously to double row with the leader's wife, he smiled, he can change positions to play in this level of ranking and Can still play extremely well, it is estimated that the national server is only the leader.

Satan: Middle Road on the 5th floor, thank you.

After typing the position he wanted in the chat bar, Yang Le stopped talking. He was very excited, because he had never been so close to the leader, so close that he only needed to type a line, and the leader over there could See.

The mid laner position is his best position, and this is the conclusion he reached after trying all the positions.

At the beginning, he liked the support, because it made him feel relaxed and comfortable, but after his skills got better and better, he realized that no matter how good you are at the support position, if the teammates in other lanes collapse, it is also a rescue. not coming back.

Therefore, he tried the top lane and jungle positions. The top lane gave Yang Le the feeling that it is a term of resistance. Whether he plays well or not, the top lane position is very important. Not only must he guard against the opponent's jungle gank, but also master The essence of good teleportation support, every good top laner may not be strong in the lane, but the essence of teleportation must be grasped well.

As for Yang Le, because the team battles were always close, he arrived after his teammates were wiped out. That's why he gave up the top laner.

The jungle is very easy to understand. Every League of Legends player probably likes the jungle position. Firstly, there is no pressure on the line. Secondly, the record will not be too bad if you play a little bit, but the jungler position is in the low-end game. It's okay, but when you reach the rank above diamond, you become the soul of the team, and most of the rhythm is driven by the jungler.

The same is true, he gave up the jungle, ADC is not difficult to understand, the experience of every ADC is the same, that is, no matter who the opponent is, as long as they start a team battle or solo capture, they will give priority to ADC. Even the support will scream and greet the ADC's face with his ult, no matter how much damage he can deal.

The health is thin and out of control, basically every catch is accurate. When starting a team, the flash and various rush skills and big moves are like free money. If the ADC is not paying attention, he will be killed in seconds, and the ADC will also be given up by him.

After countless times of blood and tears, Yang Le finally figured out his favorite position, which is the mid laner.

Mid laner position has lower hatred than ADC. If you have a good vision, you don’t have to worry too much about gank from the jungler. It’s just that you need higher skills when laning. After that, you need to be stronger in the overall situation. Roaming is also important for every mid laner. Must-have skills.

Once you find the position that suits you best, it will not be so difficult to score.

From being a diamond player at the very beginning, after finding a suitable position and having a good friend to drive with, Yang Le can barely be considered the strongest king of Ionia, and has become a handful of top players in the national server.

Yang Le looked at the screen seriously, took a big sip of the mineral water placed by his lap, and said that his teammate is the leader, so whether he can add it to the leader's friends depends on his performance!
In the neighborhood where the two live.

Wang Yan's father's project of developing this community was very successful. The reason is that when he bought this land, the neighborhood was still almost deserted, but in less than a few years, the neighborhood has completely changed. appearance.

The establishment of the business circle, the repair of the subway, and even the new campus of a certain university have settled down here. It can be said that this piece of land, which could have been bought for 20 million in the beginning, is now valued at far more than [-] billion.

Liu Yi didn't know if his father-in-law had something to do with the government, otherwise, why would he be so determined to buy this land at the beginning, and then the value of this land has appreciated to this point in just a few years, of course, some people Born to be that kind of rich life.

"Are you playing support or ADC?"

The light was on in the living room, Liu Yi came over with two cups of refilled milk tea in his hand, put a cup of milk tea in front of Wang Yan, Liu Yi asked with a smile.

"Let me play support, the ADC is under too much pressure."

Wang Yan is not easy to be fooled, even if her man can protect her very well, Wang Yan does not want to play the ADC position, because first of all, she is not a person who likes to play this position, and secondly, this level of platoon The position competition puts a lot of pressure on Wang Yan.

After all, Wang Yan's skills are at the gold level, and Wang Yan is very self-aware when she comes to the game of kings to play ranked.

"What else can you do with me here? That's no problem!" He muttered, until Liu Yi saw the smile on Wang Yan's face, and then hurriedly changed his words.

Liu Yi didn't turn off the microphone, and Wang Yan was sitting next to him. All the conversations between the two were clearly heard by the audience in the live broadcast room.

"It's over, the image of the leader in my heart has collapsed!"

"No matter how good the game is, can you surpass the leader? The leader is the number one man in China and South Korea, isn't he strict with his wife 2333333?"

"Infamy series..."

"When I saw the face of the leader's wife, I knew that the leader's wife is very strong. Looking at her temperament makes people feel frightened. It is reasonable for the leader to take down this iceberg goddess, right?"

"Brothers are very strong, with a wave of strength!"

The barrage on the computer screen was selectively ignored by Liu Yi. At the same time, the lineup of this ranking has also been banned. Liu Yi's ADC is Night Hunter Vayne, and Wang Yan's is Support Bron. Malzahar is in the middle, Spider Queen is the jungler, and Gnar is the top laner.

The bottom lane combination of Vayne and Braum is very strong, because Braum's W skill is standing up and E skill is indestructible, which can help teammates resist upcoming skills and long-range attacks.

Vayne's biggest feature is her short hands, so she benefits from these two skills quite a bit.

This is what Liu Yi taught Wang Yan when he watched Wang Yan playing games in private. With Liu Yi's level of thigh guidance, Wang Yan's understanding of the position of assistant is also good.

"Huh?" When the lineup was selected and about to enter the game, Liu Yi's voice sounded a little puzzled, because the lineup on the opposite side was more professional, which made Liu Yi think that he might have met a player from that professional team.

Following Liu Yi's gaze, he saw that the opposing lineup was top laner Ike, jungler and mid laner Lissandra, and the final bottom lane combination was Verus and River Lord.

PS: Thanks to 521 Yongfeng and Give Me a Nobody Uses and other book friends for their support, thank you book friends.

(End of this chapter)

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