Douyu Top Streamer

Chapter 23 E Flashing the Blind Monk, Showing Death Karl

Chapter 23 E Flashing the Blind Monk, Showing Death Karl

The next morning, Liu Yi talked with his parents at home for a while, and after lunch, he went to the street to find his hair and play all afternoon, and soon it was evening, because his younger brother had to go to school, not money It's not about money, it's really not good to let my brother play too much games at this time, and I can only wait for Saturday and Sunday to double row with my brother.

After dinner, Liu Yi greeted his parents and rode his electric scooter to the Internet cafe in the town.

It didn't take long to arrive at the Internet cafe. As soon as Liu Yi arrived at the bar, he saw yesterday's network manager greet him enthusiastically:

"Here it comes, buddy, how much do you charge?"

"Ah, here we go, let's add another 50 yuan to the card." Liu Yi smiled and told the network administrator and handed over his ID card

"Well, all right, all right, here you go."

After receiving the card, I bought a bottle of drink like yesterday and went to the card seat yesterday. It was almost [-] o'clock in the evening, and many people chose to go to the Internet cafe to surf the Internet after eating.

Seeing that the other seats were full, Liu Yi didn't like smoking. Fortunately, there was no one in the booth yesterday, so Liu Yi walked a few steps quickly and sat down.

Now Liu Yi is very familiar with live broadcasting. He turned on the computer, logged into his Douyu account, and adjusted the equipment. Liu Yi then boarded the game and started the live broadcast.

As soon as I signed up, I saw that my ID that was just exposed yesterday was being added as a friend. Dozens of messages were added in an instant. I couldn’t help it. This is what every anchor is worried about but also happy about. Happiness is because of this It means whether a streamer is popular or not. The worry is because it has been like this for a long time, which is really a bit worrying. I didn’t say anything and just clicked on the ranking list. Yesterday, I won eight games in a row. If I have two more games, I will be there. able to locate.

"The anchor industry has a good conscience and is so punctual every day."

"Then you have to. The anchor is not only good in character, but also in strength. It can't be called a 6666."

"I checked the streamer's record and the whole page is green! It's full of MVPs. The winning rate is [-]%. It's so fierce!"

"If the host's ability is not as good as bronze or silver, brother, what do you think of being number one in the Korean server?!"

Liu Yi actually liked watching the bullet chats of these audiences during ranking. It was not only good for communication, but also the bullet chats sent by some audiences were very funny and enjoyable to watch.

Soon, the game was queued up. Because it was a low-end game, Liu Yi didn't think about anything else and chose VN to play mid lane in order to win the audience's favor. What he wanted was to be different. Otherwise, how could the audience like it? Liu Yi still understands the truth.

Soon the game was lined up, and Liu Yi saw that there was no plan for a first-level regiment on the opposite side of the map, so he directly added Dolan Sword and a bottle of red medicine to the online line.

In less than 5 minutes, Liu Yi told the opponent's mid laner what cruelty is. In less than 5 minutes, he hit Yasuo by relying on his strength. In less than 7 minutes, the newly resurrected Yasuo died again. online.

"Jungle, come and help me, the mid lane is too tricky for me to fight." Yasuo asked the jungler for support in the chat bar.

At this time, the blind monk has also reached level 6.

Seeing the blind monk on the map walking towards him, Liu Yi smiled unintentionally. Under the bug of his God's Eye, all ganks will be in vain. Do you want to catch me?
Seeing that the blind monk was about to move in the grass, Liu Yi deliberately used a flaw and left the protective layer of the soldiers, seemingly accidentally arriving at a distance that the blind monk could reach.

Sure enough, the blind monk did not disappoint him. Seeing that Wei En made a mistake in positioning, he directly hit Wei En with a Q, and then activated the second stage of Q to kick him. Through the prediction, he saw that the blind monk was in the Q. At the moment, a big move can cooperate with Yasuo to kill him perfectly, but the situation, is it really that simple!

At the moment when the blind monk was about to Q onto himself, Liu Yi directly activated his ultimate move and nailed the blind monk under the tower with an E flash.

The blind monk was impeccably nailed under the tower by an E demon trial by Liu Yi at the moment he was about to kick it.

The blind monk was completely stunned for 1.5 seconds. The key was that he was nailed under the tower. Liu Yi caught a mad A, and because of the relatively deep reason, the defense tower fully A for three times, plus Wei En The continuous attack output, between lightning and flint, even if the blind monk reacted quickly enough to touch his eye W and exit the defense tower at the moment of dizzy contact, it would not help, and he would be shot to death the moment he stepped out of the defense tower!
Dfbb (Wayne) kill the opponent and don't surrender (Blind Sin)

At this time, in a live broadcast room in Huya
Karl, who is known as the head of Baiyin Village because he often abuses food in the Baiyin section, is speaking to the audience in the live broadcast room
"Well, the opponent's mid laner Vayne is very strong. Yasuo has been solo killed twice in this short period of time. If I don't help him, Yasuo's mentality will explode."

While speaking to the audience, the manipulator blind monk walked into the grass, quietly waiting for the opportunity like a predator, preparing to kill his prey with a fatal blow!
When he saw a blind monk's positioning error, Karl's eyes lit up

"Now! One"

The moment he was about to say Yiku, the smile on Carl's face froze instantly, and he saw the blind monk on the screen nailing himself under the tower with an E flash at the moment he was about to kick it!
Then there was a burst of crazy A. The sixth-level owner, who has two head economic advantages and opened his ultimate move, faced a blind monk who was nailed under the tower. Karl instantly judged that he was going to roll over this time, although he was dizzy The moment the dizziness was lifted, he touched his eyes and ran out of the tower, but VN followed a handsome Q roll and followed a crossbow arrow to take him away easily.

The barrage explosion in the live broadcast room instantly!


"Damn it, this Vayne Cliff is not from this division, E flash! Is E flash easy to play in the silver rank!"

"66666666666, I feel sorry for my silver rank being shown off"

"By the way, it was the brother in the hall who blocked the attack. Please leave your name!"

At this time, Karl didn't even have the mind to look at the barrage, and stared closely at Wei En's smooth level A replenishment on the screen, thinking about whether Wei En's misoperation just now was intentional?If it was intentional, then this one is interesting!

At the same time, the Karl family's bottom lane also won a double kill because Liu Yi guided the jungler to gank.

Frowning, Karl played the war song without hesitation and switched to a serious state!
Stop me?Let's have a good battle!

(End of this chapter)

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