Douyu Top Streamer

Chapter 207 We Are No Worse Than Them!

Chapter 207 We Are No Worse Than Them!
In the middle of the night, there is no wind blowing but it makes people feel cold and cold. This community is located on the outskirts of Shanghai. Most of the people living here are young men and women wandering in the city of Shanghai. It was a good time, but for their own future and a high-quality life in the future, they all chose to stay here and work hard, living a life of two points and one line between the company and the family.

Shanghai, a bustling and magical city full of fashion, has made many young men and women spend their time for it. Shanghai, maybe just the word Shanghai represents fashion and status.

If relatives or neighbors at home ask you where you work, when you say the word Shanghai, somehow you will unconsciously raise your chest slightly, full of ambition, even though you have had a good time in Shanghai Life may not be as good as my hometown in the countryside.

But what is it?I work in Shanghai, that's enough, although sometimes I ask myself in the middle of the night, what can I leave behind after staying in this city?
Rising house prices, even if the salary reaches [-] a month, you may not be able to pay a down payment after working hard for several years. You will spend more than three hours a day on the subway, seven hours on the company, and one hour Give it to your stomach, leave it to yourself, maybe just hide in bed at night and chat with the person you miss over the Internet.

Or find a movie and drink it with red wine?Or call a couple of friends to set up a table of delicious dishes?
All you can see are towering skyscrapers and countless prosperous scenes, but nine out of ten people living here don’t have time to savor the wonderful taste of it. They wake up at seven or eight o’clock in the morning to wash their hands At the beginning, I was busy until eight or nine o'clock in the evening, and the scope of my wanderings was probably only the company and home and the subway train with faces that I didn't know each other.

They spent their time here, gave up the joy of reunion with their families, and even gave up the crucial love. They are busy working and giving in this city, but they may not be able to find out until middle age.

"I gave up so many things, what did I get in return? Is it a cup of afternoon tea after work, or a dinner party in a high-end place on Saturdays and weekends, or sitting on an equal footing with urban elites in suits and leather shoes? The chats and exchanges are still the unique beauty of the city."

Abu was lying on the sofa with his arms on his pillow, without saying a word, looking at the vast expanse of bright stars outside the skylight with no expression on his face, maybe there is another summit in Shanghai, or there is a new snowfall The reason why the air has become better is that it is always rare to be able to see the sky full of stars at night.

"If I hadn't taken this path at the beginning, I might be like them now, busy every day but don't know what I'm paying for, living every day like a walking dead."

Abu felt that his neck was slightly sore because he hadn't moved for a long time, so he slowly moved his arms and sat up from the sofa, closed his eyes, took a deep breath, held his breath, and slowly twisted his neck. There was a creaking sound.

"Huh" exhaled the breath in his mouth, Abu felt that his eyes were a little black due to lying down for a long time, and he was top-heavy. When he stood still and waited for better, Abu went straight to the water dispenser and gave it to him. He took a glass of water and drank it down.

Walking to the door and gently opening the door, looking at the training room in the EDG base, seeing that the lights in the training room were still on at this time, the expression on Abu's face became a little distressed and a little relieved.

Everyone of them is working hard, isn't it?

EDG stopped in the quarter-finals of the 2015 World Finals, and the other two teams didn't even make it to the quarter-finals. Is it true that the teams in the LPL division are too weak?

Do not!
In the first-line professional teams in the LPL competition area, every professional player in it is the top player in the game League of Legends, but maybe it is because it is the top, a big country with a population of more than one billion makes them think they are unique, let They thought they were all that one and only star.

If you don't play training games well, contradict the coach, for the sake of your own personal record, and in order not to take the blame, you may even watch your teammates die and be wiped out one after another. In such a loose environment, How can it be compared with the South Korean team in militarized management training?
Speaking of a simple sentence, Faker once said a sentence in an interview after a victory, so many people feel ashamed,
"We train 14 hours a day, how can they beat us?"

This sentence is not only aimed at SKT. Many professional teams in the Korean OGN competition area are very strict in management. You have to apply to the coach, and there is very little time for entertainment and leisure. Things like going out and shopping only need to be thought about in your mind.

Korean society is a style where the strong get stronger and the weak get weaker. The weak always feel inferior in front of the strong, so it is precisely this reason that creates the atmosphere of Korean society. There are endless conglomerate chaebols, Control the top domestic resources.

These world-renowned professional players, in the eyes of the consortium, are nothing more than domestic slaves. If they perform well, they will be rewarded, if they perform poorly, they will be punished. Replace you, vile thing.

Under such a big environment, the treatment of Korean professional players is actually not as good as imagined, which is why a large number of Korean professional players have gone abroad to play for other competition regions.

The e-sports environment in China is completely different from that in South Korea. What do you have to hand over your mobile phone to enter the base?Fuck, are you stupid?Hand in your phone?What should I do if I want to post on Weibo? What should I do if I want to chat with my girlfriend?ah?ah!
Playing other games during the training time is endless. Even on the eve of the S5 World Finals, there are still front-line professional players playing that Tianya Mingyue Dao? ? ?

The heart is that big!
If you don't play well, you won't fight anymore. With the name of a professional player, you can start a live broadcast, and you can earn millions a year. Whoever loves to play will play!

This is today's professional circle, a professional circle corrupted by money. Maybe there are still many good guys who don't forget their original aspirations, but how many are there?
The room was dark without the lights on, and Abu’s figure seemed so insignificant in the darkness. Fortunately, the direction he looked at was still brightly lit, and there were faint keyboard taps coming from inside. The sound made the corners of Abu's mouth slowly draw a hint of width.

"Our lads are no worse than them!"

(End of this chapter)

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